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Everything posted by VOR

  1. Can you repair a snowball with stitches? If you had your music blaring at full volume with the bass turned up, could you still hear it? Yeah, right.
  2. Okay, let's play devil's advocate here. What difference does it make to you? Do you know the woman he (allegedly) hit? Are you worried that you'll get hit by him at 3:30 some weekend morning? Does he represent you personally? Is he a role model? Do you think he owes you anything? I gotta hear these answers.
  3. I'll do that, minus putting up the poster. Until there's proof otherwise.
  4. Good point. It's wholly OUT of the realm of possibility that if the driver (whether Marshawn or someone else) didn't see the woman while she was crossing the road, he saw her as she was flying off his bumper. I'm also sure a (approximately) 140# woman's hip hitting a 2 ton car's fender makes a hellacious sound and produces a noticeable bump, especially in the rain and while making a turn.
  5. Cold weather won't start until past the halfway mark, if even. If suspended by Goodell, Marshawn wouldn't miss more than half the season, if any game.
  6. Interesting theory. But highly unlikely that he was driving (I don't disagree that he might have been in the car, though). What I heard was that Marshawn's cousin was driving. I'd like to know if he looks like Marshawn and/or has dreads.
  7. Wait, what about asking for forgiveness on one's deathbed? Man, those rules on divine forgiveness sure are confusing. Not that there is a god. Oh wait, did I just let that slip?
  8. I hope the Raiders get money back for every fumble he has. That will make the contract more reasonable.
  9. LOL! Nevermind all the injuries.
  10. My bet is he isn't suspended at all.
  11. They're all under the same mistake. A second mistake would Marshawn hitting somone, knowing he hit someone, and leaving the scene intentionally, of which BTW, none have been proven.
  12. In Allen's case, he got nailed for a repeated offense, not to mention within a short timespan. I can see Marshawn playing the "I didn't know I hit her" angle and not facing a suspension.
  13. The point wasn't to compare the two. It was to say that neither is a desirable quality.
  14. Actions speak louder than words. If they were trying to flee from a H&R, that car would have been anywhere BUT in Marshawn's driveway. Why everyone wants to assume the worst is what's more troubling, not to mention the "string him up, I'm done with him" attitude. I'd no more want to hang with someone who lacks forgiveness and compassion than with someone who truly hits someone and leaves them for dead. But two things I want to know are, does the videotape of the intersection show enough footage to see if the car is swerving (i.e. suggesting the driver is drunk) and does Marshawn's cousin look like him and have dreads?
  15. It's a disease. Benson needs help.
  16. After thinking about it further, I believe your scenario is probably what happened. That is, with the conditions (rainy, taking a turn, music blaring), the driver didn't realize he hit her and didn't see her because she fell down (although she probably didn't hit her head, which could explain why she wasn't backboarded, but that's still a mistake on the EMT's part if he took her word for it). The fact that the car was found in the driveway and not in the garage or elsewhere also suggests that the driver was unaware of what happened. Why keep silent? Because there WILL be a civil suit, or at least the threat of one.
  17. Send him to jail and throw away the key! How dare he...oh wait, he didn't get into legal trouble. Nevermind.
  18. Wow, every, and I mean EVERY, Bills fan is coming down hard on Andrews. I mean, just look at all the replies condemning him! You've no doubt heard the words "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," right Tipster? Are you claiming that you or your loved ones are as pure as the driven snow?
  19. The Jets are always a tough team for AFC East opponents. But the Bills are better.
  20. The original thread was idiotic. Dredging-it-up and trying to make a point off of that is even moreso.
  21. Wow, way to dredge-up a worthless thread as a way to continue your inane crusade. Bravo!
  22. Since we don't know all the facts, and we're all jumping to conclusions anyway, I'll take one known fact and go off of that: the woman wasn't backboarded at the scene and was actually allowed to walk to the ambulance. If you know anything about EMS, you backboard a victim who fell and hit the ground, even if it's just suspected, and ask questions later, allowing a doctor to clear the C-spine. Since she wasn't, apparently she didn't fall. So then the driver probably didn't think he hit her and/or didn't think he hit her hard. And obviously with the minimal severity of the injuries, that proved to be the case. Then again, I guess she COULD have had the only EMT in the world to not know that you backboard every suspected fall victim...
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