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Everything posted by VOR

  1. Well, it's better to be pissed off, than pissed on. Think about that, Whosyourmama!
  2. She's apparently had some work done on her since then. Assuming that's her in the pic above. That and the other pics I've seen are about as different and the Andrea McNulty ones.
  3. You must have missed the indefinite suspension Goodell gave to Stallworth, for his first-time offense. And Lynch's traffic ticket isn't an offense. And I had a feeling Goodell was going to feel some sort of political pressure to give him just a slap on the wrist.
  4. Do we need to go over this again?
  5. If this doesn't prove what a 'tard Goodell is...
  6. The cop was apparently a profiling expert. That's pathetic.
  7. Outside of continuing to pay them less, and seeing less of them accept new Medicare and Medicaid patients, what would you propose?
  8. It's also not as cheap and easy as it sounds.
  9. I heard they saw and smelled pot. Oh, wait...
  10. Screw that! If I'm paying for someone's health care, I want to see their records.
  11. Public support is waning BECAUSE the health care option plan is crap. People are slowly beginning to realize that it's an albatross and not the cure-all BO is claiming it will be. And without the ability to get it passed on a moment's notice, details of it will be made known, and especially to those who will have to vote on it. And even many members of his own party don't agree with it. I have no doubt he thought he could get this passed quickly, giving lip service to the "bipartisan" angle.
  12. Is this is truly a liberal versus conservative issue? And how assured is it that the SCOTUS will rule for the NFL?
  13. No problem. Sorry for losing it.
  14. Is the CBO infallible when making predictions?
  15. Are people just stupid? Can they not read what has been written just a FEW posts before?
  16. I'd plan to cheat. The ends justify the mean, you know, and anyone who says otherwise is just jealous and a child. Lalalalalalalalala...
  17. Hmmmm...Nah! It's actually quite comedic having him around.
  18. No, the reason he wants to get it down now is congressional elections happen in November of 2010, and he was hoping the Democratic majority would get this passed with no problem and without having it become a plank of Democratic incumbent congressional re-election platforms.
  19. They may have to in this case. Hopefully at least a couple more 1st rounders close to the 11th spot get signed, to at least give them some parameters.
  20. According to the article linked by Mr. WEO, she sided with MLB players during the work stoppage of 1995.
  21. Agree about Seals (who averaged a shade under 3 sacks a season with the Bills). But not sure what you were trying to get at with Schobel, since he equalled Hansen's career sack total (61.5 sacks) in 98 games (6 seasons and 2 games) and surpassed him in his 99th game, while Hansen played 156 games over 11 seasons for the Bills.
  22. More stellar journalism. The majority of draft picks aren't signed, especially first-rounders, yet it's "news" that Maybin may miss the start of (the Bills' early-starting) camp. I guess there hasn't been enough negative TO news to talk about. And the Bills aren't going to break ranks and sign Maybin without the guys slotted near them signing. They don't want to overpay and be criticized by the other teams, and the players' agent doesn't want to potentially get too little and be criticized by the other agents.
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