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Everything posted by VOR

  1. Doubtful at best. Mr. WEO lives in his own world where assumptions, allegations, and suppositions reign, not facts.
  2. I remember reading that article back then. Pretty much confirmed what was being whispered about him at the time. And the media knows all!
  3. LOL! That game was "humiliating" for TO...why? Because the Cowboys lost, thanks to Bledsoe shitting the bed and being just a few games away from getting benched, permanently? Hey, whatever made-up argument you can come up with, sport! Then again, maybe that "cancerous" comment caused Romo to fumble the FG snap in the Seahawks playoff game that season, losing the game for them. Friggin' TO! It took as long as it did to count the number of postseason games that Garcia has appeared in since he left the 49'ers. And one of those seasons was in relief of McNabb with the Eagles, who were making the playoffs annually. He's as gay as TO was suicidal. Speaking of which, only in your warped little mind is it a crime to call someone gay, but it's okay to make fun of a (alleged) suicide attempt. Amazing. But hey, that's what we've come to expect from you in your short and entertaining time with us. But yeah, you're right. Garcia putting up good numbers by throwing to HOF WR's was all about him. While TO's been chugging along since parting ways with Garcia. Oh and Garcia is on his FIFTH team post-49'ers, which is two better (or worse) than TO, for those keeping score at home. Is it because he's a cancer, he sucks, or he's "been relegated to the back of the bus?" And don't make me laugh comparing Garcia to Kelly, Mr. "Bills fan." But let me ask: give me the list of people you think might be presenting Garcia at his HOF induction? What, you're done already? The "second year starting QB?" LOL! If Trent, who will be a 3rd year player and who has started 23 games in his 2 years in the league, can't put up a decent showing with TO, Evans, Reed, Lynch, Jackson, Fine, and Nelson, he's toast no matter what, get it? As for the "overmatched, dimwitted OC," if the Bills' offense sucks, his "overmatched, dimwitted" ass will be dumped. Same with Jauron's. And you think that that is a bad thing? Get your stories straight, pally, if not strengthen your impotent arguments. Once again, slowly, THERE IS NOTHING THAT T.O. CAN TO DO THE BILLS. True, I have a long way to go to match your "Flutie and Jeff Garcia are gods" campaign.
  4. I still find it interesting that despite this, only the Eagles offered anything substantial for Peters. I mean, if you were the Rams, wouldn't you rather trade your 2nd overall pick to the Bills and get "the best LT in the NFL" for less money than the wholly unproven #2 overall pick will be getting? What about the Bengals at 6th overall, who will have to spend the same amount for Andre Smith, a guy with major question marks? Why didn't the Giants (the only other team mentioned by name who was interested in Peters) offer their 29th overall pick and their 3rd rounder? I'm betting it's because of the cons you listed.
  5. Who cares what she says? The only things more vapid than celebrities are models. And beauty is truly only skin deep.
  6. Fair enough. But the O-line is more than just 1 player (the LT) and relies on more than just the 5 players who comprise it. While the LT position may have been downgraded (may have been, again compared to last year), the interior of the O-line looks like it could be much stronger come the midpoint of the season, if not sooner. And the addition of TO is a huge boost to the offense, and will force opposing defenses to stop committing 8 to the box, which takes pressure off the O-line. And it may just be that the Bills have the RB help-out on the left side, if not go for quicker-hitting pass plays.
  7. My bad on STATS being the official stat keeper. And just to clarify, I never claimed that sacks allowed was an official stat. True, but we don't know if Joyner even counted that as a "cleanly beaten" sack.
  8. Clady and Long weren't stars, but were near the top of the list for fewest sacks allowed. And if you want to continue down that path, Peters was a Pro Bowler (a "star") in 2007, so one could argue that he got the benefit of the doubt on some sacks that were never charged to him, making his true number even higher. But when a guy says that Peters was beaten one-on-one for 5.5 sacks, there's little room to start claiming bias or faulty methodology. And 5.5 sacks allowed, even if we say that no other LT was charged with a coverage sack, would still put him tied for 19th. As for hearing that another 5.5 sacks were "coverage" sacks, it doesn't make me say "well, he's not responsible for those, since he's not supposed to keep blocking his man for more than a couple seconds." Look, Peters had a poor season last year. I don't need sacks-allowed stats to tell me that. And hearing his justification for his poor play made me even more glad he's gone. It's a shame, but it is what it is. I wish him health, but I hope he fails miserably in Philly.
  9. The idea that nationalized health care will only cover 50M people is the biggest farce there is. For starters, estimates are that it will only cover a third of that. And if it does cover all 50M, you can be sure that employers will dump their employees into the national healthcare pool, and cause it to grow to well over 100M. Try keeping costs down for that!
  10. The methodology is "impartial" in that it doesn't have a bias for or against a particular player. And I'm sure that most of the other LT's were charged with "coverage/QB held the ball too long" sacks as well. But we all saw last year how many sacks JP surrendered that turned into fumbles and turnovers. The one in particular against the Jets was a game-loser. What got me was the inexcusably pathetic "hey, I'm only making $4M this year, who gives a f%#$?" excuse. And who is to say that if the Bills gave him the huge deal he watned, he still wouldn't have been pissed-off about 2008 and "let that affect him?" His attitude was wholly unprofessional, and that's the reason virtually no one on the Bills is sad to see him go.
  11. Look, we now have 2 separate sources who track sacks allowed, who have said that Peters surrendered over 11 sacks. There is a mystery 3rd site as well, or so I've been told. The methodology is impartial, so any inflated numbers would be attributable to every other LT, unless you think that they're "Peters haters" as well. Although you did reference a site (footballoutsiders.com) for their work on evaluating OL on their run-blocking, and the same guy who did that is the one who evaluated Peters' pass-blocking. In the link Lori provided. So you can't have it both ways.
  12. How many sacks charged to other LT's were coverage sacks? And even if there's good coverage, a "franchise LT's" man shouldn't be getting the sack. But I guess that's what Peters referred to when he said he got beat on "hustle plays," i.e. where the other guy was working harder than him.
  13. Judging by your debating skills, you'd be 5. I'm still waiting to hear how a mystery 3rd team and the Giants who never made an offer for Peters better than the 28th overall pick, demonstrates that Peters was highly-regarded around the league.
  14. Doesn't matter if you see it; they're moving, and sooner, rather than later.
  15. I guess you missed this post (#75): http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1464705
  16. There is a reason MJ wanted to have so much plastic surgery and change the way he looked: he didn't want to resemble his father at all. The man was and still is a dreg, and the link only proves that.
  17. Some people feel that Ralph "owes" them something.
  18. I meant he must be 12 if he thinks the Bills re-did Bruce's contract everytime he demanded more money. And there is still NO proof that Brandon said that Peters would NOT get a new contract in 2008.
  19. Do you know of any specific opportunities he's had? I figure that any of the expansion cities over the last 20 years or so were potential destinations for him that he never seriously considered, but I've never heard of anything concrete.
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