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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. mmmm, dog
  2. Ok, forget poison. This is a problem easily solved with a compound bow. Swift, silent and deadly. The dog won't know what hit him!
  3. Brady coached by that son of a Bum or Greg Williams or Mike Mularky or Dicky J is not the same player as Brady coached by Bilicheat!
  4. Amen!!! It is the coaching. I've been saying that for awhile. You can have all the studs in the league on your team , but if they are miscoached, there will be no second season. Good post.
  5. I liked Young at Texas. But the staff had to cater to his abilities and thats what made him great. I am dissapointed in his NFL performance. I knew it would be that way for him and Reggie Bush also. Not looking anywhere as good as they were in college. My vote in the Top 10 of QB busts
  6. Any reason for African American's to get upset...Now The Buffalo Zoo is under the microscope for naming a new baby giraffe after Obama's oldest daughter. What was supposed to be an honor is now a battle ground,what a shame. Get over it!
  7. Dwight is the shizzle. Office makes piss myself. Yes I saw it...it was bitchen.
  8. A new Prez* surrounded by criminals. Yes we did!!
  9. And as we know Sheep will be Sheep, like a moth to flame.
  10. Gas hit a low because the price per barrel went down. OPEC sets those prices and production. Niether Prez had anything to do with that. As for the "bail out" these businesses were mismanaging their companies and I say let financial Darwinism reign supreme. Big business dies and small business will come alive. Like it was in the 70's and 80's. No Home Depot ..but Grossmans . No Walmart ...but local clothing and sporting goods. No macro ...but micro. No Progressive insurance...local insurers. When I was a kid even banks were local "The Big E" and "Buffalo savings bank " were the banks and you know what , we lived fine, the wheel turned, the sun rose and set, life went on. And yes Yoda would be alright as a Prez, he would make people see how silly we, as a whole, have become. Sometimes when a forest becomes over grown, DEC officials have to do a controlled burn and after all the dead fall and undergrowth is ash, that forest grows to be bigger and better than ever. Thats what needs to happen to Big Business. From death comes life and if some layoffs take place then so be it. I know that if I got laid off that I could get work, even if it was less than what I was accustom to. I know it would only be temporary. So chin up
  11. There is a person who suffers from cretinism on this site? Oh! You mean my ideas differing from yours..I forgot, no room for the other opinion here. Simple folks think that alot of positives happened because of Obama..even before he took office. The fact is he is in favor of a troop surge in Iraq and Trashcanistan. He is spending alot of money in his first month of office. The simple mind that voted him in are the same folks that will believe everything he says. Smooth talking Barry...yes we did...raise your taxes.
  12. It would figure that you would believe a media driven recession. They told you who to vote for, at x-mas they told you not spend your money and now they are telling you our economy is messed, and you line up to eat it all up. Robot!
  13. Heres your bib and now I will spoon feed you. I was responding to the title of the thread" Iraq actually had a free election today" to which I replied, must be because of Barry Obama Prez* (notice asterisk) Asterisk is for the fact that his presidency is illegitimate ( citizenship, corruption, criminal ties, experience) got it yoda.
  14. It must be because of Barry Obama Prez*
  15. I think you had to many beers! That as an incomplete forward pass all day. Combine that with the 15 yard penalty and the Cards were 30 yards from the endzone. Call the the Tampa PD...robbery in progress. As Bills and Sabres fans I know we can recognize a good fudge packing when we see one.
  16. I stopped listening and supporting Rush because during election day he was melting down trying to tell listeners that McCain still had it, almost keep more republican voters home. Sounded like he was having a meltdown. He never realized that Obama was the prez that was invented in a board room . Like Backstreet boys at Disney, he was created not elected...brilliant. Lib press is the only thing that got him in, polluting the minds of minorities and 18-25 demographic. It worked, now we all suffer. God help us.
  17. Keep making excuses for your prez douche. Uncover eyes and see the truth for what it is. Yes we did! Fool all of you. Reaping ten fold.
  18. Still blaming the republicans eh douche? The lib/dems are the problem. They control everything in govt. and you still want to blame republicans...amazing! Open fly..remove head from ass.
  19. Billions of dollars in incentives not going to the people who fund them...Work harder, millions on welfare are depending on you! Hope you are all happy. Yes we did! lol:o) Just to keep it fresh
  20. You'll see...fasten your safety belts. Spoken in true lib name calling..how original.
  21. Everything about my post was coherent. Denial ain't a river in Egypt. Scary
  22. This is what you asked for, change...I bet you will be begging for Mcsame in one years time. Sleep tight mates. We reap what we sow. And we are reaping ten fold.
  23. The way Bush showed the world that we wouldn't take crap from Iraq and Afganistan,regardless of the way other more corrupt countries felt about it was good. The three tax rebates and child credit was excellent. Low interest rates for loans and houses was awesome. Tax breaks for small businesses worked. Two thumbs up Dow Jones breaking record highs several times was good for my portfolio.
  24. You got it JP. The liberal agenda in colleges today is sickening. When all else fails and you are out of ideas and rebuttals, resort to name calling. They want no religion, no gender, no laws, no regulations, all these punks don't want entry level jobs, they all want to start at the top. They aid to the problems in this country and then B word about how messed up everything is. While you and I get up and go to work everyday, these mocha latte genius lariats think they are going to change the world...all they do is F it up. Soon they will all see the error of their ways while they suffer at the hands of Barry "Illegal" Obama. Hand out over hand up...tisk, tisk
  25. Not whiny, just dealing in FACT...something that lib/dems don't want to do. They like to live in the non-commital gray area. The playing field is now level. I have given enough...it's time I get something back.
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