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Everything posted by BuckyFillUps

  1. Heyward-Bey is a 2nd round steal waiting to happen. A little green, but in a year or two he'll perform
  2. WHY DO WE HAVE TO TRADE OUR 1ST ROUND PICK TO GET AN UNRESTRICTED FREE AGENT? WHAT AM I MISSING HERE? Sorry, we will never get the most desired player at ANY position in free agency. never have never will. I'd say, L.J. Smith is our guy, always injured, near the end of his carreer, practically useless, he's our man. Prove me wrong.
  3. Never Happen. When is the last time Ralph won a bidding war for a top teir FA? (crickets) Yeah back then.
  4. We have the best punt returner in NCAA history. and he serves a purpose elsewhere on the field. You cant say that about Parrish. I love Roscoe, but If we could move him, why the flip not?
  5. We have the best punt returner in NCAA history. and he serves a purpose elsewhere on the field. You cant say that about Parrish. I love Roscoe, but If we could move him, why the flip not?
  6. puhhhhhhleease. marcus stroud is the epitome of 2nd teir. that same FA class had Jenkins, and Rogers. marcus Stroud was a top DT 5 years ago. He's on the same page as schoeble. He's a big name has-been brought in to quell the masses. If we were willing to pay for TG, he'd be here. This franchise is like the movie groundhog day.
  7. Ralph is coasting and we are suffering for it. We Will Not move up in the draft. WE Will Not bring in anything better than 2nd tier talent in FA. WE Will Not be competative in our division Something drastic needs to happen. We all know what it is. No one lives forever.
  8. Willis McGahee. LOL!!!! I'd say The best football player is POZ. The biggest playmaker is Mushmouth Mckelvin, even if I cant understand 80% of what he says.
  9. amen. with no distinct superstars here, I'd say anyone is "bait" at this point. should the right offer arise, we should jump on it
  10. If I wanted to hear from an anus I'd fart. It was 2 different senarios. Why would we draft Pettigrew if we had Winslow? Try reading before reacting.
  11. Crabtree or Harvin would give us a playmaker we Lack. Harvin can line up at @ QB, RB and Im told he's a pretty darned good WR too. Crabtree is a beast. He just looks like an expensive version of Stevie Johnson. Plus, he's gone by pick 7. bank on it. LOVE Brandon Pettigrew. any TE that can make plays downfield is a great. this guy has it all.
  12. How About Trade Mcgee to a team that has a good TE and needs a strting CB? MAybe to the browns for the discontented Winslow? Jason Peters to the 49ers for Vernon davis and a 3rd? Roscoe for a 3rd sounds good, I love the 'lil guy and all but he never turned into a "welker" and with Mckelvin and Jackson we are still ok @ PR. Didnt Roscoe get a raise this year? another stupid move from a stupid front office. IN reality we would make LEAPS forward if we do something like this: Cut Denney. Give Shouman the boot Ko must go, Re-sign Greer, move Mcgee to SS, let Leodis, Jabari, Ashton and Reggie duke it out at camp for starting spots. Give Suggs whatever he wants to come here. seriously. Schoeble isnt done, but his days as the premier pass rusher are dun. He would flourish on the other side of Suggs Either resign Crowell, or bring in Bart Scott. If we do these things.... we can... A. Draft 2 playmakers in round one and two. Mainly Harvin @ 11 and Pettigrew in the 2nd. B. Get a good Center like A.Q Shipley in rd3 C. draft a good LB in the 4th to complement Bowen on the depth chart (either DiGi or Ellison will leave via FA) D. Draft a suitable backup to Trent.
  13. The best of jenna jameson. Fear and Loathing In LasVegas Battlefield Earth
  14. realistically, how good do you all think he will be this year? He showed alot of promise last year, but wasnt that great(in trents defense, when compared to JP, when he dropped back to pass, I didnt cringe..)
  15. I want that helmet to be our fulltime helmet. Oh, and I nearly peed my self with the OJ jab.
  16. I cant wait till she alienates the whole party as she falls, clawing and grabbing for anything she can, like the unscrupulous B word we as new yorkers know her as.
  17. I just puked a wee bit. The south will rise again and all this talk of obama will be a mere memory in december. try again dems......
  18. I quit last novmber using chantix. aside from the naseum and the the completly f-ed up dreams, it works wonders. I got drunk a month or so ago( I get drunk alot but this was special) and tried a smoke. I was ripped on nicotine!!! completly stoned. I felt mad guilty afterwards and havent smoked since but that was on helluva buzz.....
  19. As long as hillary loses this election for the dems, who gives a poo?
  20. how much do you think the top CB will get for his rokkie contract? 21mil?
  21. Fat wife, who cares? get plastered.
  22. our crockpot is cira 1970 i think.
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