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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. oh yeah. it's guys like this that built this country and give you the freedom to be a freak loving freak.
  2. I knew it! nondiscursive language is a sure sign of a submersive vermin who can't and won't make a visable connection between the two. Paranoia? did you just want to add that one? the rest of your list is childish. what part of this makes me a bigot? I can't wait for your left coast response.
  3. Lets say it was you mother who had to watch this jacka$$ on his back porch. then what ?
  4. it all makes sense. tgregg99 is from the left coast the worlds capitol of backwards thought and bogus aliens. hey how are the mexicans. I bet they are O.K. until they come for your job huh?
  5. just trying to type as fast as I can to keep up with you people who are defenders of the liberal ideology. wto and nafta are just one of the many ways that you and every closet liberal dem like you weaken this country, just like not seeing the real problem about this self gratifying table f'er. a small piece of a much larger problem. oh yeah I didn't know we were graded on spelling thank God that a republican will be voted into office. you said liberal arts, I am talking liberal political affiliation. but I am sure you already knew that, thats what I like about you, your attention to detail
  6. Another genius!!! show me where iI was bittchin to tgregg about a degree. read much?
  7. like I said , my 8 year old knows the difference, your welcome
  8. to all you liberal dems. over the past 20 years I have watched jobs go over seas and will and grace become a successful program. I have a college degree and still work in the blue collar sector. I have watched towers fall. this country has fallen far from grace. from clinton signing nafta and putting china on the most favored nation status with the wto. now our gov of ny state has recognized gay marriages and has given them all the rights and privleges there in. how many more abnormal and deviant behaviors are you willing to accept. how many rights are you willing to give up so that subcultures can be accepted. hell! lets make pedifilia legal. it's someones right isn't it. this man deserves to be made an example of, plain and simple. heres an idea, air the footage in his hometown like the police do for men who frequent prostitutes. Oh yeah, and believe it or not I like dirty one on one anything goes heterosexual sex. God Bless America, there is still hope . One man alone can't get it done, together we can move mountains.
  9. Is that the best you got?
  10. ya know as I read these quotes I can now see how the decay of society as slowly crept through the pours of our world. One simple mind at a time. do you honestly expect me to believe that there is no difference between f*ckn a table and good dirty sex between a man and a woman. just say no! this man can enjoy a table in the "PRIVACY" of his own home when he takes it outside it is in "PUBLIC" . my 8 year old understands the difference
  11. Obviously you are part of the problem. limited vision makes limited minds. let me quess liberal public schools, it's not your fault they made you read a book called my two dads. any idiot can quote someone elses quote. thanx for playing
  12. Hey Mr. science! Masterbation using inanimate objects like dolls or tables does fall under a chapter in my psych 405 book called "abnormal psych."
  13. Yes, you are right, another one the should have been mentioned in the title But you knew that was the way it was going to be with danny, didn't you? I hope Vanek was worth it! Lets just hope Tom doesn't buy the Bills or we are doubley doomed
  14. hey jacka$$ , i did read your whole run on sentence and i just wanted to reply to a few ideas. I also can tell that you don't deal with different ideas well and my replies are not half a$$. I saw this from a million miles away. Miller was shakey at best, even in our two cup runs we weren't there because of Miller, we were there despite Miller. Remember the way Biron played when Miller got hurt in 2006/07. Chemistry is what took us that far, not Miller. When we lost Briere, Drury and now Cambell we lost almost all of our chemistry. I come by these ideas via watching every period of every game for 30 years. Miller was not the right choice just like Vanek isn.t worth the big money we payed him. I knew it then and I know it now. No wouldas , no couldas and no shouldas. By the way i really don't appreciate the personal attacks in this reply . Thats the kind of thing that gets you smacked in the mouth on the streets.
  15. Half way on marathon at key lime resorts on the gulf side, equadistant from both key west and key largo. good time will be had by all. eat at herbies bar and grill try the conch fritters
  16. you forgot to mention poor technique and miller wanted the heavier work load to show he a long haul kind of minder. not because Tbo sucked.
  17. Hmmmm. a hot shot who is sitting home. Biron is more than a career back up. how did he do against the sabres this year ?
  18. Here are the very close stats. now who can't stop a beach ball!! 30 Ryan Miller 76 4474 2.64 36 27 10 3 2104 197 .906 0 1 6 35 Jocelyn Thibault 12 507 3.31 3 4 2 2 214 28 .869 0 0 0 miller 3 shut outs, T-bo 2 shut outs a bright guy like you can figure the rest of this "noise" out
  19. O.K. it makes me wonder why both Darcy and Lindy are still employed by the Sabres. T-bo couldn't stop a beach ball? As for second guessing, fact is fact, we have seen the best of Ryan Miller. You obviously can't recognize that there is problem when he goes down and stays down and the whole league knows to shoot high. Combine that with poor vision and bad decision making and you have a recipe for disaster.
  20. Boy, Oh boy! I thought that Miller was the real deal and as time showed us all, he isn't. To watch Biron during these playoffs it is nice to see a netminder that will steal one for you. Listening to the national media using words like spectacular and amazing to describe Marty makes me wonder how much longer is Darcy going to keep his job. The butcher's bill is now Biron, Briere, Drury and Cambell, all of which made it to the second season. Now I know that alot of you will say it was our defence that let Miller down but I've reviewed the tapes (Tvo). A large part of the goals he let in were at the worst possible time and were easy stops to make, clear looks at the puck and shooter. The Bills in Toronto, and soon the Sabres somewhere else also. Buffalo what a mess!!!
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