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Posts posted by FightinIrishBills

  1. Do you think Newton is the only reason Auburn won the BCS Title?


    Auburn had some talent on offense (including an incredibly good rookie RB who had a huge game in the BCS Championship) and a solid defense, but ultimately that team would have been middling in the SEC without Newton. Definitely wouldn't have beaten 'Bama. Newton was the straw that stirred the drink this year.


    his Nat'l Championship game performance was average


    The BCS Title games are always slop-fests. Both Oregon and Auburn ran high-powered offenses, but with so much time off, a team's rythm is bound to be disrupted. Besides, his performance against 'Bama should be considered nearly equivalent to a National Championship game, both with the huge rivalry and the unreal comeback he led.

  2. It's simple to rebuild this franchise. It just takes a little bit of guts and imagination.


    (1) Trade Fitzpatrick. He was the one thing keeping us from getting the #1 draft pick THIS season. Luckily, Andrew stayed in school. Do not allow Fitz a chance to interfere again. His value is at an all-time high and you could probably get a second-rounder for him, perhaps even a 2012 first-rounder from a QB-starved team.


    (2) Trade Kyle Williams for a 2012 first-rounder. Just pick a team that you think will suck bad in 2012 and trade him to them. Denver? Cincinnati? Carolina again? This simultaneously accomplishes the goal of making the Bills worse while eliminating one team in competition for Luck.


    (3) Use 2011 draft picks ONLY on offensive linemen and tight end. That means trading down from the #3 overall unless a stud offensive tackle emerges. The Bills already have enough good, young talent at WR and RB. Use this draft to build a strong offensive line for Luck and give him a TE safety blanket as well. Once we've drafted something like two tackles with starter potential, a backup guard, and a highly-rated tight end, trade all excess 2011 picks for 2012 picks.


    (4) Start Brohm in 2011. If he begins to improve to where he might be able to win a game (I highly doubt this, LOL), then bench him and start Levi Brown. Just alternate between those two QBs all season as needed.


    The idea is simple. Create a strong support system for Andrew Luck by giving him a strong o-line and receiving targets and spend the 2011 season developing the young offensive talent in those areas as much as possible. Meanwhile, DEPLETE the team everywhere else. Don't stop with just trading Kyle Williams. Trade Moats and any other good player on the roster (there aren't that many) that isn't an offensive lineman or receiving target. (I do have a soft spot for Moorman and would prefer that we keep him, though).


    Coach and gameplan as normal. Don't tank games on purpose. Try to win them, develop good habits, develop the skills of the depleted roster so that they can become good backup or role players, etc. But with Brohm/Brown leading the way and no defense, the #1 draft pick in 2012 should be easily attainable even while trying to win.


    Then, in 2012, Andrew Luck steps into a good situation for him with a strong o-line and strong receiving targets. And THEN you rebuild the defense. We would be contenders for the next 15 years with the QB situation settled.


    It's a simple plan but it takes guts and imagination. Do the Bills front office have it in them? I doubt it.


    Obvious troll is obvious.

  3. During my senior year of high school I was interviewing for a scholarship for the University of Virginia; apparently Ralph Wilson and the Bills have some kind of relationship with UVa. I walk in the door to OBD and who do I see but Marv and Ralph walking together in the hallway. Being nervous enough about trying to ace this interview, I was simply gobsmacked to be meeting the two kindly sports grand-fathers of my childhood. I think I was able to stammer out a "pleasure to meet you Mr. Levy" with wide eyes and sweaty palms before having to walk into the interview room.


    I didn't end up getting the scholarship (probably because I told them I thought James Bond was one of my favorite fictional characters...maybe Sydney Carton would have been a better choice?) but left with an awesome memory.

  4. I suppose it's all relative. He's a great penetrator, but terrible space eater. As a nose tackle in a 3-4 with a lack of size/strength a space eater probably wouldve helped the run defense a lot more. Doesn't mean he's bad, it's apples to oranges.,may as well say TO was a terrible tightend because he couldn't block on the line, because the two responsibilities of WR and TE are about as similar as a penetrating tackle and a space eater.... Now we just need to run a D that fits our personnel, or get new persons in it.


    Are "That's what she said" jokes cool again? Because if so, that's awesome :nana:

  5. Let the rationalizing begin.


    Bottom line, we got totally owned the last two weeks against other teams in the AFCE. You can rationalize some against NE because they are very good and fielded their best team. The Jets didn't even dress either starting running back and still ran they were playing a UFL team. The Jets defense didn't even dress either corner or either safety and the Bills offense was shut out.


    There is no rationalizing this loss. It was a pathetic performance against the JV squad of a team we play twice every season.

    Hopefully it will help in terms of draft order, and it is not the end of the world as we knew going in that the Bills weren't exactly loaded with talent. But if the NE game didn't show people just how far from being competetive the Bills are, hopefully this game did.

    And Nix, Gailey, and Mr. Wilson had better realize that as well.


    The bolded line is just astounding. How can the starting squad of a team getting their balls cut off and fed to them by the scrubs of a AFC East opponent not matter?


    Well, when you take the bold line out of context, of course it looks ridiculous. What I meant was that in the current situation, where essentially neither team had anything to play for, it really didn't matter how the team looked against the Jets' JV squad. I'm disappointed with a poor performance, but I've seen enough out of the Bills this season to gauge where we are--good enough to hang in games with tough teams, but not nearly good enough yet to handle an elite team like the Pats. This was a 6-10 or 7-9 team with too many bad breaks and an even worse defense.


    Sorry, this wasn't a barometer game, let alone resembling anything close to meaningful. And if you really think Chan gave us his A-game coaching today or that the players went all out, then you're fooling yourself. If you think it's a damning indictment of the team that they didn't bust their asses for nothing, well you're entitled to that, although I'd like to point you to that stretch after the 0-8 start (the effort was there during it too, but they couldn't win games) where the team really went all out and won games in spite of it being decidedly futile.


    I'm not rationalizing to blind myself to some kind of ugly truth. I know where the Bills are. Unfortunately, too many fans are of the Mike Schopp/Jerry Sullivan mold--the glass will always be half-empty. Didn't they follow the EXACT formula that the downers wanted? They showed a lot of potential in tough games, and they still have a top 3 or 4 pick. The NE game killed my spirit a little but it did help bring me back to reality. I think getting upset over a meaningless drubbing falls in the realm of confirmation bias, no?

  6. Good point... thanks! My mind is mush from all these years. Years ago... they seemed to specialize in the "mail in".


    It's okay, you've seen enough bad in your life as a Bills' fan and you're sick of seeing more of it! Understandable. I actually "ran for the bus" as a fan today, watching only a good 5 minutes or so of the game before switching over to the Saints-Bucs game.

  7. Being a 40+ years Bills fan I have seen so many of these games on the final week of the season I have lost count. I will always be a Bills fan and continue to suffer but I think this shows a lack of respect for the coach and the organization. Where is the veteran leadership... I forgot, there isn't any. Very frustrating.


    They weren't running for the bus against the Colts last year...or the Pats the year before...actually, having just looked up the final game for each season from the past few years, I can't realistically say that the Bills have been "running for the bus". Then again, with 40 years of fandom, you have a much larger sample size to draw from memory-wise, but still, this is the first year in recent memory where I could say that they mailed it in.

  8. The Jets second and third string QBs both scored on us.

    Meanwhile our starting offense (2nd string QB and other injuries, but except for Fitz the best we could field) could not manage even a field goal against a defense that didn't even dress their top 2 corners or top 2 safeties. And the Jets offense didn't dress either of their top 2 running backs, and their starting QB handed off a couple times then took the rest of the day off. Not to mention others that played a little then rested the remainder of the game. And our starting defense and offense still got abused.


    Pathetic is putting it mildly. But, at least no one can now think this team is "better than their record" and Nix/Gailey can get to work making sure this bad of a team does not disgrace Bills fans again next season. At least that is my hope.


    Hmm, you don't think some of those "other injuries" contributed at least in part? Come on now, we were already down to 3 UDFA at WR. David Nelson and Donald Jones were both out for this meaningless game with a back-up QB with little to no NFL experience in the game.


    Get off the ledge. Yes, I was as disappointed as everyone else to lose the New England game the way we did (actually bought tickets!) but I'm glad to take the higher pick, all things considered. It doesn't matter how competitive you look against the Jets' scrubs.

  9. Hmmm, that's funny, according to Howard Simon and Jeremy White, Fred Jackson needs to be phased out of the offense next year because he's an average back at best. I think I respect their football acumen over the "great" Belichick. :wallbash: :wallbash:


    I actually like Simon's show, but when Jeremy said that Jackson isn't that good of a running back I wanted to drop-kick my radio.

  10. First off, Fitz hasn't "cemented" anything. And why would you start Brohm if Fitz has cemented the starting job? Brohm most likely isn't going to be here next year, and the same could most likely be said about Levi, they already cut him once. My guess is next year Fitz will start, hopefully with a rookie behind him to learn for a half of a season and a journeyman at #2 or #3. Brohm's NFL career is on the brink of ending, there is a reason that the Quarterback Genius Chan, hasn't given a thought to playing either of those two on the roster.


    Would you like the guy to do back-flips for you?

  11. Say what you will, but it certainly does provide Brady with some extra motivation. How much is the only question. These players are human. There's a reason why Belichick is best known for his paint-dryingly boring, "no bulletin board" material pressers, because what's the sense of stirring the pot? There is none. He knows some players get hot and bothered by what you say about them.


    Suggs just provided the Pats fuel for their fire. Again, how much is impossible to judge, but it sucks that he did say that because it'll be hard enough to win this game without anything negative being said about Brady.


    Michael Jordan was notorious for using the littlest things said as a huge motivation.


    Let him get fired up. Let him be at his best. When the Bills finally beat the Pats again, I want it to happen when they're at their very best, because I don't want anyone to be able to take it away from us. We've been plagued with a loser attitude for so long that we don't want to poke the sleeping Brady. No need for Rex Ryan levels of obnoxiousness, but I'm not particularly scared because some guy on another team said something about Brady.

  12. Here is what Chris Brown says in a recent report about Fitz:


    "Perhaps most important is even though Fitzpatrick comes with a Harvard pedigree, he doesn’t wear it like a badge of superiority."


    Just curious: why is this what is "most important?" Why is it more important than any other qualities? Why isn't it ok for him to be proud of his degree?


    What bothers me is that this country is so bloody egalitarian and anti-intellectual that we don't appreciate anyone's intellectual achievements. God forbid Fitz should let it be known that he has a Harvard degree (as if that is something he should strut around with for the rest of his life anyhow). No, he must act like a normal dummy because that is what is important. Getting along with the guys. Being one of the crowd.




    +1. He shouldn't rub it in anyone's face, because on the field no one cares if you're from Coe College or a Rhodes Scholar (well, except if you're that kid from Florida State...). But there's a world of difference between condescension and pride. Nothing wrong with expressing the latter for such a fine achievement.

  13. I was wrong about fitz.....but this team has a ways to go before they can compete with the pats.


    We'll find that out next week, won't we? As I recall, they competed with them earlier in the season. And while they're really rolling right now, I really think the Bills can compete with anyone right now. Not to say this game was a masterpiece, but they played according to their game plan--shut down the run and force Chad Henne to pass. It just so happened that Henne got hot today, but the situational game-planning really is impressive so far.

  14. Notice any difference in the Bills offense without this overpaid wash-up in the game? I sure didn't.


    There was a huge difference without him, actually. It was definitely a lot tougher for Fitz to get the ball moving without Evans opening up the field for him. I really don't understand the "Cut Evans" nonsense.

  15. I can't find the link yet on the Buffalo News website (it just came out in this morning's paper), but Bucky Gleason came out with an article that gave a background on Terry Pegula, the would-be new owner of the Buffalo Sabres, based on interviews with friends and acquaintances. While news of Pegula buying the Sabres is exciting enough, one of Gleason's interview subjects speculated that Pegula would be looking to buy the Bills if "the pieces fell into place".


    I know it's been talked about a little in another thread, but this is the first I've seen in print that he might actually have an interest in the Bills as well. From all accounts so far, the guy sounds like he's made of sunshine and chicken wings, and I really can't wait to see what happens! :worthy:

  16. 1. kicking the FG to tie the game on 4th and 2 inches on the PIT 13. If we go for it and get it, it is a lead and maybe no OT.

    Your opinion did he do the right thing? Is it better to keep the odds of winning 50/50? Or to try to take the game then?


    The 2nd was the 4th and 9 on the PIT 39. Would you have done something different? Fake or FG maybe? Again what do you think?


    I pretty much agree with what he did both times but the FG for sure had me wondering what I would do?


    I agree with both of his decisions. The main element that factored into both was that the defense was playing well that second half. Chan had enough faith to ride them into overtime, thinking that letting the defense get big stops with good field position was better than going for a risky 56 yarder (remember that Lindell's been shaky as of late).


    He has faith in his defense and although they came up short on that last drive, I honestly think they're making great strides. With a couple more playmakers, they'll be well on their way to being a solid unit.

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