Da Big Man
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Everything posted by Da Big Man
Nothing suprises me when it comes from that no talent, bucktooth, gap tooth, should be asking people if they want fries with that, dyke . She needs the Liberal ideology of Obiden so she and her "life partner" can unionize and then adopt kids to further aid in the delinquency of this nation. The new Sodom and Gomora. Thanx Libs.
Boo Hoo, it figures thats the best you have. Keep spanking it cause I know you ain't getting it!!!
Erode liberty, come on! I enjoy liberty everyday. Come up with something a little better. Name one liberty that has been eroded.
Man you really are an !@#$. It makes you sound so stupid. I don't understand this livin in my moms basement punk mentality. I am just a couple years older than you, just obviously more affluent. Face it the Govt will never legalize pot. So just keep scoring it from your buddy and keep going to Fish concerts. I'll keep working hard so you don't have to, loser.
Yes, but I think thats obvious. Different times, different generation.
I can't change any of your minds, after all sheep will be sheep. I am just here to gloat over an early runaway victory by McCain/Palin 08'. Oh yeah, Obama, a moderate, thats hillarious. Obama is Lib as Lib could get!!!!
Lets try to milk this email thing as much as we can!!!!
We are not blowing sh-- up we are spending yours and my tax dollar to rebuild and rehabilitate that country. Some children are going to school for the first time. Women have more rights then ever. Good things are happening and the resisance is getting smaller. I would expect a suicide bomber to blow something up once and awhile they are pissed, cause they are losing. They don't fight with rules, we do, thats why we are slow to finish this.
Your facts come from a Moore movie., not what you learned in service. tell me an example of a lie ,just one.As for breakfast , you typed it so convincingly. By Office do you mean House and Senate? Or just GWB admin.? Who did this to you? You gave to this coutry , but do you love your country?
Just read your bio. Says it all ,you are only 23 years old you don't know sh-- about sh--, wee boy. just keep doing what they tell ya No wonder you sound like a child. Isn't there a chat room titled Kiddies, Children and Wet Dreamers.
A big fan of Micheal Moore are you? You are mistaken, Bush did not have breakfast with anybody the morning of 9/11, remember the footage at the school, agent whispering in his ear , keeping him mobile until we assessed the threat, use your head secret agent man, don't believe everything you are told. We did see it coming . You being a G-14 classified intell guy should know that we get threats every day. How many should we take seriously and at any times did we hear that Arab males were planning to fly planes into our buidings. Did any of the flight instructors say hey why don't these guys want to learn to take off or land these planes. Didn't that strike them as odd. They took years to infiltrate us and prey on our liberties and affirmative actions and tolerances to one day get the knod to kill. Most of the foreplay to this attack took place on Wild Bill Clintons watch. GWB had to clean up the mess and now thanx to The Patriot Act nothing has happened in 8 years. GWB never had a chance to be a peace time Prez. He made due with what he had. Dems and Reps alike stood in approval of all militery actions including the recent swelling of troops. Democratic majority house and senate by the way. And again nice breasts!!! P.S. Never win is a poor excuse, we should just through up our hands and quit, lets just let them go Jihad on us. F it right.
No troll, been here for ahwile original name never made it through the mishap of login trouble. And no, it was fun teasing you. It s kinda funny when you realize your servant is your master.
They know no limits, shame does not exsist in the grey area. They cannot save themselves from their own folly. And I am loving every minute of it.
Another person with inside info I am sure we are not liked all over the world but civilized coutries agree with us even if they don't want to get their hands dirty Eradication or as close as possible. In order to do that we must have all civilized nations on board letting terrorists and countries who sponsor it know that there will be severe consequences. It can be done together. The Dems prey on minds betwen the ages of 18-25 and the Lib education systems don't help either under seasoned minds ripe for the picking. Thats another problem for another thread. Our leaders include Obama and Billary incedently. We didn't start this we were attacked and we have the might to see it through. GWB was in Office for 7 and a half months when we were attacked. What would you do, invite Osama bin Laden to the White House for dinner? WE DID NOT START THIS, NOW WE MUST SEE IT THROUGH!!!!!!
Blue donkey is a blue donkey. Don't be ashamed!!
You Lib/Dems make me sick spilling your unfounded hate at a woman. A woman who, if she was a Dem, would be a saint. Again proving why you will not win the White House. Thanks for running your collective mouths to your own detrement again. We knew we could count on you. Fell for it again. Having a woman as a running mate was a stroke of genius. Had Osama, I'm sorry, I mean Obiden picked Billary, he would be king and women would off limits. HIPOCRITS.
Blue fire nice avatar change. I can't figure out if you are ashamed to show a dem jackass or is that you want to tell every one up front you are full of bullsh--.
Who , that is factual , is turned against us. All of our allies are still in tact. Germany and France have egg on their faces because we found out they had been doing illegal business with Iraq for years and now they are sore about it.Stop talking sound bite and deal with the truth. Cowardly is not going to get the job done. Resolve and patience, relentless and enduring is what we need. China and russia only care about themselves. Everyother country including most middle eastern countries need us to do this. We need to eradicate terrorism from the planet by ANY MEANS NECESSARY! And yes the evil dems may not be killing it but they are definitely weakening our once great country.
Wait right there! Then why the unprovoked attacks on the next V.P. Do you see the slight. This why dems lose elections. Hypocrits andsoon you will all be exposed as the frauds that you are when McCain/ Palin is sworn in to office this Jan.. Heres an idea just keep talking about things that don't matter and make a big deal about a womans handicapped child.P.S. there is only one side bending fact here.
Why would Pakistan drop a nuke on The U.S. ? They are one of our allies. The liberal media is why we can't win the efforts in Iraq and Trashcanistan. Between the negative press we get at home , abroad and the way terrorist groups have even learned to out think the lib press and weaponize it, we can't win. Again, not one attack on U.S. soil or our interests since 9/11. WOW! Thanks troops for a job well done.
Yes they do swede. Can't deduce on their own must have it poured into their heads. You are a sight for sore eyes, another voice of reason. Check out my thread... We need more brains like yours, I can't point out the painfully obvious all the time.
I feel you, but you are wasting your time. These Lib/Dems are like one task robots with eyes and ears shut to fact. Like the terminator they don't feel pity or remorse and they absolutely will not stop until this country is dead.
Wrong! We should be in Iraq and Trashcanistan. Iraq was in violation of U.N. resolution 1441, reason enough to be there. Also Germany, France ,Russia and China were all doing back door business with them ,thats why they originally didn't support the enforcing of that resolution. Saddam threw the IAEA inspectors out time and time again. Even Lybia realized that it is better to join civilized nations and enjoy the fruits of the world then to be a crazy Foil Can Hairy. Thats all Saddam had to do is just comply and the enforcing wouldn't of happened and he would still be the warden of that asylum. It was our responsability as the lone super power to see that this crazy !@#$ couldn't bully his neighbors anymore and keep him in accordance with thew 1441 resolution. If he didn't posess WMD's, he sure did want us to think he did. P.S. nice breasts!
I believe it's POLARIZING, and boy you are a big fan of facism. I subscribe to no ism! Isn't there a free Gtmo prisoner ralley you should be attending. I have my own tent where I am free to do and decide what I want and not be fed BS on a daily basis by the drive by media that preys on mindless sheep. Oh yeah and the majority of the country is in here with me.
Ah yes 51-3. If memory serves it was 41-0 at the half. That team was awsome