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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Yes. you mean we are on the same team yeahhhhhh!!!!Pax et bonum
  2. Child. American to the core. I bleed red, white and blue. However I do like gravy on my fries so, go figure.
  3. Sweet dreams you angry, losing the election, want to F picnic table, nafta backing, tree hugging, word smithing, spin doctoring,truth dodging, cheap shoting, lie telling, blue tie wearing, Obiden backing knowing nothing sheep. To be continued
  4. or worse I'll sic the CIA operative on ya
  5. Shroom bit getting alittle old eh? Out of ideas then step out of the room, boy!@
  6. Only you sir could call this country moronic,I love this country. You should know that the democrats control both the house and senate and have vote favorably for everything you blues hate.
  7. How about a violation of a united nation treaty. Violating terms of surrender. Good enough for me. Harboring Al Qeidas top players. more than good enough for me!!!!
  8. So you are saying Palin belongs in the kitchen? you sexist.
  9. No sir, praise warranted. Your eyes and ears are shut tight but soon you will have accept that McCain/Palin are here for keeps. We win....again
  11. More attacks on my girl Sarah Palin, the next V.P.
  12. A thing of beauty!!! In this sea of insane blue people I didn't have the time to type something so well put together good job
  13. I dont need my mommy to tell me what to think like you.
  14. Yeah and you are here on TBD nice....Hear this everybody. Hey who was the second gunman on the grassy nole?
  15. I know that the truth hurts, thats why these McCain ads are being viewed as "negative" . There is no room for truth in the dem/lib world where words can be bent and formed to mean anything. Hillary asked Chelsea if she was having sex, when Chelsea replied , not according to dad
  16. I believe we have covered the lib talking points already thanks. children.
  17. I was trying to point out the fact that DEMs lie first. Its like a reflex. slow enough for you ?
  18. Did you just call Bill O'Reilly liberal? You have no idea what you are talking about. I must be surrounded by 18 -25 year old know it alls because I was told it alls.
  19. And this distraction point has to do with.....
  20. Its official !! You have lost your mind. Unless of course you work for the CIA, FBI and the NSA all at once Mr. Conspiracy.
  21. I also would vote for Colin of course he would be a Republican
  22. Again more slight of hand. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!
  23. Well played and welcome back. I believe that is game , set and match....
  24. Just like a good Dem make it up as you go along, even change facts if you have to and try to tell us what we actually mean and think. You guys are only costing yourselves the Office. All Clinton in 98' had to do was admit he got a hummer and the world would have applauded such honesty , work for Jimmy Swaggert. But NOOOOO, he had to redefine the english language to prove he did not have sexual relations with that woman, or I did not touch with the intent to gratify . I mean come on!!!!
  25. You can thank Wild Bill Clinton for the job out source, remember nafta. I fall under $250,000 and still have been getting tons of tax breaks FOR THE LAST 8 YEARS. And of coures Dems will raise taxes always have, always will. Jobs are available for anyone who wants one. Its just that the fat lazy version of America wants to start at the top. Like judge smails said " the world needs ditch diggers to".
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