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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. What happened ? They play for a city that has a long history of dissapointment and misfortune. The dark cloud known as Buffalo.
  2. Speak for yourself chimp !
  3. Now Dicky is going to throw that flag? Someone should shove it up his a$$. That will not be overturned
  4. Nice super tecmo bowl avatar. the greatest cheesy football game of all time ,still have it , still play it!
  5. McGee is getting smoked by Ginn again. Prediction: McGee lets a big one go to Ginn early in the second half.
  6. Disgust, Disgrace, Dissapointed, These guys should just pack it up. Forfeit the second half, it won't be any worse than the way they are playing. These guys are hopeless, heartless and helpless.
  7. So instead of taking a knee we run a weak ass draw play...It's official, bad just went to worse
  8. Only the Bills D can let a 44 yard drive last 8 minutes. Nice use of our time outs Dick! You suck!!!!!
  9. Which team are we talking about? The A squad ( 54pts. against KC) or the B squad ( 3 pts. against SF)?
  10. Time for an avatar change... I just ate breakfast!!!
  11. What makes us inferior is Dicky J. As Bilzfan4life said, this team led by a quality HC puts us in controll of the AFC east.
  12. Fairchild calls plays. AVP develops QB's. The check downs, the thirty yard stare, the non scraqmble, which TE can do well, and the fear to trust the WR's will work for the ball.
  13. AVP can be somewhat to blame for TE's poor performance and now bad decision making on the field. TE started out well and then tapered. JP never started strong at any point. A true bust. Tulane vs. Stanford.
  14. Are you certain he signed an extension? His lack luster coaching trickles down to the players. Heart is what drives a team and the beat starts with the coach and owner. Coaches lead by example (see Mike Singeltary)
  15. I agree, Lets hope JPL can muster up one good performance today. My heart says yes we can, My brain says no way!
  16. Total agreement. U.B.'s D looked tough even when they didn't have those JUICEY turnovers to run back. I hear they are going to play UCONN in the International Bowl. I have a line on tickets through Da Big Joey D. Nice talking prouid reference U.B. should make sure they tie up Gill for seasons to come.
  17. Hey brother take an extra hit for me!!! Good to be back . U.B. Bulls rocked Ball st. last night and I've already got tickets to the International Bowl in Toronto Canada. Psyched about that. Lets hope the Bills can win for us tomorrow in T.O.
  18. This is hardly blog worthy. This a$$clown is finally where he belongs. Maybe tonight he'll find a boyfriend in the joint.
  19. The temperment speaks volumes about him. He can't come up with anything to help this team, it shows in his face, it shows when he gives excuses for not throwing the red flag into the field. One of the major problems with this team is Ralphs short arms. His unwillingness to pay top dollar contracts with signing bonuses to good players and good coaches. Parcells makes impact because players know it is perform or sit, no non-sense football, no non-sense prep. This coaching staff is alot like Max Afinogenov, 90% they only out smart themselves
  20. I agree! The role that poz has as the middle signal caller is one he has yet to fully grow into. He must learn from the right people. Mishandled now and it will effect his entire career and waste the quality potential he has.
  21. I for one have had enough of Dicky J's traveling freak show. His lack of emotion and non responsive post game interviews have me smashing my head against a wall. If he is signed to an extension it would mean three more years of inept transition almost guaranteeing that this team will not stay in Buffalo. I want quality football in Buffalo and it sems that we won't have that for years to come. It makes me wonder , are the players we have had over the last ten years that bad or are the coaches not coaching them to their fullest abilities. Could Trent Edwards, J.P. Losman, Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Travis Henry , Antwoine Smith, Peerless Price, Eric Moulds, Willis McGahee, Eric Flowers, Mike Williams and the list goes on and on, have been better if coached properly? Scary!! Wade, Gregg, Mike, and now Dicky have used this team as stepping stone in their NFL careers. None of them left to immediately become a head coach somewhere else. Potential was lost on any player who played under these idiots, including veterans.
  22. Wrong again chachie, read a little better. Maybe try spelling a little better to these Lib/Dems will eat you alive.
  23. He "may" upgrade your education system. You bought it hook, line and sinker didn't you? Yeah right, and you say education failed me ! You are obviously from the easily preyed upon 18-25 demographic. Sorry.
  24. Sweetdreams kiddies. When you wake up tomorrow, it will only seem like nightmare. Make no mistake you are not sleeping. Remember we let this happen to ourselves. Crept up slowly through the pours of our society. Our forefathers are turning in their graves. God help us all!
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