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Da Big Man

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Everything posted by Da Big Man

  1. Offense lacked imagination. surprise! this is the same ****ty product as the las 17 years. a repeat of all the losers amd losing seasons. lets cut to the chase and fire coaches now! yeah and J P Losman is still a rookie!
  2. The United States of America Born: July 4th, 1776 Died: November 6th 2012 Survived by a growing underclass that will insure more Democratic voters for life. Reducing this once great Country to a shadow of Her former self. God Bless America...May She rest in peace.
  3. Oh my God! Obama* has won using small tactics and failed policies. I hope all the blind sheep that voted for Obama* this time will remember this day. The day that changed this once great Country for ever. Four years of failure after failure and lie after lie...We deserve better. I smell large scale voter fraud.
  4. Well that didn't take long. I'm just enjoying this train wreck until it is over in 15 days. Happy days are here again!!!!
  5. When he was referencing cheap Chinese made tires ...yes . Way EPIC!
  6. Obama* gaff!!!!! Cheap domestic tires ....EPIC!
  7. To the moderator to say ok shut Mitt up and give me my turn.
  8. You obviously haven't watch much news in the last four years.
  9. Obama* is derailing and I LOVE IT!!!! The biggest, failed sociological experiment is almost over and for as bad as we are, we are lucky we made it out.
  10. Tax cuts will put us back on track. People need jobs. Trickle down works. Job creators hire people, more people work , more people pay in to taxes. So tax cuts help everybody...except for those who don't want to work and suck off entitlements that require higher taxes.
  11. Yes Ralph makes all decisions most of them bad. Johnson over Flutie, TO, Bledsoe, Mularkey, williams, jauron and now Buddy Nix and his band of redneck misfits.
  12. Its so obvious that this embarressment to Buffalo and the NFL has given up on the coach, the city and us the fans. They dont care, they are all millionaires.
  13. No quality head coach wants to come to Buffalo because Raplh Wilson is a medeling owner. Let this team please leave...The Bills want to sign a one year lease extention because they are beting that Ralph wont live into 2014. I say pull that of the table and force their hand... GET THIS ABOMINATION AND EMBARRESSMENT OUT OF BUFFALO.
  14. It simple. We shouldn't re-elect the moron. Are you better off than you were 4 years and 5 trillion dollars ago? Sociological test has failed at the cost of every hard working American regardless of race, religion, creed or even sexual orientation. If he is voted back in then God help us all...We will be beyond redemption.
  15. You'll see. Year in and year out I keep hoping and they keep failing and in 2 more seasons when we fire these idiots then in with the new idiots ugghhh!
  16. Yeah!!! The Bills are looking like their well on their way to 6-10. Alright just what I've been waiting for, another losing season.
  17. You took one to many hits from that bong! Stick a fork in em, their done.
  18. I know what you mean...they point out the painfully truth that is hard to ignore.
  19. Yep the Bills are not out and JP Losman is still a rookie and Trent Edwards never got a fair shake. This team is a joke, even at 4-1 they were the weakest team at that record. Now we will finish the season 5-11 and I can already hear the blind optimists here saying at least its one more victory than last season. Man I'm tired of being right and way ahead of the curve.
  20. Where can I see this game?
  21. They must have not gotten their hope and change Brother don't bother explaining yourself to these sheep eating from the liberal bowl.
  22. Thank you!!! I would like to thank my parents and Ralph Wilson for making this team a shotty mess for more than a decade and also a special thanks to the band of F'n hillbillies that run these lack luster players. And man I'm tired of being right!
  23. The main problem is we have a very cheap owner who hires weak GM's who draft the wrong players and who hire weak HC's who put together weak offensive and defensive packages! It's just that simple. I wish Ralph would just die already..Al is waiting for ya!
  24. AH ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Stick a fork in 'em! we're done! 5-11 here we come. No body circles the drain like the Buffalo Bills. Finished is just the begining. No more televised home games. Come on Ralph just die already!!!!
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