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Everything posted by jo39416

  1. How do we have a thread that is four pages long talking about a post someone had, but said person is not involved in new thread? This thread is dumb.
  2. this thread is dumb.
  3. Im not saying yes. But I wouldnt hate the idea. The upside for Dareus is miles below the upside for Bradford. At the end of the day, I see a healthy Bradford on par with, or slightly below Mat Ryan, who I would be more than willing to trade Dareus for.
  4. Because QB is almost the only position that matters in todays NFL?
  5. dear god this thread is going to shut down TBD.
  6. I just did the quick math and it is about 200k/year difference between buffalo and miami depending on how the bonuses are paid out - also must account for (shocking marginally) higher property taxes down there.. You have to remember that you get taxed in the state that you play - not just your home state. Edited for property taxes comment - holy crap you guys pay a ton in property taxes up there.
  7. Reading this thread title, I was anticipating a prediction of our record through 14 games.
  8. If HNGN.com reports it - then you KNOW its gold.
  9. YaY for slut shaming!! Seriously do most of you really not see the hypocrisy around this? She screwed someone famous and drunkenly put it on her tinder acct. There is no situation where a man doing this would have gotten the same reaction.
  10. This is the best thing I have read on TBD in a long time. You win the internets today.
  11. Is this for real? http://screengrabber.deadspin.com/one-tv-station-is-willing-to-tell-the-truth-1648325670/+bubbaprog
  12. This is not a good post. That is all.
  13. This - from CLT as well and Cam has been a great QB for the city thus far. Not what as portrayed coming out of college. on another note, there used to be an (older) woman that used to work in my office, who was an executive assistant that used to have the license plate "ILUVCLT". Was completely clueless about the duel meaning.
  14. He's like that girl you used to date that was so nice, smart, funny, but just not "it". Great guy.
  15. This was never in doubt. God loves to punish us to much to move the team.
  16. Now I can't tell if you are a troll or really stupid. Either way, glad I'm not you.
  17. EJ SUCKS!!! Wait? huh?
  18. Not sure the last time I saw the Bills beat the ref''s on the road, especially against a good team.
  19. I will never forget the sight of my dad doing the alligator at my sisters wedding while shout was playing during the father daughter dance. This was done in front of the in-laws, who were absolutely horrified.
  20. Best : EJ 25 TD's 14 INT's - 10-6 Worst EJ 12 TD's 13 INT's - 4-12 (EJ gets pulled after week 10) Likely EJ 18TD's 16 INT's - 7-9
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