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Everything posted by BuckyFillUps

  1. I gotta go with Joe Montana.
  2. and I thought I was special...... I hope you get better soon.
  3. nope. Im like an STD you can get rid of.
  4. not its not and quote me properly if youy feel smart enough to use quotation marks.
  5. pleased to meet you too. name calling is a violation of TOS.
  6. I'd go Harvin then Maclin. I highly doubt there would be lynch mobs @ OBD. Thats SLIGHTLY dramatic. I think DHB will be around in the early 2nd and he shouldbe the WR pick.
  7. my wife is home. she ruins sundays with chores and vital trips to walmart.
  8. I renewd. I like to drink in lot1, sue me.
  9. I agree, congress is a major problem. They cant work within their own party let alone reach across the aisle. Save the litany on lynching. Just because 43% of white males voted for Obama doesnt mean racism is dead by any means. The "equal but special" treatment that vocal members of the aforementioned minority demand will anger most levelheaded individuals untill the perceived double standard corrects itself.
  10. best post I have read today. props to you!!
  11. Dont hate him for speaking the truth.
  12. sweet. Tarantino rocks.
  13. I aint the one dropping n-bombs hommie. actually, I voiced an opinion. a popular one actually. I didnt spout hatespeak (such an orwellian term i must say) or say "kill that(insert racial or ethnic slur here)" The originall post of this thread was asking for thoughts on an honest to goddness Islamic law from the Koran and its relation to Obama. Keep it Pithy.
  14. You mistook me. He would look good at the end of his rope. You know, nowhere to go, begging the american people for forgiveness for dragging them in socialism, wasting nearly a trillion dollars on jobs that wont exist or wont last. Failed social programs that are more marxist than american, lining the pocket of constituents, yadayadayada. No recourse but a solemn admississon of guilt and defeat. Hanging is soooooo pre 1865. Get with the times. also, I cant beleive the swear filter allowed you to say "sand.....n-word". LOL.
  15. I aint no raghead. although I think Obama would look great at the end of a rope.
  16. (cough,cough, OBAMA, cough cough)
  17. look at our current president. I bet he is afraid of the "button" which IMHO is much worse.
  18. another teams junk?! get his arse here!!! he'll fit right in.
  19. does he have a high motor? that sells in b-flo!!!
  20. make em illegal. that simple.
  21. Vinny is dumber than a bucket of bleu cheese. I think he would make a SICK tight end tho.
  22. thanks. hope so too. me and the wife would like to sleep tonight. as would the boy.
  23. i wondered when the chairman of all things douchebag would interject his wisdom. were you busy blowing out your candles?
  24. using stupidity to incite "reactionists" is a good way to entertain myself on a day when i 'm home with my sick child. thanks.
  25. here we go again. listen, meetings are tuesday nites. 3rd hedgerow on the left. look for the fire.
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