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Everything posted by jo39416

  1. I literally just read another thread talking about Jeff Fischer from the Titans and thought that was the most retarded thing I would read today. NOPE!
  2. Can all of the quotes be proven? No. Are there plenty of racist rants that can be proven? Sure! http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/limbaugh.asp
  3. Yeah, we need another RJ at QB. Immobile and injury prone. Thanks but no thanks.
  4. Somebody sure is a grumpy gus. You would have thought we lost 6-3 against a winless team that has lost 10 in a row.
  5. In case anyone was wondering what Dicky J's halftime speech was last week they have a recording of it: Little Dicks Halftime speech
  6. I find it terrific that about midway down the page, it says the following: "Shaun Alexander's Seahawks can't look much worse in new uniforms." Oh, Really?
  7. My apologies, I'm in the process of looking for an appropriate picture of the aftermath of Katrina.
  8. Great point. Considering his comments in the past such as: (to a black caller) ''Take that bone out of your nose and call me back" and ''Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?" I wonder how free agents would respond to coming to a team owned by him. My guess is money talks and they would come, but at a premium.
  9. I dont see how the season is over if we lose to a decent/good miami team. Like someone earlier said, if we lose to the Browns, then I agree. Even if we lose this game there is a strong shot we get to 4-4 by the break. I will start to share your sense of impending doom after we start losing to AFC East teams at home.
  10. But he is their king. So we have that.
  11. Did you know that POZ eats puppies for breakfast and brushes his teeth with babies? WE NEED TO SIGN SOMEONE ELSE!! That is fun.
  12. Well played sir.
  13. Nope, but it kind of works.
  14. A for effort, F for execution.
  15. "Practice Squad" is a noun, not a verb. As such, it should never be spelled "Practise Squad"
  16. For god sakes, it Practice Squad not Practise Squad.
  17. I am an outside observer (never lived in either Buffalo or Jax, lived in NC my entire life) and have traveled to both cities extensivley, unless you are in Ponte Vedra, Jax is a hellhole.
  18. If the Bills beat the Saints, I will loosen my noose ever so slightly.
  19. Good one! After that call I broke my parents remote control to the TV set and got grounded.
  20. Ive forgotten what that feels like.
  21. You are correct sir. Which means its going to be ANOTHER 8 YEARS after this until the bills come to Carolina. Luckily for me we scheduled our wedding for the 17th of October this year which means I will be out of town when the Bills finally come to Charlotte.
  22. 4 and 5 need to be switched around. Otherwise a pretty good list.
  23. Wasnt Ellison, it was the defensive scheme, he played Watson great on both plays.
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