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Everything posted by VOR

  1. A stud LT is of greater value than every other position except for QB and DE. So in that light, Peters deserves more.
  2. In the last paragragh though, Clayton says "The offense will be a mix of Air Coryell and Wyche." Air Coryell is Martz/Fairchild and Wyche is, well, Wyche.
  3. Also try kayak.com
  4. The only thing that matters is the depth chart at the start of the season.
  5. Go to Southwest.com and download the "ding."
  6. Anything is possible. But if anyone other than Marshawn were driving, I'd say it was Steve Johnson. He seems more level-headed in that he might not drive if he were impaired (although admittedly I don't know much about him other than the videos I've seen of him) and he's got the same hairstyle as Marshawn, which could have confused the witnesses who allegedly saw Marshawn in the driver's seat. And since he and Marshawn go back to the Bay Area together, IMO Marshawn would me more likely to give him the keys than Hardy.
  7. Ralph Wilson won't be subpoenaed. This per the DA, Frank Clark.
  8. What a shame. Too young.
  9. There's no fine line/gray area. It's the same exact thing. Both places make money from you drinking at their venues. But there are other ways for them to make money, like food, merchandise, entertainment, etc. Unless the place was packed to the gills and Lynch was taking-away a seat from someone who was going to order tons of drinks, it is as much as issue for the bar owner as it is the concert/sporting event owner/promoter/whathaveyou. The alternative is NOT going to that bar, and for a celeb like Lynch, who probably draws people by his presence, it's a bigger hit for the bar to take because he likely won't be going back there ever again and will trash it whenever someone mentions it. All this shows is he's cheap. And as someone said, you'd be surprised at how many rich people are cheap in this manner. It affects no one except for those who feel people are obligated to spend money just because they have it.
  10. Good point and one that I didn't realize. Schobel got a reworked deal because Kelsay was re-signed to huge deals. In the same vein, Peters should have received a new deal after they signed Dockery.
  11. Come on! It's obvious the driver was drunk, knew he hit the woman, and sped off because he was drunk.
  12. I heard that Hardy was the 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll.
  13. That could be the case. Again Marshawn doesn't know the law and his lawyer does, so him leaving it up to his lawyer makes sense. To a point.
  14. And my driving record!
  15. True, but rational doesn't mean intelligent, obviously. Blaring, playing, to "ghetto punks" it's the same thing. But I'm still waiting to hear how they knew they hit her. Hell even "a law enforcement official" offered that excuse after recounting the circumstances.
  16. That report was from Paul Hamilton. Take it with a grain of salt.
  17. Oh, the irony! Are you for real? How, by being in the car (as if his being there was the reason for the H&R) and not wanting to give-up a teammate that he'll be playing alongside for at least the next 4 years? And I'm not the one who suggested he was driving a veteran player's $100K car. Hardy assaulted his girlfriend. He was 19 and made a mistake, he admitted to making a mistake, and hasn't had another incident like that in the 9 years he's know his girlfriend, or in the 2 years since it happened. He may have pulled a gun on his dad. Dad doesn't want to press charges and both claim there was no gun. And these lead you to write-off Hardy forever? As I said elsewhere, these guys aren't role models and don't represent you or your team, except on the field. People have this fantasy that they're something they're not. Let me tell you a story. About 15 years ago, myself and my now-wife-then-girlfriend were pulling out of a Burger King. The problem was that there was a "no left turn" sign and it was a hassle to make a right turn and then do a uey. Since the road was empty, I decided to take the left turn. Well wouldn't you know it, a cop happened to be hiding out down the road, saw it, and proceeded to pull me over. He was polite, I was polite, and I thought that honesty would be the best policy, so when he asked if I saw the sign, I said "yes officer." He wrote me a ticket even thought the road was empty and there was no danger to myself or anyone else. Like yours, my story isn't H&R. But given where Lynch grew up, the hassles he's been getting from the police department over the past year, and the advice of his legal counsel, who knows a lot more about these situations than any of us, I don't totally blame him for handling things the way he has.
  18. LOL! Facts. Okay chief, the fact is we don't know who was driving and whether they knew they hit the woman. The "facts" support that they didn't, more than they support that they knew they hit her, kept on their merry way, and parked the car in the driveway like everything was okay. And I guess it's a real stretch to think they were playing music and not sitting there in dead silence.
  19. Hardy needs to be arrested. That was the bet. You can talk about the "spirit" of the bet all you want. And please, you actually think Marshawn would give the keys to a rookie? Much less take the fall for him?
  20. That's what I'm betting happened. Rainy, dark, music blaring (likely), some drunk chick putting on a show in the road/on the sidewalk, the car never slows down (as in a "WTF was that?" kind of way) and the car is found in Marshawn's driveway in plain sight, not hidden like someone trying to flee from a crime would do.
  21. Marshawn's lawyer attempted to plead-down the charges beforehand and was rebuffed. If anyone set themselves down this path, it was the DA. Lynch wasn't going to and still wouldn't do jailtime if he's convicted (which he won't without proof he was driving), so why wouldn't the DA accept the deal? The victim will get her money either way.
  22. You need talent to make it to the NFL. You need hard work to succeed because everyone there has talent.
  23. Why? In "the oakland," does everyone bring alcohol with them to bars?
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