Compared to the Hitler-TO video, that many seemed to think was the greatest thing since sliced bread (I thought it was okay...back 7 years ago when I first saw it when it was about Bledsoe being traded to the Bills), the production values aren't even close. But that video, as I said, was taken from a Hollywood movie and someone pasted subtitles on it. Not too hard to do and it didn't take much creativity, outside of coming-up with a funny line or two. If you can get past the production values and rap song, this video is actually a pretty good satire of the "TO is a cancer" saga, as well as being a creative piece of work for the reasons I mentioned. Maybe if the creator had more time and resources, or could have taken a pre-made film and rap over it, it would look as glitzy as the other one.
Welcome to the world of celebrities, Sen. They are who they are because of what they are. Many are insecure and self-centered, mostly from troubled upbringings. If you read TO's autoiography, you'd realize that the kid had several strikes against him from the start. But he managed to make something of himself. He's a great player and he's never been in legal trouble, which more than a few people here these days seem to think are the most important things (witness the attitudes towards JP and Lynch). Except when said player is a "media whore."
My advice is to stop worrying about his off-field stuff, unless it involves legal action taken against him. Concern yourself more with his on-field performance.