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Posts posted by DrPJax

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dr.Sack said:

    Mahomes is now 60/104 57.69% passing in the Super Bowl. That is early 2018-2019 Josh Allen level accuracy. Why does Mahomes suck in the Super Bowl so much? 

    Well, sounds like someone is trying to nitpick,,,,,got to get there in the first place to have a cancel to suck, right?????  Lol.  😂

  2. On 2/4/2023 at 10:45 AM, HOUSE said:

    What ever happened to TRUST THE PROCESS?


         Lol, problem is eventually the process has to produce a championship, not just be a catch phrase. 6 years is a very long process in the nfl culture, and other, Less tenured coaches have already made SB appearances ; that’s just a hard fact to ignore , and they seemingly did it with less overall talent.


           There is only one ultimately acceptable end product , a Lombardi. And that’s the basis of this business.   Every coaching staff in the NFL has and will be measured by their ability to do that one thing, so it’s easy to see either ultimate success or failure.  Guys who are coaches, getting paid very high salaries, understand that and know their time will usually either show quick success ( a championship, not repeatedly falling short of even getting a chance to win one yet; the process has not even actually gotten to the final game,  coupled with a franchise whose history is shared with only a few others who also have never won even once), or they will be replaced as there is a never ending pool of talent who just might be better. 


          There is no promise of linear progression to a championship and this fan base should know that more than any other. Who is to say that 13 seconds might not be to this staff what wide right was to Levy and Kelly ?  They peaked at 51-3 , missed that one opportunity to win it all, and never really got close again despite regular season success.  Their future was sealed as a team/ staff and they never did win it all. 


         So, how do you ask a group of people who has been thru that type of ultimate failure to just hold onto a catch phrase when they went from right on the verge of possibly moving on, while actually healthy, playing their best and hottest football, staring at playing the AFC championship on their home field, only to blow it with 13 seconds ( analogous to wide right as the last play), then follow that up with one of the worst home playoff losses in franchise history, and not expect people to lose some trust?  They have just seen proof that at least 3 teams now ( kc, CINCY, EAGLES, & possibly the 49 ers, and Miami is closing fast ) have leap frogged in front of them getting further In the playoffs the past two years,  so its hardly an aberration. 


         I don’t have the answers, but I do know THE PROCESS was never sold as something supposed to take 6-7 years to actually  produce.    Now they are facing the reality that their drafting results along the lines didn’t pan out, they continue to fail to produce an effective running game  in critical situations , and their go to passing attack may actually, as it currently stands, lack enough talent ( compared to peers KC & CINCY) to expect to get past those teams.  

          They have  watched other teams poach players from them and get production as the Bills failed to develop them to the point of  even getting them on the active roster regularly, and now are facing cap ramifications that might cost them losing supposed pro bowl talent.  I don’t think any of that is just being pessimistic to just be pessimistic , but actually is how many analysts are discussing the  situation.without rose colored glasses on.


           So, that is THE PROCESS up to this point; that’s the reality of the product.   It sure seems impossible to think with Allen as your franchise qb,  that’s the best THE PROCESS might produce , but if you went through the Kelly/ Marino  era seeing no titles, maybe  not TRUSTING THE PROCESS is not so surprising.  At some point you have to produce , after all, somebody DOES PRODUCE every year, right? I don’t remember  the NFL ever not crowning a SB champion!  It’s not impossible, so why not have high expectations?    I really like mcd, but for a guy who always is spouting “no excuses”, his teams sure have blown thru a lot of them. Lol !  BTW, big fan, you always got the diagnosis right on your show with s***  I  had a hard time finding in text books , so why cant you fix this Bills crap?  I 😂. Down some hydrocodone, and post the solution asap! 😀

  3. 8 hours ago, Gugny said:


    I had a similar, but luckily not as bad, experience when I was close to 40.


    I was having severe headaches and I NEVER get headaches.  I figured it was just sinuses or something, so I pushed through it.  It got so bad one day, that it literally brought me to tears.  I didn't go to the ER, but I was able to get into the doctors' office.


    When the LPN came in to do the normal weigh in, blood pressure, etc., she took my BP and said, "hmmm."  Then she tried it again.  Then she asked if she could try my other arm.  After that, she went to get another LPN, who also took my BP.  At that point, she told me that she was going to get the doctor.


    When the doctor came in, she took my BP and told me that it was 225/130 and asked me how I was feeling (other than the headache).  She then did some quick tests to see if I had already suffered any kind of stroke and told me that I was at risk of having either a stroke or a heart attack at any time.


    She wrote a script and told me to go directly to the pharmacy.  It was for a pill that would basically crash my BP.  She then set up an appt., to have CT scans, EKGs, etc. done and told me to go to the hospital to get those done.


    Knock on wood, I've never had any issues after that (I've been BP medications ever since) and I get checkups done every 6 months.


    That day was the first time I'd seen/met that doctor.  I'm 52 now and she's still my doctor.


    I got very lucky that day and I maintain that she saved my life and I'll be forever grateful.


           I AM SORRY, won’t go into all the details , but practiced about 40 years, (clean license to this day, no actions or suits and do expert testimony in malpractice cases), and  that decision to send you home , unmonitored to take oral meds , WOULD  NOT MEET THE STANDARD OF CARE IN ANY PART OF THE COUNTRY FOR MANY PAST YEARS,( YOUR SCENARIO AS DESCRIBED, usually requires transport by ambulance to an ER for Iv  meds, monitoring, and imaging as you were symptomatic with the worst headaches of your life, which easily COULD HAVE BEEN AN EARLY BLEED THAT NO PHYSICAL EXAM WOULD FIND 100% of the time). Those levels, with those symptoms, require urgent/emergent treatment while supervised.   

     In a hypertensive urgency/emergency , BP is slowly lowered by 10 % approximately over several hours to prevent a stroke from too rapid lowering, and NO ONE should be sent home on oral meds unsupervised, without trained monitoring,   ( you become the treating drs responsibility once in the office, but of course you are free to do anything once fully informed /consent is obtained. if you had stroked going to the pharmacy or never took the meds or they weren’t absorbed because of food or other drug interaction, etc, as you can see many bad things were left to chance theoretically .  Thank God you did well )  unless symptom free and after having been treated/monitored in the office /ER and given meds there with immediate follow up within 24 hours ( in your case tho the severe headache could have been an early bleed and a cat scan was needed to be sure you didn’t already bleed etc).  If anything bad had happened, not only would you possibly be disabled or worse, but a malpractice attorney would love a case like that. 


           Just because you did well does not justify inappropriate treatment or therapy, and I am only posting so those reading this don’t think that was adequate care as described.  Hopefully, things were omitted in posting, because if it is as  exactly stated, had you had any bad consequences, that drs malpractice insurance company would settle and never allow that to go court because as described, it would be hard to defend  with any bad outcome.  

    There are times you can orally treat with close , very close follow up, but having someone describe the worst headaches in their life with very severely elevated systolic& diastolic pressures, ( sorry,  fingers hit wrong key on iPad and errantly posted, requiring editing) and I think that was an absolute indication for imaging /IV MEDS/ probable admission for your safety and giving you the best chance a good outcome.   There certainly are nuances in the art of medical practice , so if some steps were not mentioned or forgotten, I apologize, but as posted no one should ever be sent home unmonitored to depend on oral meds in this scenario.  People need to know there are standards of care, and as described, those standards were not met if you were treated without medical monitoring in a safe environment , and just sent to a pharmacy with a script. 


          I am happy you did do well , and seems like you have a great relationship with your dr and that’s fantastic!  EVERY DR learns and everyone has made errors in judgement , hopefully things worked out and there was no harm.  I just posted , not to attack or be rude, but hypertension is called a silent killer for a reason, as your only symptom was the severe headaches, but at those BP levels it was a hypertensive urgency/emergency and oral meds alone at home is substandard treatment . Some oral meds can drop a BP PRECIPITOUSLY SO sending one home with those symptoms with a script only is very dangerous.  

    I am just going by current standards/guidelines and I know this is not football related , but it’s also  not a good idea  to post dangerous treatments or scenarios, esp given the original thread topic. I have seen the results of mistakes in care , and just wanted to address this common issue so no poster ends up with a terrible outcome facing a hypertensive emergency.  

          Respect your great posts, insight regarding the BILLS, and I’m glad you’re here healthy to keep enjoying them!  Best wishes; hope this was received in the spirit it was intended; I’m a little jaded as I’ve seen some bad outcomes that should have never happened. 







    • Agree 2
    • Awesome! (+1) 2
    • Thank you (+1) 3
  4. 1 hour ago, chongli said:


    Yeah, because it was an important date in Bills history. You can't just filter out all the bad stuff, as much as I want to.

          I was at that game , first SB I attended , then followed it up by goin to 28 in ATL the next year.  Pasadena was great and the Rose Bowl is the most visually appealing venue I have ever been in. Highly recommended bucket list place !  As the sun goes down you have a view of palm tree and far off are mountains covered in sunshine as the lights come on in the stadium. The field is spectacular and immaculately maintained.  I was sitting about 30 rows up, right on the goal line where Beebe made his famous play.  Got a great view of the play and it was about the only positive ,other than Tasker partially blocking an early punt and being involved with the Michael Jackson halftime show.  Everyone got a seat cushion with a regular sized flashlight embossed with the 27 SB logo. At one point in the halftime show we were asked to turn on the flashlights and visually helped light up the stadium during his performance. 

         It was a bag of mixed emotions for me , as I was fortunate to be in a relationship with a really beautiful , smart nurse who went with me. She looked like a very young Hillary Clinton (facially , but had a smoking bod! ) , and on the plane ride out MEAN JOE GREEN was reading a time magazine on the plane and it had Hilary on the cover. He was sitting right behind us and he tapped my girlfriend on the shoulder , pointed to the cover , and asked for her autograph in a joking way. My gf didn’t know who he was , but I had grown up in Eastern Ohio where all my friends were Steelers fans , so I couldn’t believe what has just happened. I jokingly asked if we could just swap autographs and he laughed , kindly just went back to reading as I guess he didn’t want to attract attention to himself. True story. 

          Before the game they had the early version of the NFL experience next to the Rose Bowl the day prior to the game. I got to bid on several NFL authenticated memorabilia at a silent auction. I actually got a Bills team signed football,  a Bills team autographed helmet , and an autographed OJ Simpson jersey which was prior to his crimes.  I also got and still have , two large uncut sheets of skybox cards printed on site and in limited edition numbered there.  Those sheets have almost all the Bills & Cowboys on them , in addition to rookies like john Fina and many guys who turned into HOF guys or star players.  I watch Finas YouTube podcast with Joe miller, and Fina has said he never held onto much gear or memorabilia , and since I’ve held onto these uncut sheets ( pristine condition) , I was thinking of contacting him or anyone interested as I am having health issues and would love to see them go to someone who might appreciate them before sometime happens and I’m not around to see where they go.  If interested , email me at r.prokes@icloud.com ( tried posting pics on here of the sheets of cards but files were too large). 

    Was just neat stuff; unfortunately it was so negated by the Bllls getting destroyed in that game. I flew there from Florida , so it was a long way to go to watch that throttling!  On the flight home I actually met the parents of the cowboys third wr /kr at the time as they were flying to Jacksonville where they lived.  They had on Cowboys locker room gear ( shirts w the score and other stuff that you couldn’t purchase that quickly as I flew out early the following morning , their last name was Martin if I remember corrrectly ) and they ended up becoming patients in my family practice at the time.  They were great people , very kind about joining my practice even tho it was obvious I was a Bills fan !    So thx for posting as I see you got a lot of criticism for posting about that game. While it was a terrible game, everything else about the experience was amazing for me and unforgettable for all those good things that happened. 😊


        One side note; the Bills players of that time have said after the 2 nd SB loss, they were always waiting for something bad to happen in subsequent SB’s. Thurman has said that often , so for example , when he fumbled it would take him out of the game and they just expected bad things to happen so they didn’t mentally think they could win a SB and of course , they never did.
    I am getting that “ mentality” or feeling after listening to Mcd and seeing how he has not coached well in the postseason. ( listen to florio critique Mcd , which is the first real critique saying perhaps Mcd is not going to win a SB with the bills that I felt had some validity, as I like Mcd but don’t feel confident in Frazier). The losses  in postseason have been mistake prone,  or just being outcoached in many opinions, and the team all quickly fell into rationalizing how only 1 team ends happy, yada, yada, yada.  
    Hate to say it , just a feeling , but it reminds me of issues  like around the 90’s teams; they are coaching / playing almost expecting something bad to happen.  They seemed mentally beaten imo prior to that cincy game , for a variety of reasons , but I’m beginning to wonder if they can overcome all the bad losses they have had in the playoffs.
     At least those 90’s teams got to the SB , and didn’t take steps back once getting to the afc championship game. I’m not sure Mcd , while being a great reg season coach , is not starting to develop a trend of over thinking things and becomes error prone come playoff time. Time will tell, but it’s starting to remind me a little of that 90’s mentality; some coaching staffs rise to the pressure , as the Eagles , KC, and even Cincy have all made it there , while this year it feels like the Bills might even be headed the other way.  Hard not to notice it having lived thru the 90’s SB losses.  Anybody else notice any similarities?  Thx tho for jogging my good memories about SB 27 in Pasadena.  😊

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  5.       So let’s examine the logic here.  So Mcd keeps saying injuries are no excuse for performance and an early exit with the d giving up 30 first downs and having embarrassing plays like the 3 rd and 4 yards ( this screw up is analogous to the formation use in the plays of the last 13 seconds) , and getting bounced early is ok to keep Frazier ?   Yet , they want to then say , well there were so many injuries that It’s  not fair to blame Frazier or move  on ?  So which is it ; if Mcd won’t use the injuries as an excuse for poor performance, then what logic flips that, and then makes the injuries a valid excuse for not releasing  Frazier ?  The injuries either do matter enough to effect performance in Frazier’s case , or they don’t matter as an excuse for the d getting abused and an early exit ; you can’t have it both ways.  If they are  no excuse regarding record etc , said repeatedly by Mcd , then they can’t be a reason used to give Frazier a pass for the poor record of this d come playoff time.  Frazier either is accountable or not but if logic is consistent, injuries can’t be used as an excuse to give him another chance.  

          The dvoa stuff looks like some interes data , but games aren’t won on. an individual basis because of dvoa metrics , or we would still be playing until we meet a team who ranked #1 in dvoa.  Plus these metrics continued to drop as the season went along and were worse without von. We were  close to the bottom of the league in sacks,  and the pressure rate dropped down into the high 20’s.  What matters is you couldn’t get to a 3 rd year fin qb , nor could you get to Burrows ( jones also had a great game for him in week 18.  You were down 14-0   In two efficient drives with one negative  yardage play against  Cincy and 0 Uncompleted  passes. It was impossible to overcome. The team under Mcd running his d is 4-5 in the playoffs and two good years with your franchise qb on his first contract were wasted, esp compared to Cincys results, so keep relying on dvoa regarding your staff make up and d philosophy , and unless research shows dvoa correlates with Lombardi trophy’s,  this staff is missing the big picture.
    It’s analogous to the high rise in excess deaths in 30 countries across all age groups not being investigated , while ramping up rhetoric to maintain the status quo even tho the the two star , original players are no longer “ in play”. .  Losing vision of your true end goal  by keeping outdated schemes gets you sent home prematurely.   

             They can do whatever they want coordinator wise ,  but this d scheme drained copious resources both  in draft capital and free agent $.  I bet it drained many mafia pockets of $ , loyally supporting another painful , unnecessary playoff loss. It seems part of the process has stalled or failed actually in obtaining the goal of winning a SB. They got bumped out at the same level a Giants with him as a first time HC.  Cincys Hc has surpassed Mcd heads up , and the fins new Hc almost did the same and their d looks mote promising  next year as will the Jets, and O’Brien comes into the pats as their new OC.
         The Bills were forced to accept new blood  on the offensive side ; based on lack of playoff success it is very reasonable to see what a new infusion at the DC would bring. That soft zone with increasing complex checks come playoff  time is resulting in missed assignments, blown coverages , and signature losses.  For crap sake , you draft a cb with a round 1 grade , yet he was still sharing snaps with Dane Jackson.

            Why run it back with Frazier as other afc east teams are changing / progressing;  Kc/ Cincy already have better rosters, as like Chris sims said , Buffalos talent level was overestimated.    Good staffs don’t keep treading water or regressing; our 90’s teams kept moving forward after just two setbacks.   Even they changed coordinators. I think Mcd is going to wear thin doing this and with a new stadium needing revenue soon , he is going to find out business is larger than process. Wade found that out the hard way; hopefully the Bills don’t repeat that part of their amazing history. 

  6. 6 hours ago, HoofHearted said:

    That's embarrassing if true. Teams change their signals and calls within games - why would they think it would remain the same from week to week?

    It is true.  Broken down expertly by Eric on cover1’s YouTube video about “ you are what your last game says you are” , or close to that. It’s a fantastic breakdown of the literal defensive breakdown of the Cincy game.  It’s the strongest , most well documented expert analysis of how badly this team was out schemed in that game on both sides of the ball , but it really makes the best case for Frazier’s dismissal I have seen. And it’s fact based, not just vitriol seeking to lay blame.     Very worth your time to watch to fully understand how that debacle happened , yet the clues were already present in prior games.  Really shows how bad the defensive coaching failure was across the board.   
           I guess they let go of the safeties coach because they have no safeties left ti coach , and in mcds new vision they will just have epenesa lose weight again to be converted to strong saftey as mc Beane now realize with the cap they can’t keep rotating 10 dl’s as they attempt to get under the cap.

          Also as the corners are now playing at least 8 yards beyond the first down marker , they are really safeties in theory and Edmunds & Milano will now cover the boundaries as well in this latest version of cloud coverage which will give up any / all running plays to be sure they are never beaten with the deep ball.  Rbs fro opposing teams will eventually come in contact with the deeply dropped soft zone coverage , and it’s hoped by that time the Rb’s will be winded so that the tackling of those dbs now may actually improve.  This will help the stat about yards gained after contact ; since the rbs will already have gained all the yardage required for moving the chains , will be winded from sprinting untouched , our dbs should get them down immediately on contact so they will lead the league in least yards allowed after contact !

              It is just one sample of the forward thinking this staff is capable of given the reality we have zero cap space and an extreme excess of DL to draw from !   So , yes , firing the safeties coach makes so much sense! 😉👍

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Bills Juggernaut said:

    Hahahahaha!!! That's an ex-girlfriend of mine lol. 

          Haha!  That’s too funny!  Why an ex?  Seems like she has great taste in football teams and had good seats, doesn’t have issues with being shy or not communicating her feelings, whereas with some women you can be left guessing where you stand !   She just doesn’t seem to be fond of “ grabbing junk” or getting directives about certain things concerning said area, but she is  obviously intelligent as she is fluent in two languages (English & signing ) and probably has a good following on social media so her earning potential seems unlimited!  She is into the outdoors, looks very attractive and dresses well, and looks like she might enjoy an adult beverage in moderation because she is still standing and easily looks like she had intact motor function with her right hand ( you know , like how they ask you to extend your arm and then touch your nose with your finger with closed eyes 👍) !  
    Plus she is persistent, and there is no quit in her as she was there at the end of that debacle.  She even seems considerate because she made sure she didn’t stand straight up blocking the view of those behind her.  Heck , she also seemed to be environmentally conscious as she was careful to not knock over those empty cans right in front of her, and I’m betting  she probably made sure they got deposited in the recycle bin on her way out of the stadium. The only small negative might be her dislike of fruits given her reaction to the word apple , but that might be a dislike of a certain type of electronic brand / operating system which is ok as some people just prefer android. 

    I don’t know , seems like a lot of positives there. Maybe something to revisit when you see that type of loyalty demonstrated to the Bills, she has demonstrated an ability to tolerate a lot in a relationship !   😀😂.   ( jk a little , but great on you for dating a woman who loves the Bills!). Best wishes! 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  8. On 1/24/2023 at 3:40 PM, Big Blitz said:

    Essentially just said Dorsey will be back 

    I don’t think it’s a great idea , but depends if better can convinced to come in. What worries me is we see failure after failure from the defensive scheme In the playoffs , yet they keep sticking with Frazier.  It’s says something that Frazier is not even getting hc interviews at this point.  Mcd just continues to be stuck in this rut defensively  , so I really find it hard to fathom he will change after just one year with Dorsey and I’m expecting to hear how his second year will show tremendous growth.  This o just scored 10 points at home against a d that had not played them before.  That is not a confidence builder.  

    I know Josh loves dorsey , but you know what , it’s like being in business with your best friend or family , it tends to not work out well.  Dorsey seems like a peer , not a leader or authority figure like Daboll was for Josh and I think the undisciplined play we saw at times was the result.  Burrows hit his backs and check downs and they dominated a terrible defensive scheme.  Josh either isn’t given the protection, the options to backs etc , or he just won’t get the ball out quickly as he held the ball the longest of any of the playoff qbs.  I chose to believe this is on dorsey and a very diverse lacking playbook. 


    Probably best to only change so much and if given a choice , I would move from Frazier and hope Dorsey does grow.  We know what Frazier is as does the rest of the nfl now. A DC with a consistent top “5” D , that can’t get a hc job , is a huge red flag.  Dorsey , a first year OC got an interview and even with the Rooney rule , Frazier is not being considered as a serious candidate should open an owners eyes. If Mcd can’t move from that , as much as I respect him , he is showing a blind spot or loyalty that he is placing above his own career.  

  9. 8 hours ago, HoofHearted said:

    Please explain in detail what the counter punch is to getting out-physicalled on the defensive line all game? What are you doing schematically to overcome that?

    Go watch cover 1’s YouTube video about the last game. Very informative watch , and to me , if this doesn’t spell the end of this scheme and Frazier , I personally have no hope they will make it further than their 4-5 playoff record has proven to be their ceiling.
    There were moments when cincy and burrows could not move the ball.  Unfortunately the coverages and schemes that were successful that day were used less than 10, maybe less than 5 % of the snaps.   Then Frazier/ Mcd reverted to coverages that Burrows was abusing and the players were put in horrible positions.  

    I am not saying the talent is not lacking , it really is. Yet it’s amazing they had a 14-4 record , so scheme can effect most teams even with our very average talent , until you face good coaching staffs with players and qbs who can execute their counters well.  Not arguing the out played / physical part , but even with good talent , if Frazier is allowed to keep complicating the defensive reads so much and refuses to use what was working , he will continue to cost this team progressing even with elite talent as they will only play if they do what they are told to do ; they are not going to let players just free lance regardless of their talent.  Miller was even placed on a rotating basis as a 2x SB champ , hof talent.  This is about Mcd / Frazier changing to playing complicated, scared coverages at playoff time.  

  10. 1 hour ago, JMM said:

    Not to rehash or in any way not understanding that we were dominated on both sides of the ball. But to me it seemed like the Bengals were doing better on the snow covered field. They didn't look tentative at all. Whereas to me it looked like the Bills were absolutely tentative at times, trying not to slip and slide. It felt like the Bengals were playing on a high natural grass surface and the Bills were playing on their old horrible carpet. Is it possible they screwed this up too, not having the proper length cleats?? Did anyone else notice this or was it just we were that slow and flat?



    The bengals were not running laterally , they were driving ahead on both lines.  There is no  excuse for our lack of talent at positions along the lines.  Almost every player on the o line was beaten individually that day. Lg was of course the worst along with Brown. The d line was just manhandled and the bengals schemed them into very light boxes with a nickel back facing a pulling tackle at times.   It was about athleticism and scheme and the Bengals having a well prepared offensive game plan that made our d look foolish.  There was no surprise or footing issue with Talent like epenesa , Basham , settles , having been avg at best all year and Oliver is a chronic underachieving draft pick.  
     They had a good season when Allen could mask most issues with his unicorn talent , helped at times by Diggs and a slew of role players.  Good teams now know how to stop Allen from just taking the game over, but this can be fixed with talent infusion in the wr corp and that o line has to be fixed in 2-3 areas.  That’s not footing.  But you can’t run laterally and be poorly prepared along the line.   Go watch cover 1 ‘s last YouTube video about the last game and you will see the real issues.  Best wishes !  

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 22 hours ago, Success said:

    I mean, that happens in football, right?  


    Teams come out flat.  They do get emotionally drained after emotional situations.  I think Hines may have covered for some of that in the season finale, but you could see it in the Miami playoff game, too.  They were kind of running on fumes at the end.


    You can say these are pros, and that's not an excuse, and I can't really argue that.  But it simply is what it is, and some of the players have come out & stated it. I don't think that makes them a "softer" team than most.  Just human.


    Based on the discussions here, we went from feeling like we were on top of the league most of the season, to feeling like we're all of a sudden miles behind Cincy.  I don't buy that.  Cincy was better that day - more prepared, more motivated, more fresh mentally.  But it was just a bad day.  They're not 27-10 better than the Bills.  And maybe that hype will die down a bit if they lose next week or in the SB.  We're still an elite team in the NFL, with an elite QB, and can get right back at it in September.


          It was not just a bad day. The coaching on both sides of the ball had issues from mid season on.  Please , as a good fan , quality poster, go look at cover 1 ‘s breakdown of the d and O in the video about you are what your last game is.  It’s an 11/2 hour expert film breakdown of the coaching issues that are plaguing this team , and the defense has in particular been responsible for the majority of the playoff losses.  It’s not a bad day when you see the results of a horrible coaching philosophy and how Cincy dismantled the defense  easily. 

          This is on frazie4 and Mcd complicating the reads so much more in the playoffs that players can’t play fast and it showed tendencies that had been going on for se real games that the bengals planned for and easily exploited with a predominantly back up o line.  Also , injuries added to the demise as players ( poyer , Phillips ) for example were playing with one arm and your best defensive player outside of Milano , Daquan jones was absent and thr running game was exploited , but you will learn how it was exploited over several games.  Don’t ignore the fact the Fins almost beat this team with a third string qb ; that is almost unprecedented and it foreshadowed the following loss. Burrows predicted they would dominate this d , and they d based on superb coaching by them , but a worn out , poorly , over complicated scheme that Mcd/ Frazier keep going to in the playoffs and cover 1 shows how absurd these mistakes were.  

           losing predominantly the playoffs ( mcds 4-5 record) , is not a bad day , it is a true trend and if you want to keep believing things in games like this happen by chance , then you are doing yourself a disservice continuing to watch and not really grasping the true issues that will continue to keep this team from a Super Bowl appearance unless changes , at least on the defensive side / scheme occur.  It shows why you can be misled by relying on things like dvoa.  13 seconds and this loss happened because of defensive breakdowns that were very similar. Please , it’s free on YouTube.  It’s an excellent watch for you football IQ , and it can give you insight into how this team can progress, or how it might just continue accepting the status quo.  It might help you gage how much time and emotional commitment you are willing to invest based on those decisions. Please , don’t just take my word , get insight and education from guys who have passion , knowledge, and don’t deal with myths or lack of reason.   Revisit this after you watch that breakdown , and then let me know if you think it was “ just a bad day”, it is a trend and scheme dependent result. Best wishes. ( the offensive side is another issue ; it has to be addressed as well but we have a franchise qb , so 90% of the job is in place and just needs fine tuning). 

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Cygnus99 said:

    I don't see the Bills making it to the playoffs next season. Could it be a rebuilding season ? I see 8 wins at most . Any thoughts ? 

    I know it feels that way right now and I hear you. Crap way to end a season we were all really emotionally invested in. Feels even worse than 13 seconds because when that ended , it seemed it was just Kc and us the next year battling for the Super Bowl.  Now we have irrefutable proof cincy has leaped ahead of us , KC is still ahead of us , and teams with less experienced coaching staffs like Miami made huge , quick progress.  It’s looking very evident Mcd and Beane have made some bad choices team building and honestly , this team doesn’t look on the same level as those who are actually getting repetitive chances at a superbowl. 

    If this doesn’t prove you can’t be so narrow focused with the d line being your main area of attention , never really getting quality o lineman and requiring an OC to actually develop a legitimate running attack alongside your passing game, I don’t know if it’s fair to expect different results from this staff. I have never seen a successful team refuse to run the ball like this team does , giving less than ten carries to any backs and putting them behind lines where they are hit in the backfield.  In contrast , Cincys rbs got 3 yards in Sunday’s game BEFORE CONTACT , the most at any point in the year.  

    But it’s a long offseason.  They might be smart and finally get some creative coordinators to support Sean and Allen, and who knows , they might get some proven wr talent to augment Diggs.   It could happen!  If they actually build around their superstar , they might keep moving forward.  So, I’m wiling to see what they do. I will say tho, personally, if they don’t make some commitment to change, I can’t trust them to invest myself the same emotionally or financially.  it’s the old saying , doing the same thing and expecting different results is the definition of a blindly loyal Bills fan , and been there , done that !  But it’s way to early to predict which way things will go. 

  13. 7 hours ago, QB Bills said:

    He's on a twitter roll right now calling out Diggs and Allen and even took a shot at the Damar Hamlin situation. I legit hate this guy and that team more than any other team right now. With this clown and Burrow's arrogance, I say the hell with all the goodwill from the past. I hope (gulp) KC crushes them. Don't see that happening though, unfortunately.



    As a fellow Bills fan , here’s a free idea , life advice type thing.  Put the phone down , close your twitter app.  Do you have some close family , life changing ties with apple?   Is he a primary member of your family that has influenced your life and health ? If a tree falls in the woods with no one around, does it still impact your life ? Lol!   What the f effect does apple have in your life other than a game he played in for one hour ?  
    You have  control over your life so enjoy it.   Does an app and some idiot you have no formal relationship with have a tangible , positive effect or enhance your future in any way?  I’m betting the answer is no.  If you spend that  time reading about your chosen career , spend time exercising for your health , engage in talking to a real , present   person or family member who has influenced your well being, would you even  have seen any nonsense from a guy who clearly cares only about himself as  you are nonexistent to him ?!  
    You really want to waste emotion hating someone who wrote nonsense you didn’t even have to see on an app that exists virtually and will in no way benefit you as a person? Seems silly  if that’s how you want to spend what little quality time we are given to enjoy life, health , and those who add joy to our  life.  If you want to make HIS  life more meaningful , keep paying attention to his drivel. It’s your loss.  I bet you know someone older , or struggling financially , or facing something like having a dying parent, who you might really help and would benefit from your attention and time. .  But you want to be affected by Eli apple ?  As they would say on ESPN, C’mon man  !  Lol !  Best wishes. 😀👍.  

    • Agree 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  14. 6 hours ago, IBTG81 said:

    No. That’s pretty much what it looked like at the snap. 

         Exactly. Look we all know the saying “ a photos worth a thousand words “ ; well , I guess all of us except that person who is just throwing out bs to throw out bs. You don’t need more to explain that photo , it is what it is, and 99% of people who watched the game and saw that play know the picture stands by itself as an example the OP was trying to portray in his/ her post. 
    We all know and saw that the ball was immediately snapped as part of the Bills d was presenting a blitz while the dbs  dropped BEYOND the sticks (unfortunately, we have seen this many times in the past  with Frazier as the d coordinator ) , and Burrows immediately threw to the boundary receiver who wasn’t touched until he was already beyond the first down. It was an important third down conversion.  

         It was commented on by analysts , content providers, and just plain old simple fans. Don’t believe me, well, heres anither example   Just go do a little homework if you need convincing , check out THE AIR RAID HOUR on YouTube today , less than 1/2 hour in when the one content provider comments on this exact play and said “ that third and four , when they just blitzed everybody , left 8 yards of cushion , was insane . And don’t put that on the players, that’s on Leslie Frazier”!  This is just one example of people understanding that exact play and picture as it stands alone, and there are many more examples of people commenting about it even in this thread, so asking for more video around it or it means nothing must be,,,,,sarcasm? . 

           That play along with the remainder of the defensive performance represent the issues that resulted in something NOT opinion based, but FACT based; the Bills were once again sent home at the divisional playoff level.  All the  dvoa / pff type stats can’t negate that FACT, and the eye test we all witnessed; the defense was mistake prone  and played uninspired , poorly executed football that was not up to the standard it requires to advance further, and that seems like a coaching issue.   That’s the problem with a fact. It’s truth and it’s not up to interpretation or opinion. You can ignore facts , but it’s funny , that doesn’t make them nonexistent. Ignoring facts is a difficult way to put forth a valid argument or discussion.. 😀

           ( poster , this is NOT in reference to you , just referencing that absurd  idea presented by arguing that pic by itself, right before the snap meant NOTHING without more video support , when we all know exactly what it  resulted in 😊)  

         If I’m allowed to add a little, given  Sundays results, the Cincy  staff is providing a model of how to draft, team build, coach to your strengths , be offensively and defensively creative , and how that gets an organization to 2 AFC Championship games. While the Bills were chasing kc , investing so much draft capitol on literally chasing Mahomes ( who is in kc only because  Mcd gave the draft pick for mahomes to Kc in his first draft ), and  have fallen behind a second team now in addition with the Bengals jumping them.     It’s a step back and we are arguably in worse position than after 13 seconds.
           You probably won’t be seeing the Bills as SB favorites early next year unless they dramatically change and support their franchise qb with more talent on the o line , a legit wr corp , and a legitimate running game similar to the teams still  advancing in the playoffs. . So far we have little evidence given  the past 5 years that such a philosophical change is going to happen.  We see players drafted but used so sparingly it’s hard to see how they can develop , and we have seen players traded for but then used oddly or not creatively , players resigned and then used for less than a handful of plays in a game.  It’s bizarre things, with no coherent or cohesive plan and it resulted in declining performance until the teams final exit.  So it seems fair to say that one picture posted  is an insight or emblematic of all the strange coaching decisions that were going on this season.   Without some new input , I believe at the coordinator level , I am at a point where it’s difficult to feel optimistic the Bills will advance further and it’s possible they will be bypassed by even more franchises. As an analogy , if you’re not advancing your knowledge in your chosen field or career path , you are likely falling behind. 
          Somewhat paraphrasing the Op, using this picture is just ONE example of a Bills defense that was currently not adequate. Like John Fina stated on his podcast today , “ no one fears the Buffalo defense”!  You shouldn’t require more video to understand that concept, and you don’t have to be in the locker room or have been a former NFL coach to grasp the fact  that having coaching resulting in a 4-5 playoff record is not resulting in a Super Bowl.
    Something needs to change and I would hope soon as time is passing  regarding Allens prime years and the surrounding AFC competition.  Burrows was not shy, and was laughing while interviewed saying they expected to dominate this defense and they did that , and that picture represents at least one obvious example how that came about and it easily stands alone. .  (😊 please forgive my rambling, feeling a bit triggered after that very unsatisfactory way the season ended and defending one of the most egregious plays implying  some how that picture is misrepresenting the play seems disingenuous.. Hoping for a productive offseason!  )

    • Like (+1) 3
  15. 6 hours ago, Houston's #1 Bills Fan said:

    I've been a Bills fan since the OJ years, growing up in the Town of Tonawanda. The Bills have been and will always, be my team. I moved to Houston 22 years ago, but still passionately root for my team. I have suffered during the dark years, post the Music City BS. I hated the Rex Ryan hire, which wasted more precious years away. Josh was my pick for the draft that year; no one looked better to represent the Bills than Josh. He's proven to be exactly what we need. I've been so happy watching my team the past few years. 


    However, this game today just took all the wind out of my sails. I just don't know how much more miserable such an important, home playoff game could have been. This one hurts more than the Kansas City loss last year. It also tops the Texans defeat in overtime. The key difference being that in both those games, we were competitive and could easily have won. This game was over in the 1st quarter. It's like they didn't plan for the Bengals at all. 


    It will be a long time before I can even read anything about the Bills again. It just hurts.....

    I feel with you and for you having followed them since ‘63.   It’s a lot of time invested as a hobby , and having been 14-3 going in , playing at home which was a stated goal , and then coming out so completely flat , getting completely dominated is a lot of disappointment.   Sadly , it’s easy to get to a point where you begin to almost expect this to happen. The Bengals freely talked prior to the game that they weren’t concerned and Burrows said they expected to dominate this team, and you never heard a peep to the contrary from this team.  The 90’s teams weren’t ever so muted , intimidated  or so clamped down and afraid to respond as they are under Sean and they played like they lacked confidence.  

    Having followed them for so long , been to SB’s in person following them , and getting older with some health issues , it seems like a long time to get back to another  season and no one is promised a future to keep enjoying the team ( just look what almost happened to Damar).  So it does feel more like an emotionally heavy disappointment this year.
     It is just a hobby , but you do get involved with fellow fans etc and unless you are a sociopath , you do feel invested.  😊.  It just feels like if you can’t advance playing at home after being 14-3 , you wonder under what circumstances they may actually make it over that final obstacle  
    This team didn’t seem to have a clear vision offensively; they aren’t developing talent well like other teams seem too ( use of Elam , shakir, the rbs , the d linemen like epenesa & boogies use or lack of snaps seem to have no rhythm or reason ). Younger coaching staffs are bypassing them as you watch teams like the Bengals , Eagles , 49 ers look much further along.The cracks and red flags showed up against the pats and Miami , yet even the team was in denial talking about “ just survive and advance”.  Just surviving has never cut it in reality, and the warning signs were there.   Sean is 4-5 now in the playoffs so that’s not getting it done.     Hopefully , there is next year, it sure feels like a step back, but hey you are not alone! 😊Best wishes! 

  16. 2 hours ago, Governor said:

    Especially after starting the same exact way on the Monday night game. We were overmatched and the team knew it weeks ago.

    You know I think you have a point.  It’s emotionally as if they knew they couldn’t match up after their experience in cincy , and just resigned to that fact. Milano said they had no juice on d.  This was as emotionally flat as I’ve seen a Bills team. I don’t buy the emotionally drained excuse as Hamlin is and has been doing well and they played two games in the meantime.  It would be sccephad his outcome not been so good. You know a situation you remain flat in , when you know you are physically outmatched and you are getting pushed around with an a$$ kicking.


     Mcd gets no break here either.  

    Knowing how the Bengals marched on them in cincy , why stick with your obsessive tendency to always defer when you knew what type of offense you were facing.  Why not at least try to jump out in the lead , take the kickoff and have confidence you will score and take the lead.   Cincy was confident and they backed it up when they received and scored.  In the  end it prob made no difference but they are so predictable it’s almost ridiculous.  They came out flat ( per Milano) and stayed that way. Kudos to Matt for being open. It’s surprising as most thought this would be a highly emotional game.  One more playoff debacle emerges with a home divisional blow out. Injuries did play a huge role all year , but not so much today ironically.  

  17. 3 hours ago, BillsFan130 said:

    Yes. He absolutely should.

    Mcd is a good coach. But I don’t think he’s the guy to win a SB

    Mcd is stability for the franchise.  He needs o line and reciever takent , but if he doesn’t get fresh coordinators , things will keep failing in the postseason.  We are well behind younger staffs now in cincy , maybe Miami , and Reid is way beyond offensively.  Then look at San Fran and the Eagles and we were not a SB contender.  You need a guy ,Ike Mcd to create culture / stability , but creativity is lacking with the coordinators and it shows with embarrassing losses in the playoffs.  You see a franchise like San Fran who gets it , 3/4 years in the championship game with Purdy at qb , and we can’t even sniff a chance to get there.  Wasted a 14-4 season and next years schedule looks brutal on the road.  Beane needs to get Mcd help. Frazier had his chances. Dorsey had one or two innovative or trick plays in a year : Reid does them weekly.  Says a lot. 

  18. 11 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    He actually didn’t look like he took it as hard as the past couple seasons playoff losses. 

    maybe he’s getting accustomed to it? 

    Yes , spouting the same cliches is hardly taking it to heart.  After that mess against a much inferior team in Miami , a big red flag to me was the rationalization that “ it’s just surviving and moving forward”.  Well , we see what just surviving results in against a quality opponent.    Josh was not accountable to dorsey whom I think he sees as a peer , not a coach. Daboll would get in his face , dorsey is not capable of that from an experience or age perspective.  Josh lead the league , or close to it in ints , red zone turnovers , and had many fumbles.  It continued despite his post game promising to learn and “ I can’t do that” , but yet Dorsey and he had no answers in the playoffs.  I would at least be looking around to see if I could improve over dorsey.  

  19. Just now, UKBillFan said:

    A bugbear is that the call to play less hero ball and take what the defense offers has been made pretty regularly, particularly since the bye, and nothing changed.

    True.  No creativity in this offense and seemingly little accountability.  Dorsey is a good guy but I am at least interviewing for fresh ideas. Kc/ cincy are leaps ahead offensively and afc east teams are ascending. I just think dorsey is so worried about being balanced in play calling but there was no creativity to actually pressure defenses. I did not see Allen changing or being held accountable by Dorsey , who seems more like a peer than coach.  We heard the same things for the past month. Bringing in Hines , Beasley, Smoke etc  was useless as they were rarely used. We have one useful tight end and I’m not sure why we carry a fullback who is never used. You won’t see creative things like KC’s snowglobe play called by Dorsey. 

    Defensively , Frazier has repeatedly folded in the postseason and you can have all the d stats you want in the regular season, his d fails when it counts. 30 first downs allowed , starting out 14-0 at home AFTER JUST SEEING THIS TEAM a few weeks ago is inexcuseable. Sean is a very good HC , BUT HE NEEDS fresh ideas and input as teams like Cincy , KC, Miami, and the Jets are building.   If Mcd doesn’t keep growing , at some point the heat will fall on him.  

    They did have a terrible year injury wise to key players. Miller , hyde, poyer, both dts, and of course the CB carousel was horrific as Tre never was himself and Elams  use was just puzzling!  Milano was supposedly playing thru a fibula injury according to cover one. The d line was  a massive disappointment sack wise and who knows if von even returns. I really expect  poyers Bills days are done as it looks to me as if he needs surgery in his left arm ( long head biceps tear?) and was unable to tackle today essentially playing with one arm.  Sadly tho , after all the resources spent we lack a premiere pass rusher for the future.  Groot is a good power rusher worth 7-8 sacks a year , but the Eagles had 4 guys with 10 sacks each! We are stuck with mediocre talent of epenesa and boogie.  
    I would move on from Frazier but an issue will be then they will need more LBs as this 4-2-5 system has run its post season course imo.    Beane is facing a rough , but crtical offseason as Allens years are ticking by without sniffing a Super Bowl.   Both sides of the ball were exposed by the bengals who absolutely look at us as inferior.  Truthfully , right now we are.  I don’t want to hear our d was #2 statistically, because it has always failed in the playoffs. Last year it was 13 seconds and this year we barely got by Miami before being destroyed by cincy with a younger head coach. Time to bring in change to help the HC and optimize  Allens talents.   This season , despite 14-4 , is unfortunately a disappointment when you get blown out at home in the playoffs.  Beane has to bring change , you can’t go in as the SB fav , to get bounced in the divisional round again. 

  20. 27 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    I recognize Frazier garners respect as a top tier DC and even possible HC candidate.  And in a lot ways it’s deserved.  But, I’m over his defense.  

    I’ve been over it since last year, he then started to win me back holding together the D through so many injuries.  But last week and this week showed his defense is a liability come playoff time, just like it’s always been in every playoff exit we have had.

    More importantly, his entire defensive scheme is as a DISADVANTAGE in bad weather.  Offense already has an advantage in bad weather because they know where they are going on each play.  Defenders have to play off a little more in bad weather, and that just completely disrupts our defensive scheme and gives opponents wide open targets to just pick apart Fraziers D.


    They won’t fire McD after what this team went through this year, but I hop we make a change at DC.


    NOTE:  Also hope we see Dorsey leave so we can get a more seasoned and creative OC in here.  No way they fire him, but hope he gets the Carolina job. 

    Sadly I doubt either gets a HC job and doubt either gets fired.  

    It’s amazing to be located in a cold weather environment, yet our o is terible in cold weather.  I am with you on Frazier.  Two seasons with good regular season records essentially blown with terrible defensive production in the playoffs.  But hey we have a great dvoa!  We were at the bottom of the league in sacks I believe.  Pretty hard to fathom. I would not be surprised to see Von retire , after seeing that , he might decide it’s time to pursue his other interests.  Facing a challenging offseason eso with teams like Miami coming on.  This is a big blow to how the Bills will be perceived until they prove they can do something in the playoffs.  

  21. 14 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    I’ve been fighting that fight for two years on this forum.


    There are many people here who downvote ANY post that is critical, even when it is factual. And they attack you. And report your posts. It’s frustrating.

    I have been attacked and insulted , by certain high ups you would expect better from. Just for voicing an opinion or discussing one from content creators.  It is cancel culture gone wild as you can’t even present thoughts.  I agree. It never use to be like that here.  The epidemic behavior carried over.  Best wishes!  

  22. 2 minutes ago, RoscoeParrish said:

    We were dominated in all 3 phases today, but this season and franchise has always been about Josh Allen being an elite QB and taking us to the next level. 

    It is safe to say he regressed this year and today was the nail in the coffin.

    Sure you can blame the OC, but 10 points at home in a playoff game falls on the QBs shoulders in a MAJOR capacity. 

    If this board voted on Cinci having 27 points before kickoff, most would have taken it. 

    I am afraid Allen’s career will be an above average quarterback who shuffles between signs of greatness, signs of mediocrity, and signs of someone with zero offers out of high school. 

    He is NOT even in the league of Mahomes and Burrow and today solidified that. 

    I understand your points but I think this was on Dorsey’s inexperience and unfortunately, our side

    receivers just never developed like expected. I am much more disappointed by a D that invariably costs us in the playoffs.  We were terrible getting sacks.  Terrible after all that money.  Burrows was barely touched.    Frazier’s time has come and when you compare our offensive game planning to KC’s, Cincys, we, Beane , have much work to do. You are in a cold weather stadium , yet they play terrible in cold weather.  Crazy. 

  23. 11 hours ago, BillsFan130 said:

    That’s a fair assessment.


    I definitely agree there are no excuses.


    I just wonder how much is it Beane vs Mcd if the pass rush can’t get home .

    Todays game is about not being out coached by a younger head coach with a less experienced franchise QB. I really believe it comes down to  Sean’s coordinators; they know what he expects and they have to come thru.  This D has been victimized even when statistically it seems they should dominate. Frazier needs to prove today all his experience matters.  Why is it he is not getting Hc interviews despite apparent top tier defenses over time?  Ageism? Maybe.  But maybe it’s because things l8e 13 seconds happened. It can’t happen again.

       Mcd has said he was sure Dorsey wanted some series back , like the two bomb throws on a quick 3 and out last week.  Dorsey has every weapon available and even some from last year.   It’s his first year in the playoffs, so each step is still a learning process.  The o can score , we just need turnover free possessions. So imo, rests on Frazier , having had a glimpse what Cincy was going to do and attack.  He got a reprieve; and even one of his players got a one in real life.  Cincy has a worse O line than in the first game. It’s now a home game and you have Mafia noise to support you. Go after them Leslie!  Hit the QB , make them be patient and try to run. How bout for once we don’t give up 7 immediately on the first drive ; don’t let them get cocky?   Beane tried the best he could but luck ruined that plan. Today Sean needs competent , quality coaching around him.  Take this and you’re one game away from a chance at a SB at a neutral site ; finally not in Kc , not where 13 seconds ruined things. You are set up to be good today, experience says you have an edge.  Today had to be good!   Good luck and Go Bills! 

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