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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. Gilmore got toasted then facemasked the receiver on the underthrow. May get credited for a pass defensed
  2. This is 3/4 games where tryod has gone bad in the first half.
  3. I still don't understand why NFL Europe has not returned. US fans want to watch their teams' players and extra football. Europe messes it. The league needs it to develop QBs refs and better play in general. And the league is filthy rich. What are they saving by not having it, a few hundred $million?
  4. It's good our pass rush is still respected even though the stats are bad. The offense has to pay some kind of price for having to pass quick. Doesn't press coverage work in this situation?
  5. All I know about cundiff is that he misses lots of critical kicks. Gnawing that Hopkins was sitting there waiting for a call before week 1.
  6. The fumbler that you don't know is better than the fumbler that you know.
  7. Yeah. If only Preston, Nigel, Cordy, Robert played to their rookie promise we would have won easily. There it is, leads the whole league in passes defensed http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/player/_/stat/defense/sort/passesDefended
  8. Well dustin Hopkins was sitting there waiting for a call before the season opener. Now he's 6/6 for tge skins.
  9. that's the one positive from today TT staying in pocket and avoiding sacks with eyes downfield. Really impressed. Really got killed by not having sammy. Harvin and woods need the best DBs on sammy to be successful.
  10. If he had played up to the promise of his first two seasons would have already been in. He struggled with nagging injuries after his first few years.
  11. Now that you mention it Fitz put together nearly a full year of good stats between the end of 2010 and beginning of 2011. His rating was around 100 at the top of the league during that time frame spanning two different seasons. Then he signed the contract and had one more good game before everything went south.
  12. I am sick of both of these guys always injured especially sammy. Something was tweaked every game last year.
  13. I'm as excited as anyone about the prospect of Tyrod being the guy. Defenses are just beginning to build a book on him and there are many that fade out of the league quickly defenses start taking away their best stuff. Just from the bills look at Doug Fluties drop off between 98 and 99, Losman had a promising year in 06, Trent fooled everyone for over a year (bill Walsh saw something in the.kid...). Fitz was awarded a big contract based on a 5 game sample under Chans system. Late this year we may have serious discussions about whether Tyrod is any good. It won't be until 2017 until we' have a really good idea
  14. Good play to loop and use as your screen saver
  15. More evidence that this year is our best and perhaps only chance to win the whole Enchaleda
  16. They should go to a possession arrow like the NBA. Whenever someone fumbles out of bounds anywhere on the field or end zone possession is awarded according to the arrow. Will make the game more exciting all around and big comebacks more possible. Team running out the clock could lose possession by the ball getting punched OB from a ball carrier.
  17. Ironically, as bad as our D was getting shredded it was respect for our D that prevented NE from going ball control to run out the clock. They could not slow the game down out of respect for our D. That's how we got back in the.game.
  18. That rocket arm and extended play ability are a potentially lethal combination - Being able it throw a 30-40 yard dart on a broken play when a receiver breaks free for a second leaves no time for a reaction with the ball in the air.
  19. The Schwartz D worked well against Brady for the one quarter he played in NE last year. That's what Rex was thinking.
  20. I love all the early season arguments people make based on sample sizes that are way too small.
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