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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. This is a state full of blue people so it's lost no matter how bad it is for us. They probably had some truck loads stolen by some thieving dems, that would explain the delay. Are you registered to vote twice? You ACORN lover. My sign isn't made out of paper and crayon like yours. I am at work all day so you can go on smoking your dope and bad mouthing your country comrade!
  2. Sweet music eh Boomer? We always just sit back and watch them give empty promises and emplode with contraversy. Did you see Obama's nervous laugh response at last nights debate. Out of answers Obama. Yeah I thought so.
  3. Just got my lawn signs that read McCain/Palin 2008, beautiful. My bumper stickers to match. You know I saw alot of these in my neighborhood today. Huh, not bad. It seems the elephant is catching that slippery, lying jackass. Heres to victory!!!!
  4. I don't know.Look in the mirror and then get back to us
  5. I love your avatar!!!! Priceless.
  6. Just getting someones back. Worried about the momentum swing? Here comes the pain.
  7. Well played! Couldn't have said it better myself. And why not buy them houses on MY tax dollar while we are at it.
  8. The first thing he would do is raise taxes, and do it with that same smooth smile he uses when lying to the public...
  9. Logic to these morons is as useful as a poopy flavored lollypop. But I get it, Hands off or bust.
  10. Look at what party is caught with their hands in the cookie jar again. Hum, thats a shocker. Another criminal runs for Prez. 12%-88% go figure!
  11. That a boy!!!! Here comes the awakening
  12. We will wake up on Nov. fifth. With John McCain as our new PREZ.
  13. Yeah the truth from Obama at a glaciers pace. By the time we hear all of it we will be buns up kneeling!!!
  14. Hey my friend, Big Cat meant spreading the wealth to his Lib/Dem buddies!!!!
  15. Lets assign blame where it is due. Dem majority senate and house is the big problem here and will be no matter who is elected. Obama=more hand outs domestically, more jobs lost overseas, more money given to third world coutries, higher taxes, less defense, less security, trouble for everybody with a job.
  16. Thats right, you did it look whos here. DBM in the house. This idiot isn't winning anything. Keep listening to what NPR tells you, eventually you will have no brain left...get it, left.. Obama and his followers should be arrested. Just like Wild Bill Clinton should have been for lying under oath. Whats wrong with America?
  17. You are good man, keep it up brother!!
  18. Personal agenda all the way!!! So by your school of thought , if Obama is elected then in days after oil will drop in price, taxes will go down ,troops will come home from Iraq and outsourcing will stop. NOT. He like, so many others, will say anything to get this Office.
  19. Thats the way it looks bluefire. Whos got my back?
  20. Wo, take it easy. That is way to much truth for these small minds on PPP. Its like when you order your whopper without onion and that brings Burger King to screeching halt. To much to handle at once.
  21. Where is the emoticon for gone over your head?
  22. Just as I thought punk Nothing to say, out of ideas, just on the offensive
  23. Amen, they are one demographic you can make fun of a get away with it, a shame.
  24. When? When is a stretch. Ammo will be needed because there will be rioting. Rioting if Obama wins and rioting when Obama loses. Look at what happens when a verdict doesn't go their way or when the Pistons win the NBA championship. Either way there will be trouble. Sarah Palin is the Gov. of Alaska and you are where, oh yeah posting drivel on PPP. Probably from moms basement I might add. Whos the loser?
  25. Very responsible for a moderator. Enlighten us with your profound political knowledge that doesn't come from all those posts you have. Other than name calling, something that really changes the course of this thread. I am all a twitter in anticipation to read what the god alaska darin has to post .
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