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Everything posted by VOR

  1. You don't say. When you know me, then you can talk about what I would or wouldn't have said. Simple generalizations (your brilliant "if this were a Dolphins or Patriots player..." comment) will get you burned.
  2. Well since you're bringing this up, as long as Hardy didn't do anything to take him off the football field, how does this incident (or his earlier one with his girlfriend) affect you? Does it embarrass you? So what? He plays for your favorite football team and that's it. It's not like he's you or that you're condoning his behavior because he's on your favorite football team. I'm sure there were more than a few Bills players you've disliked (and had the internet been around for most of Bruce's early career...) but who you tolerated because they were good players, or even co-workers. The notion that pro athletes are role models died with that Charles Barkley commercial. Or it should have. I don't care about what Hardy does off the field just as long as it doesn't take him away from the field, and as long as he produces. I don't care if my boys read that he beat-up his girlfriend or brandished a gun. If they had a problem with it, they'd come talk to me. They wouldn't start emulating that behavior because I taught them differently. And I look at JP for the flip-side of this. Here is a guy who bought a house in downtown and had made efforts to clean-up the city, but people treat him like a red-headed stepchild because the Bills have been bad while he's been a starter. Why the double-standard? I think you know why.
  3. Well if it's going to happen soon, hold your breath until it does.
  4. Right, just like I'd "excoriate" Fred Davis for sleeping through practice or Malcolm Kelly for dogging it. Oh, wait.
  5. You believe anything Belchick says? You shouldn't.
  6. I agree. It was legitimate all the way and to and including them losing in the Superbowl. If Ryan's aim were to try and claim that last year proves anything other than they can't win the Superbowl without cheating, he failed. Those Superbowl-winning teams had far less talent that last year's team, yet won...barely.
  7. You're right. Let's execute him now.
  8. I won't get into a "Marshawn is better than Adrian" thing, but Peterson had a far better run-blocking O-line.
  9. That's because I wasn't. As I said, almost every other NFL city's taxpayers paid for their football team's new stadium AND are paying higher prices than before. It's a double-whammy. What's to be grateful over?
  10. I'd say that as a deterrent to further escalation, pulling out your weapon is a very rational response. I highly doubt that dad said "Hi son!" and junior whipped out his piece.
  11. "Irrational anger?" I think his anger is very rational, being the product of an embarrassment of a father who was never there because he was locked-up and/or high and/or on the lam. If he were "irrational," he would have bust a cap in dad's behind, or at the least hit him. But no matter which way you look at it, it's sad.
  12. Yeah, why would the NFL care about their image? Why should it try to protect their latest "dynasty" from allegations that they cheated their way to 3 SB wins? I wonder. Come on Steely, you're smarter than this.
  13. And this is different from other NFL cities...how? And the Bills' prices are the lowest in the NFL, so it's not like taxpayers are paying for a new $800M stadium and then being charged top-10 prices, like in Houston or Chicago.
  14. Yes, and there aren't serious questions about the league.
  15. Antowain joined the Patri*ts prior to the 2001 season.
  16. Please. His son was inadvertently hit, and barely touched at that. And his father didn't have any signs of injury, which is why the police dropped the case (not to mention the unreliability of the "witness" and no one else willing to give testimony). I guess some would call brandishing a weapon "violent," but I certainly wouldn't, and given dad's history, he probably wouldn't either. And as for the incident with the girlfriend, she was described as having red marks on the side and back of her neck. That sounds like he grabbed her. While that's violent in nature, it's not exactly hauling-off an punching her. And it happened 2 years ago. You'd figure that if he couldn't help himself, he'd have "hit" her again sometime within the past 2 years. True Hardy has some issues to work out. But to start a "countdown to arrest" is premature.
  17. So what if Ralph doesn't sell naming rights for (and I'm being generous here) $2M a year? What business is it of yours? How does it affect YOU as a fan? The answer is, it doesn't, so stop talking about it like it's taking money that's been taken away from you. Oh wait, it "embarrasses you." Grow a pair, children. The new CBA was practically a death knell for the Bills. What gets me is that the owners were more than willing to give ~5% more to the players to "keep labor peace" despite the cries of the Wilson and Brown, but when it came to subsidizing the lower revenue teams, it was "we need to see more effort on your part." Gee Danny, Bobby, and Jerry, maybe if you hadn't taken it up the backside by the NFLPA, Ralph wouldn't have to be "whining," would he? What's even more funny is, after tapping into new revenue streams (i.e. Toronto), Ralph is getting blasted even more. Enjoy the Bills while they last. The more time passes, the more I realize that Ralph WAS a fool for keeping the team in Buffalo so long in the face of a largely ungrateful bunch of fans, and that the Bills aren't long for the area once he dies.
  18. Actually the Commish stated that Walsh was in Patri*ts gear in full view of everyone, and thus Martz knew and had no problem with him being there. Now Martz is denying that, and it only makes sense what he WOULD remove anyone wearing Patri*ts gear, meaning that Walsh was there illegally. So something SHOULD be done.
  19. No comments on this? IMHO this is huge and something which should lead to forfeiture of their first SB win.
  20. I think I'll start to worry when Hardy actually gets arrested, because that will take him off the field. The notion of athletes being role models went the way of the dinosaur.
  21. This: http://re3.yt-thm-a01.yimg.com/image/25/m5/3195675964
  22. When I first heard that Matt Walsh was in Patri*ts gear on the sidelines during the Rams' walkthrough, I thought that it was highly suspect, but was waiting to hear from Martz. Well he finally denied that Walsh was in Patri*ts gear, otherwise he would have thrown him out. This is little different from taping the walkthrough. Looks like the NFL is getting caught in their own web of lies. How pathetic. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football...per_stupor.html
  23. And it still doesn't answer why, if it truly means little, did the Patri*ts continue to do it for 8 years, especially after getting caught and warned? Also, why was Walsh instructed to conceal what he was doing, if it was simply a "misinterpretation of the rules?" I think we all know the answer.
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