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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. September 30, 1990 -- BILLS SCORE 20 POINTS IN 77 SECONDS The Bills exploded for 20 points in a 77 second span in the fourth quarter and overcame Denver, 29-28 before a sell-out crowd at Rich Stadium.
  2. True! Trent has proven in just three weeks that he is clutch. JP never looked anything close in four years. Aside from a severe breakdown or drastic overconfidence I am expecting a blowout. I hope they get off to a fast start!
  3. The first debate was a Grand Slam Home Run for McCain. Obama looked and sounded like a stumblin, mumblin idiot. After McCain would wait his turn quietly and started a rebuttle Obama couldn't help but continue to run his mouth trying to talk over McCain. John was a cool customer and just kept right on talking on track. Beautiful, got em right where we want em Way to go McCain/Palin.
  4. Spin,spin,spin, Nag, nag, nag, Duh ,duh,duh,duh.
  5. Nancy Pelosi the real face of evil in America...Satan incarnate.
  6. I agree! Reed in the slot would make more sense. Give Hardy the outside to get open deep and on outs. Ala Irvin and Owens, (to early?). Go Bills. Hockey is on its way, and I can't wait .
  7. If the team we have seen so far shows up prepared and not with a case of the " We got this" then 4-0 is in the bag. Very eager to see what Hardy does with starting time. Go Bills!!! This nay sayer is pleasently suprised.
  8. Last nights debate was a Grand Slam Home Run for McCain. Obama looked and sounded like a stumblin, mumblin idiot. After McCain would wait his turn quietly and started a rebuttle Obama couldn't help but continue to run his mouth trying to talk over McCain. John was a cool customer and just kept right on talking on track. Beautiful, got em right where we want em Way to go McCain/Palin.
  9. Need I say more Thanx again for reenforcing my point Darin. When all else fails, drop your IQ, right
  10. Just cause you spend three quarters of your obviously pathetic life in the PPP chat room doesn't make you a genius. Where did I mention England, jerky? God Bless America!!! You telling me how wrong I am makes me believe I am right. Spending will continue no matter who is President, its just that Osama, I mean Obama, will just raise taxes through the roof. If Obiden is elected, gas will not go down in price, troops will not start pouring home, economy will get better, jobs won't come back to the US. But taxes will skyrocket, consumer spending will decline, wallstreet will suffer even more, more big business will leave US and we will be weaker as a nation to terrorism.
  11. Don't listen to Rush, don't watch Fox news. Make up my own mind . Not losing votes for anyone because you are all wasting your vote on Obiden. All I know is in 47 days McCain/Palin will be elected then we will see. You keep riding the fence coward. I'll choose a side. Grey area is where noncommital mama's boys live . As for being part of the problem, I guess , thank you. I know you will appreciate 8 years of McCain/Palin. Lower taxes, seeing Iraq through and fixing this economy the Dems ruined. (see post about financial crisis)
  12. Selfish primodonna. Put the team before yourself...JERK!
  13. Hey common ground, I say sheep will be sheep all the time ( see other posts). I agree both parties are F'ed and the selling of our country started under slick Willies watch. I am more than an average Rep., definitely not an idiot. I am a strong backer of the Republican party.
  14. Nice name calling, and you say you are not a Dem, check again. Basically you get an A for the spin the doctoring you did on my reply. Like most dems you are an angry little blue person, lets see, dickhead, not my friend, my master, smoke dope and a fried brain. Yep , you are offically out of ideas. P.S. I think for myself, unlike you who obviously needs your thoughts poured into your head nightly!
  15. There is no room for truth in the grey world of Liberal Democrats. They will say this is just more propoganda from right. Hey, if we are called the right shouldn't they be called the wrong
  16. You, my friend, are so wrong it is sad. Freedom is what the colonists were after and that is what we have here. The Hands off approach the republicans employ is far better than the over taxed, over programed, borderline socialist strategy of the left. I like getting more money back each year and I like my borders are safe I like that I do well because I get up and go to work every day. Corrupt, thats funny. Wild Bill Clinton was seriously corrupt. Do know who was a huge backer of the KKK in the 40's,50's and 60's? the Democrats. Al Gores father was a Klansmen. You are nothing more than a sore loser who is watching as your selfish agenda to get a Lib/Dem Prez elected goes up in smoke. Much like the Dope that Obama has openly admitted using. I know what is being done and not only do I like it , but I live very comfortably in it. Safe and secure and affluent in America. Sorry you are so unAmerican.I do not feel guilty about how well i live in this country, why should you. Try putting the needs of this country before your own. realize that you don't have to believe everything you hear from the drive-by media! God bless America. P.S. Who is our king?
  17. Spanked? where? Have you been paying attention. I am leading this idiot right along. Like a moth to the flame. testing my theory that Libs will follow, all you have to do is give them direction.
  18. Trent Edwards is a god in the making. I wasn't impressed with the play calls early, but he kept poise during all of it and even took a pounding in the later stages. Poise was what this team lacked when that other guy was our QB, what was his name again.....I forgot. The beast had some good runs but his YPC is terrible. He is great in the red zone, but not so much 20 to 20.
  19. homophobe says what? Word does not exsist. Nondiscursive language is one of the falls of our country, if you don't like it make up a word. Simpletin!
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