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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Dude he is obviously trolling . When small minded people run out of ideas that is what you get. School yard tactics.
  2. How about getting back to the security that we had under the Bush administration. How about calling this what is, a terrorist attack. Making DHS mean what it did a year ago. Not having paralysis by analysis. Profiling works. No attacks for 7 and half years and now 2 in 3 months under Obama's * administration. We are so PC and now have a Pres* that apologizes for our actions. Barry Obama* is making us weak. If we were a joke when GWB was in Office then we are comedy series with these clowns..the laughing stock of the world. The Prez.* is more worried about cramming a shady healthcare bill down our throats( where there is 66% opposition by the by) than creating jobs or stimulating the economy the right way or dealing with the all to real threat of global terrorism which comes from the same radical religion he himself is a part of. No wonder we wants to take it easy on Iraq, Iran and Afganistan. We all better wake up before it is to late. Mid-term elections in 2010 will prove he and his experiment has failed. I just hope that the next Rep. Pez. in 2012 can clean this HUGE mess up. That potential bomber had ties to terrorist that Obama* set free from Gitmo. Kinder , gentler my ass. Lay these bastards to waste. Look at whats happening in Iran, large majorities are going up against radical gov't. and getting killed because of it, seem familiar. No one cared about Hitler until he came for them. Don't wait until he comes for you.
  3. Thats just three of many.. I don't have time to type all of the atrocities he is attempting in his fist 10 months of office. You are smart you know what they are..Its the agenda to reach his socialist goal. P.S. I love the turducken reference I am going to use that if thats ok.
  4. Again with the labels..out of ideas again? Turn off CNN.
  5. God Bless you keepthefaith...And I surely will keep on keeping the faith. You are spot on.
  6. If torturing one Arab saves one life ...I am all for it. I have nothing to hide if the Patriot Act is slighty invasive so what It keeps this Country safe. As for S.O.P. through history...we never had to worry about jihadists for 233 years.
  7. A fine blend of all three.
  8. I got it! You are another Obama* lovin, Dem backing lib who tries to squelch the true voice of reason and truth. Go pump your agenda somewhere else. Lets debate topics. If you can refrain from telling us how smart you think you are and how dumb us small mind, parrot, lemmings are. Who do you work for Anita Dunn, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, NBC, CBS or do you have nothing to do all day but watch CNN , smoke pot and have your mom make you blueberry pancakes and serve them to you in her basement that you turned into a bedroom!
  9. Nice side step !Lib.
  10. Thank God you cowards don't run this Country. We would be worse off than we are now. I guess i should be thankful to have Barry Obama* in office. Yikes!!!! it could be one of you clowns. Take a hit for me.
  11. Another side stepped answer. Your title should say troll not moderator. What was it revenge or oil? eh chicken!
  12. Nice off topic side step...well done!
  13. You are almost as good at spinning as Obamas* pet peacock, Lib.
  14. Valid only to Dems who are out of ideas and have no finger left to point!
  15. Thanks for proving my point. GWB did nothing to try to change the USA as we know it and have known it for 233 years.
  16. Sell me on it. Explain how.
  17. It is not about party lines , it is about what feel in my heart to be right. However I am relieved that you feel Obama* is unraveling this Country.
  18. Hey! How about dealing with the post instead of name calling, commrade.
  19. When will enough be enough? When they come for you? When your fed income tax is at 45%? When you get fined or imprisoned for not getting healthcare? When they rewrite the Constitution? When we are Communist? Socialist? Fascist? When all your freedoms are gone? Then you will ask yourself...How did this happen? Look in the mirror...thats how.
  20. You know better than that Kitten. I have been around for awhile..watching every pre-election prediction I made come true. But that is a typical name calling Lib for ya. See signature
  21. I knew it! You really don't know what you are talking about, do you? Let me guess, was it revenge or oil?
  22. Yeah I'm stupid. You couldn't even explain your emoticon and I'm the stupid one P.S. I want these imbeciles out of power. YOU GOT IT BACKWARDS. hold the liberal spenders/Constitution ignoring whores in the Democratic party to task. You really don't understand politics 101, do you commrade?
  23. You are such a moron. We went to Iraq because Iraq was in violation of Resolution 1441. Whether or not he had WMD's ,Hussein wanted us to think he had WMD's. The IAEA and U.N. inspectors tried for months to go and take a look. They were denied. I feel no pity for Saddam. Nor should you. Fell sorry for every victim of terrorism both foreign and domestic. Selfishness and shamefulness is this Countries biggest opponent right now.
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