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Everything posted by VOR

  1. Again, where is the proof he was drinking, much less driving drunk? Sorry but failing to say "I wasn't drunk" and not addressing why he didn't come to the door don't constitute evidence. Why has no one come forward and said they saw him drinking? Answer me this without a "because everyone is trying to protect him" and I'll find reasons why he didn't mention all the things he didn't do.
  2. Ever heard of a lawyer?
  3. If this were going to be a plea bargain since day one, why wasn't this deal offered on day one? Why did it take 3 weeks? Obviously if Caffery is accepting the deal now, he would have done so 4 weeks ago IF IT WERE OFFERED. Clark overplayed his hand, thinking he had more than he did, and when he found out he didn't, he started threatening to subpoena everyone. And the original charge would have been the worst class (A) of misdemeanor. That's just a step below a felony. It's a large jump from that to a simple traffic ticket. So unless you're claiming that Clark perverted justice, the case is what it is.
  4. LOL! Because the story used just his account and his name? That means the others didn't? Please. Again the DA didn't accept Shpeley's account of what happened. If he did, he wouldn't have agreed to a plea bargain to what amounts to a slap on the wrist.
  5. Why did the DA refute the "the driver slowed down and then stopped" claims by Shpeley and her friends then?
  6. I answered your question. He could have said all the things he WASN'T doing that night. And no one has come forward and said that he was drinking that night. On the contrary, one witness said he was just drinking water. So again I ask you, WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE THAT HE WAS DRINKING?
  7. Are you for real? For what situation do you think a jury would award more money: someone getting hitting accidentally or by a drunk driver? And again, what evidence is there that Lynch was drinking, much less drunk? Are you saying that everyone who goes to a bar always drinks? Or that everyone who leaves a bar is always drunk?
  8. You can think and suggest whatever you wish. There's that pesky something called "evidence" though that makes it supposition and not fact.
  9. He didn't say he was smoking pot either. Or dropping acid. Or snorting coke.
  10. Yep. And Cambria said that the texts contained no incriminating evidence. Criminal case solved and over. Next up the civil case. I suspect we might see this go to trial because she'll want a bigger payday than Lynch is willing to give.
  11. You've heard of the saying "methinks the lady doth protest too much," right?
  12. We all know he was facing a civil trial regardless, because it was his car that struck and since it wasn't reported stolen, he's responsible for it. Since he admitted to being the driver but not knowing he hit her, it's a far different situation from knowing he hit her and/or being drunk and fleeing the scene. One is an accident, the other is criminal behavior and theoretically subject to greater compensation.
  13. After thinking about if further, Lynch apologizing profusely would lead me to believe he was guilty of being drunk or knowing he hit her and leaving. By saying he was sorry he hit her and not dwelling on it, it's sayin "I didn't mean to hit you, sorry."
  14. This statement is basically a written form of showing-up to court in a suit. It's a public statement and it can't contain "Marshawn-speak." And as has been said, there's still a civil trial and he can't dwell on apologizing to the heavens because it could possibly affect the outcome.
  15. Reportedly his license was suspended.
  16. Fine, I stand corrected.
  17. Really? Like...what? Do you think that if there were evidence, the DA would have accepted a plea deal for a traffic violation?
  18. That was in response to EA and eeo and their posts.
  19. I figured as much. I'm sure that if he were white, things would be different.
  20. "Marshawn-speak?" WTF is that? Did you think he'd write the statement like he writes his blogs? Have you ever seen a written statement from ANY player that sounds like they wrote it alone? What next, having less respect for someone because they show up to a legal proceeding in a suit instead of a T-shirt, jeans, and bling? And what did you want to hear from Marshawn, to show how genuinely sorry he was?
  21. http://media.buffalonews.com/smedia/2008/0...ffiliate.50.pdf
  22. BTW, the Bills are reportedly one of several teams that have shown interest in Bentley: Click Me!
  23. It's all good, as long as he runs over them and gets away with it.
  24. Lynch's defense is that he didn't know he hit her. The evidence supports this and there is no evidence that he was drinking, hence the plea deal. Given this and without being convicted for H&R, there is no way the NFLPA will allow Lynch to be suspended, if Goodell tries to do it.
  25. I'd rather take a chance on LeCharles Bentley.
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