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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Thats what everyone is dying to make this about. So go ahead if it makes you sleep better knowing you elected an unproven individual to the Office. I would have rather had Billary be elected.
  2. Again, all opinion I know what you will know soon. My eyes are the only ones open here.
  3. Wow. you are a genius. keep stroke the moderators dean, good lap dog!
  4. The joke is in your hand.
  5. Sad brother. We can seek comfort in the fact this will be a one term pony. They final figure out the correct lie to cheat ratio and stole this one. Anyone who opposed was a racist even though he has many evil skeletons in his closet. To vote for a person just because he is black dosen't make sense. Most people who votes for him couldn't tell you two of his policies. Just a fad.
  6. No I am whats right. more money in my pocket , less money going over seas, not having a morally bankrupt Prez. I will not recognize this presidency. Not under a rock, I was watching in horror as this country bought into the lies that smooth talking non american spills. I have always known that you sheep will be sheep.
  7. Bet you I could kick your ass. You will all be unhappy with your new abomination.
  8. we shall see dean-o. Truth does not make one a racist. I am more of a behaviorist.
  9. Thought about that. This country certainly has fallen from grace. And I have enough funds to make that move.
  10. Hey connor !@#$ you! What did you win today? Now you and your gay lover can smoke all the pot you want.
  11. I can't wait to watch you bitches reap what you sow. Proud of yourselves, feeling so bad to be an American that you will elect a black muslim to the formerly known as the White House. Were you all proud to watch Black Panthers bully voters in Philly? Get ready cause now affirmative action has a firm stanglehold on the U.S. ! The women named the "moocher" proudly declaring that she no longer has to worry about gas in her car or her mortgage payment. Hope you are all happy. I know now that alot of you are say " Oh God what have I done!" Congratulations on weakening our country. Now watch as these people burn this country down in celebration. Instead of Hail to Chief, just play Fifty cents "In the Club" God please forgive them they know not what they do.
  12. This election must have been rigged from the begining. Some sort of political payola. I can only hope that the Govt. will investigate this to the fullest and expose this name changing, non flag saluting, indonesian passport having , non- American born P.O.S. as the fraud he is . Look at bright side once these innercity black folk don't get what they were promised, they will turn on him next term. Obama won't stay clean and the U.S. watch dogs will catch him. I predict an impeachment, thats if this election stands, a big IF. A country has been weakend today, plain and simple.
  13. Sorry partner. Truth hurts everyday. Chin up though. Pick a new team to support. After I rooted for the Giants in the Super Bowl and they came through by beating New England I am now a Giants fan.
  14. Hey, here is a shocker. A poll that actually has McCain in the lead and other news channels has it at a dead heat. Just like the last 2 elections that had Gore leading by a mile and Kerry running away. On Wednsday we wake up and McCain is Prez. and all you in denial Lib/Dems can suck it !LOL!!!!!! I will laugh and laugh and you idiots won't want to show your avatar here.I have big plans for celebration on PPP Wed.
  15. Yeah pressure Cassell !! Sure we will. Pressure him into 350 yards and 3 td's . He will have a career day against these chumps .
  16. It will continue until this city wins a pro championship of somekind or you pack up and leave this pit of misfortune. You feel this way bacause you see other cities old and new to their respective sports win championships EX.Carolina, Anahiem, Tampa Bay. Or football's Ravens and Tampa bay Bucs. Being a Buffalonian comes with the baggage of being the barren waste land of New York state. We get nothing from Albany and zero respect from the rest of the nation. The Bills were stepping stones for other teams to win Championships and the Sabres were stepping stones for Carolina and Ottawa, Philly and Dallas. It is also the way we lose, the absolute break down of the way that got us to the "Big Show" . I use the 1999 Sabres for an example we were a shut down team that took the oppostions big guns out of the game. Tight checking and good puck control with 4 lines that could score... Then that all went out the window. We choked, not resembling the team that was in the regular season or in the second season. Combine that with the dark cloud like, wide right, miracle in Memphis, no goal, no goal #2, no goal #3 and the steady stream of self inflicted gun shots to the feet and you start to carry it around like luggage, bitter and pissed looking at other teams saying " if they were in a Buffalo uniform we would still lose" . Losing has become away of life here in Buffalo. While the world lives, we die one year at a time. Soon both franchises will be gone and so will I.
  17. Schoenert could take over and not miss a beat. Same chance with or without Dicky J
  18. Nice!!!! Connor is getting nervous. Out of ideas and weak. It's not connors fault, he is a victim of his upbringing
  19. Again connor thanx for not talking about the thread. Your lack of knowledge never ceases to amaze.
  20. I don't what that is ..sorry.
  21. Are they Philly Cheese Steaks? P.S. View my new thread on PPP.
  22. Who said the season is over? My heart says win but my brain says loss. I have seen enough to know, I have seen to much!
  23. I thought you said Obama, not the next Prez John McCain. You voted for Obama already and I am sure you will vote again on Tuesday. Enough politics.
  24. The point is we should have taken a shot at getting into field goal range. Personal attacks aren't going to scare me away.
  25. At that point in the game it didn't matter.
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