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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Nothing to say eh Connor?
  2. God willing!
  3. Again, I don't know where it says that. But racism exsists and will effect this election. Like terrorists, by day they support Obama, then at night they will turn over on him. Can you idiots read?
  4. I don't know where it says that. But racism exsists and will effect this election. Like terrorists, by day they support Obama, then at night they will turn over on him.
  5. Only in a dream. Even the white folks , who on the surface say they are for Obama, will not cast their vote for him once behind the curtain. Thank God!!
  6. I have read most of Reds recent posts and I bite sometimes also after feeling lost in a sea of liberality and fight fire with fire. It's hard not to call a name or two when you are being attack by uninformed Lib/Dems. I guess you haven't read many of my posts, very little name calling and I never change or flip flop positions. God Bless America!!
  7. Hey Max! I am voting for the Republican party. We don't live in the grey area. Cut and dry ,right and wrong, left and right. Red and myself seem to agree on alot. Name calling is a trade mark of an angry blue person who believes everything that is poured into his very slow, very narrow mind
  8. Just wait. The best is yet to come. The GOP has a trump and they will show it soon. You should know that the media always asks crackheads, homeless and homosexuals who they will vote for in these very misleading polls. Don't worry McCain is winning and will be in the White House in Jan. 2009. Keep the faith and spread the word, the majority can't be silent any longer. We must come out in force to insure victory, cause you know that Lib/Dems will be busing and feeding every homeless person, crackheads, and 18 - 22 year olds who don't own their own cars, could probably throw them $20 for pot also.
  9. Connor, I just realized you are from Salt Lake. The second largest group of freaks that embrace anything next to So. Cal. The signs outside your town probably read Rotary, Kiwannis, Masonic Temple, N.A.M.B.L.A. and New Age Wiccan Society. Again part of the problem .
  10. Cockeyed. No wonder all you idiots think Obiden is going to win, because all their supporters are here on PPP.
  11. Meet Idiot #2
  12. Missed the point!!!
  13. I stand behind my prediction 100%. I don't want to take your money. You are right about hard working. I have to so that you can keep cashing your unemployment checks. I don't waste your tax dollar by being on PPP all day. I could afford $10,000 but it still dosen't change the fact that I don't gamble. McCain will be sworn in come Jan 2009. make book on it! Of course $100 isn't alot when you live with mom and have zero responsiblity of your own. Probably a long history with bad credit and ride metro where you want to go. Care to make more assumptions?
  14. Spoken like a true Democrat .
  15. Why, cause all the Lib/Dem based polls have Obiden leading by 4 pts. Didn't that happen in 00' and oh yeah in 04' to, the Dems were winning then to. Kerry was as good as in and Gore had to call for a recount cause he couldn't get his peabrain around the fact that he lost, even though the polls said he was winning. Liberal media outlets know right where to go to get the poll results they want, for instance if I went to allentown and asked 50 people who they were voting for Obamas #'s would be high. If I went to Amherst, Clarence, Elma, Eden and other places either rural or affluent McCains #'s would be staggering. Statistics are for liars and liars uses statistic. Heres an idea stop believing everything you read and hear on NPR, you will be smarter cause of it. I'm fairly certain your head needs to be removed from your a$$ . P.S. I never gamble with money. You don't get to be a millionaire gambling with money.
  16. Not sure where you are from, but where I am the large majority feel the same way. You know how we are. We are those people who work hard so those checks keep coming to your house. We are those people who pay for all those programs the Lib/Dems want to put back in place. The silent majority who will remain silent no more. Again, you will see on election day. All you 18-25 year olds who sit on your CPU all day , GET A JOB, YOU DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING, BARACK IS LOSING THIS ELECTION, sorry to break the bad news. I know none of that made it through the very thick skulls of you idiots who are ready to flush this country down the toilet faster then Wild Bill Clinton getting a hummer. Stop thinking of yourselves, start thinking of your children. simple things for simple minds. Gotcha again, bytches!
  17. Wiser words were never spoken in this room of a$$holes.
  18. All you !@#$s can !@#$ off. Way to take a thread way off point in full Lib fashion. In 29 days I'll be the one enjoying the victory. You bunch of sore as losers. Man I'm tired of being right.
  19. The play calling was poor and the O gave up once JP, who is playing well, came into the game. Don't act suprised this is the team well know lurks behind the 4-0 start. Dicky J should have thrown the red flag when Royals was clearly down. I believe the fix is in and the Gov't should do something about it. The D keeps giving up 3rd and a $30 cab ride, and since when can't we stop the run?
  20. This is for you who is singing the praises of the left, but neglect to mention a few facts.Obama is on record saying that terrorists should have constitutional rights. He's also in favor of giving scholarships to illegal aliens. He is against anything that would bring the cost of gas down including offshore drilling. If elected he wants to impose a capital gains tax on everyone, not just millionaires, who sell their homes. I am sure this is music to your ears. You sound like one of the 40% of Americans who pay no taxes, contributes nothing , is on every social program there is and still want more yet. Obamas tissue paper thin resume of 140 days in the senate with the last 18 months on the campaign trail, lack of experience and extreme leftist positions on issues is not change we should believe in, but rather disaster for America. His close personal associations with people like William Ayres, who bombed the Pentagon in the 70's and Jeremiah Wright, who applauded Sept. 11, 2001, leaves you wondering if he doesn't harbor some of these beliefs himself. I can only speak for myself and the large majority of people that I know, but voting for Obama is a very risky choice that could hurt America for years to come. God Bless America
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