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Everything posted by VOR

  1. Come on. He's just being a "realist." Seriously though, he's been calling it like he sees it, and hasn't shirked from criticizing the Bills. He's no Bills homer.
  2. I know you're not picking on me. But merely going off of Juan Castillo sounds like the poster last year (what WAS his name again?) who said that if the Jags were willing to trade Stroud, they knew he was finished, because "they know defense." I've been saying that time will tell who got the better end of the deal. But Peters has ENORMOUS pressure to live up to his deal, in a place where he'll be eaten alive the first time he screws-up. And issues of injury and motivation will always be there.
  3. The Rams and Bungles have the cap room, and as I said, will have to spend AT LEAST as much on their rookie LT's as the Eagles will on Peters. So the cap room/handicapping the future arguments are moot. As for the attitude, if it's so poor (and I agree it is), he's not "all that great" a LT now, is he? Which was the point. Those teams had concerns about him to the point where they'd rather spend a MUCH higher draft pick and the same or more money on a wholly unproven player.
  4. That's just it. It's all funny/Monopoly money. "Just take it from the taxpayers" says Mr. or Mrs. uninsured, and the Dems. And to make matters worse, it won't be just 50M being insured. With the (laughable) $750/year/worker penalty to company owners for failing to provide health insurance (which costs tens of thousands of dollars per worker/year), more company owners will take the "penalty" and have their workers take the government option. Basically just the richest 10-15% (for argument's sake, we'll say about 50M) will have private insurance while the remaining 250M will be supported by the taxpayers. And if the (woefully underestimated) projection for covering 50M is $1T...
  5. That was Joe D's conclusion as well.
  6. Having 5 guys who give a fig will make a difference. I don't feel that either Peters or Dockery did, while Fowler and Preston didn't have the talent level, period.
  7. I was more going with the "not all that great" part rather than the "just a pretty decent tackle" part.
  8. Sigh. Here is what you quoted: Where in the above do you see "he's not a good player?"
  9. OMG! Big Ben raped Shaq? Oh, wait a minute...
  10. After the NFL hurriedly destroyed the tapes and proclaimed "nothing more to see here," no, there wasn't much. That is, outside of lame attempts to claim that the "cheating didn't mean much and everyone did it," despite the harsh penalty for it, despite it going on for 8 years, despite it continuing after being warned about it, despite no else being implicated... But hey, here we have a SMOKING GUN regarding what the media will or won't try to sell you depending on their agenda. And this most likely came from the NFL themselves (whether you choose to believe or not it is immaterial). Is it a "conspiracy?" Ooooooh!
  11. LOL! Come on Thurm, that's about as laughable as Mr. WEO claiming he's not a Patriots fan. Actions speak louder than words, and you've taken every opportunity to defend Peters, to the point of suggesting that the Bills turned down better offers than just the 5th-to-last pick in the 1st round for him, while teams took gambles on unproven rookies with higher picks and contracts. And regardless of how well he played in 2007, the fact remain that he's been injured in each of the last 2 seasons, severely enough to miss the Pro Bowl (which is what his goal is), and he's displayed an inexcusably poor attitude. His inflated ego has him believing that he's the best LT in the game, and as another poster said, he'll likely be looking for another huge payday in 2 years, should he make the Pro Bowl again. The Bills thought they were doing him a favor and a good thing when they gave him a new deal after 2 years, but apparently it created a monster. As for the current O-line, I'd feel much more comfortable with what I've been saying, i.e. Walker and Butler at their previous positions, Hangartner at C, whichever rookie wins the LG spot, and Bell, or Chambers, at LT. That's the least amout of change, and inexperience playing, although it has a rookie playing next to Bell, which might be what they want to avoid.
  12. Actually he was a class act. But hey, that's the hypocrisy that is Superfan Mr. WEO.
  13. Not the meds he should have been on.
  14. Gee, not unlike what happened with Spygate.
  15. Solution? Kill off the sick and old.
  16. Christi Paul
  17. Try he wouldn't have risked everything raping her. He may have had consensual sex with her. But there isn't even any proof of that.
  18. Bingo! Then again, (homemade) salad costs SO much.
  19. Take it for what it is: entertainment. That being said, I don't plan on watching it.
  20. Sorry, but if you've seen the chicks Big Ben has dated, there is NO WAY he raped this one. Sometimes these cases need to be put through the "reality check" first, before they go anywhere.
  21. Justin Jenkins was with TO in Philly in 2004 and 2005, and he said the stuff about him disrupting the lockerroom was total BS. And it's a wonder that more, hell ANY, teammates haven't come out and publically bashed him. The bottom line is, respect is a two-way street. You don't give it, you don't get it.
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