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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Nice spin! Obiden camp could use a guy like you. Call 1 800 CRY WOLF and go down with the ship. P.S. none of your senseless post contains anything other than lies and only people who can think for themselves can see the truth thruogh this sea of BS
  2. What are you talking about? Is this liberal slight of hand technique? and yet again proving my point about Blue states and their thought process.
  3. Ghosts, it is the lberal media that is preventing complertion of the task in both Iraq and Afganistan. The terrorists have learned to weaponize that also and the sheep eat it up. McCain will just be the Prez. the House and Senate are still Dem majority, duh.
  4. Since you obviously believe what you are told, then listen, wolverines make good house pets go get some . P.S. you are aware that the next V.P. of the U.S. is a woman right. her name is Sarah Palin. Unpatriotic, we are the only ones that don't want to sell this country down the drain to the highest bidder and protect it at all costs.
  5. Hooked on phonics worked for me. What the hell are you talking about. This has nothing to do with race. Are you calling the next Prez. a racist?
  6. Hey gregg this schtick is old huh? It figures when it comes to libs, a table f'er will come out for piece of the pie. Next he'll want the right to marry his table
  7. Yep GObama and take Biden with ya Seeya in 2012
  8. If by same old you mean lower taxes and more rebates and secure borders, low interest rates, having our military do something other than stay state side which ,by the way , most dem house and senate voted for . Then i say yes more of the same. Obiden knew exactly what he was doing he covered his face, a very revealing "tell" , before he made that unprevoked comment . Wake up !!. P.S. nice name calling sissy.
  9. You know you should try snapping those thorizine in half, Womanizer, whatever, nice spin. They are doing wonderful things in psychotherapy these days.
  10. Clearly my brother. These left wing hopeless sheep think we are the f'd up ones
  11. A sheep like yourself would see that. Do you need to be told when to eat and sleep as well as what to think?
  12. They are doing a good job of that all on their own. Us patriotic Republicans don't have to help them self-detruct at all
  13. Another attack. Well done my little angry Blue person!
  14. Figures you would laugh at that. You should know she excersized her choice, right?
  15. Priceless! oh yeah, nice tatas
  16. Answering questions with questions, textbook! You do know the dems lost the election today don't you? Or are you still in disbelief and denial?
  17. Thank you for turning me on to this sight I had no idea that this was here. Now I can defend America with half my brain tied behind my back
  18. Boo Hoo like your wounds and plan for 2012. I can hear Hail to the Chief rightnow. Making history with the first woman V.P. God bless America!!!!
  19. Thanks for proving my point!!
  20. Wow, I got alittle worried that Obiden might be elected but these last antics should seal the deal and put the final nail in Obiden's coffin and a Republican will retain the White House thank God. They just can't keep their mouths shut and stick to policy. A bunch of whinning, crying and finger pointing will never get a Dem elected. So closes the chapter. Ladies and Gentlemen The President of the U.S. John McCain.
  21. Dude! What planet are you from ? Taco Bell sucks the ingredients are weak and old and there is enough sodium in there to stop your heart. Now I will agree that at my age the Mighty is no longer the way to go ( although I will indulged and pay the price now and then). I recommend the large chicken fajita, all white meat with fresh lettuce and tomato, I get mine with sour cream and hot sauce . Heavenly and a staple of Buffalo . A sub-par Taco Bell product has never entered my house Long live Mighty Taco
  22. Brother , you took the thought right out of my head. It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again.
  23. The Meatmen- Dumping Ground Talas- Thickhead SRV- Riviera Paradise 13 days- Dreaming of a New Sun Stevie Vai- I'm the Hell Outta Here. Try em, you'll like em!!!
  24. I really hate it when I can't sleep later than 5:30 am on the day of the Bills season opener GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. That all makes my head hurt But good luck with all that anyway
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