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Posts posted by DrPJax

  1. 18 minutes ago, The Governor said:

    Bye Edmunds.

    I bet they do  5 th year option nex year on edmunds and evaluate during that if he really is essential at MLB. We can easily keep him if we choose to with bargaining power on our side until his rookie deal expires. Having said that, unless he has a really much more impressive  year than last year and learns how to use all that size to hit more impressively, or make more impact plays, I would be ok looking elsewhere. This guy needs to substantially make more impact plays. Either make more TFL, get more picks or show he can cover a tight end ( if he isn’t bailed out by the cb intercepting that pass in the end zone against Baltimore as the TE had broken away from him and had clearly beaten edmunds ), then all the hype around him is just that, Hype without substance and I am sure we could do better. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, BillsMafi$ said:

    Signing still gets us NO WHERE close to beating the chiefs 

    True but it also prevents another hole needing to be addressed. Now we ca focus in edge, cb2 , and most importantly fixing that o line with its terrible run blocking scheme.   Can’t take steps back while everyone else has huge cap room ( in our division) to catch us. Great market value fell in place with need so this is win * win. Need to hold ground we have have achieved and now build on it. Can’t keep thinking all guys are easily replaced. Milano has been here and grown. That has value as a leader. More so than a one year guy like Williams for example. I think we can replace him with lots of guys coming available with cap purges or perhaps Beane even now can keep him and work on interior line and edge.  Big issue is one less hole to fill and it was done with our own guy who does make a difference in this scheme. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, Jerboski said:

    If this costs you Williams at RT or one of the big pass rushers then I don’t understand this 


    Milano is a nice player but he got torched against kC and doesn’t impact the game enough to cost us chances at Williams or an elite pass rushers 

    Williams is replaceable , not good run blocker.  Lots of edge guys going to be available, and even some good O lineman with cap purges just getting going.  Get best you can of either thru one FA move , then use 30 on the other position or if an exceptional talent like etienne ever drops grab him and we can be set.  Milano had more value to our scheme and this is good resigning.  Watch all 22 film on Williams. Great at pass protect but at times he was horrible in the run scheme.  He literally stood at times never hitting anyone and there was a reason we didn’t run that way much if he was supposedly  so good; believe me it was surprising and while.I would be ok keeping him , I think if we found a guy like him last year, Beane can do it again given upcoming roster purgers because of cap casualties. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Brennan Huff said:

    I am absolutely shocked by this. He probably could have gotten more on the open market. What a time to be alive. Players taking less money to stay in Buffalo?!?

    I don’t think he took less. This was market value after Tb signed their arguably better , just a litter older lb, to a 2 year 24 mil extension.  That set the market and Milanos team prob knew that. Better to get guarantees and stay in system geared around his talents. Grass is never greener elsewhere unless it’s a huge difference in green$ !   This was market value and Beane benefitted by the market being set for him. Good surprising deal: opens up options for 30 pic to edge, cb2, best tackle or top interior o lineman available. If etienne fell there tho I would mimic Reid / kc who showed value OF CEH in their already potent offense.  SHOULD NEVER PASS ON EXCEPTIONAL offense weapons to augment Allen’s talent.  Guy is our focus and think how good our play action could have been with a run game that was effective.  We could ride with a top 10-15 d if our o keeps the avg / game around 27/ 30 ppg.  Easier to augment our o than completely fix d issues in one off season. 

  5. On 3/7/2021 at 3:33 AM, MJS said:

    None of that means he wants to coach.

    Exactly.  I didn’t say he did. Was only relying to faulty logic saying he had no drive or passion. Just merely saying he is and  has been extremely successful. Should he ever WANT to coach , I am confident he has the necessary tools to succeed, contrary to posters questioning his “ drive, passion, “ etc. 

  6. 4 hours ago, MJS said:

    I'm not sure if he would make a good coach or not. But he is a good leader, he is smart, and he has played in a lot of offensive systems and with a lot of different kinds of players.


    And he has been beloved by teammates everywhere he has played.


    Being a good coach requires a lot more than that, but it's a good start. First and foremost, however, he needs to have the drive and passion required to work very long hours and constantly be evaluating to stay ahead of the competition. It seems like a mentally exhausting job.

    Drive and passion and Long hours ,,,,,,,um ,,,he graduated from Harvard, has a large family ( which requires obj 24/7), must be passionate to still be a possible starter at age 39 and is not deterred by competitors or being benched even tho he was better than those he was benched for many times, and again, nothing is more mentally exhausting than being a good father / provider for a larger family ( many accounts of him being a good father ).  The only thing he doesn’t have is the experience of being a head coach.  However, this man succeeded at what he wanted at the highest level and he is more of a well rounded individual than many of the candidates for head coaching jobs today, without any of the negative baggage many of the coaches in all levels haul around with them ( substance abuse, divorce, no experience as a player, riding the coat tails of the system they came up in etc).  What evidence is their that he would fail to be successful at anything he attempted ( he is only limited ATHLETICALLY) ?    This type of person is passionate and driven as evidence by his real life achievements and if he WANTS to ever be a head coach, I am sure at some point he would easily succeed in that.   

    In medicine there is an old axiom, see one, do one, teach one. Fitz has seen and done it all in the NFL. If someone is a good clinician, I can tell you by life experience, that they will almost certainly be a good teacher. I think that fits with just about any highly achieving people, and people who have made to to be a starting QB in the Nfl are highly achieving ( only  32 out there at any given time ).  I have met many people who are talented like this and they will eventually succeed at whatever it is they want. I would never doubt fitz is someone like Gase can be a head coach for two franchises! 😀

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  7. I really think this is exactly the type of acquisition that would be perfect for this team. Team captain, leader, winner, plays hurt & tough, now with an axe to grind with your main competition ( fins), brings an Lorenzo type vet presence , can prob get good deal as fins still paying him several mil next year.  Why not move Edmunds to Milanos position and then let van noy bring his leadership to the front 6/7 ? 

    Yes the draft is good for lbs, but not with NFL experience ( esp given covid protocols), already a proven leader, already with knowledge of two in division rivals, and this is a potential win/win for the Bills. Fill a need at rivals expense, frees up our choice of use for 1st round pick, and this guy is definitely a process type guy. I would take him way before Watt ( whom I correctly predicted would take money before “ potential “ SB team) to toughen up our run D   We can fill need to cover TE with better nickel / 3 rd safety addition thru the draft. This is a value cap casualty type pick up with huge experience IN THE DIVISION, and that’s why this addition is so much better from an intangibles standpoint that watt could have ever been. Do a one year or so deal and this would be a great addition IMHO!   Beane , first time I will say this, GET ER DONE!  This is a unique opportunity, don’t pass on this. 

    • Agree 1
  8. Saw a report on from the Pat Macafee show football today and they showed a tweet from a reporter “ close to Watts camp”” who apparently has had a lot of inside info before on him.  It stated his agent said they have multiple offers already and one on the table for a base of 14-16 mil per year. Still waiting for other offers tho.  So there will be a bidding contest for him and if money wasn’t going to a huge issue, why pit that out there’ even ?  Even macafee mentioned about wining being an issue but noted most guys will not foolishly turn down huge sums of money just to go somewhere with a “ chance” of winning a SB. Hard to turn down a shot at another 50 mil or so at the near end of your career.  

    So the talk about his choice team having to have certain factors probably is true but to a very limited extent compared to how much he gets paid. If the number is already at 15 mil a year I just don’t  seer the Bills coming up with that , esp with our cap and other teams Having huge room.  It would really impact our ability to fill more needs ( we are not just one player away , plus we woiod ne cutti g others to pay Watts, creating more pressing needs ) in a year we didn’t expect such a cap hit. Any other normal year with the cap going up and I think it was really possible but we can’t even hold on to pieces like milano, and I don’t see Beane as a throw it all in for a one year shot type,of gm.  We need to be honest, still with talent gaps at the interior line, the d line , line backers ,tight end , and even the rb position ( tho adequate guards could answer that issue. Get one really good guard , an experienced tight end , and perhaps a second tier rusher that is a cap causality ( Clowney etc type) and fill the remainder gaps ( milanos position) thru the draft. Try to get past this next year without being in cap jail and then we can keep competitive as the fins will really be nipping at out heels , especially if they land Watson or Wilson. Going to be a year to depend on mcds coaching ability and not paying to win. Most really highly paid stars like watt never reproduce what they did as younger players. Other than QB,ITS A YOUNG MANS GAME, and rarely does one DE transform a d from middle of the road to top five. I think it’s about finding guys on the verge of being really good and not just always going for stars. Diggs was in the verge and was a great , young acquirement. Still has years left ahead and not a injury concern aging player. Anyhow hearing the numbers Watts people are letting out , it’s still about money and we are just not in the best position THIS year to shoot for a big name with a big price tag. We were a game away.  We need some young finds like a white at lb , and we need Frazier to be more creative. Kc had our d figured out and so dd the colts. Throwing the three deep,safety look that Tb threw at KC was risky but new and paid off. We need that creativity as our d was too predictable. Also need our run game fixed as we found being one dimensional still left us way behind KC.  We can do that with one good guard pick up and draft another one in case Ford doesn’t work out.  Will be shocked if we .land watt at what he still thinks he is worth. 

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  9. Look , maybe it’s my background  ( was a Med director of inpatient detox unit for a few years early in my career ) , maybe it’s because I don’t like any COWBOY , maybe I don’t like BUCKS  arrogant personality etc, but admitting something like drinking ON A JOB  YOU GET PAID LARGE SUMS OF MONEY TO PERFORM SOBER , is another arrogant behavior that minimizes how impactful this type of behavior actually is. 

    I don’t know about you guys , but ANY job I have ever had required I performed it while sober and not under the influence of chemicals. We are not talking about brain surgery during a broadcast, but are you really under so much pressure you have to numb yourself, use a substance to just talk in front of a crowd after doing it for a whole career?  When you think it’s ok to drink WHILE WORKING, usually this is a pretty good sign you are already having a substance abuse issue that may be impacting other areas of your life. There are tons of easy ways to cope with performance anxiety , at worse case even a small dose of non impairing beta blocker meds like propranolol can combat nerves or adrenaline from anxiety without being addictive or impairing. So jumping to drinking tequila in front of a national audience is a huge step, and while not knowing their personal backgrounds , I just wonder how they can think announcing this is ok?  In what world is drinking on any Job justified as ok ( other than being a taste tester I guess!), and would they recommend this to younger broadcasters as something ok to do ?  These guys are held up as role models for guys wanting to be in this career ( not saying it’s good etc, just it is what it is), so isn’t this telling others this is ok,even if they can stop at just “one drink” , a lot of people can’t.   I just think it’s in bad taste to broadcast this stuff , say it on a open podcast etc.   It is just acting “ above the law “ , type thinking and behavior.  If I found out an employee in my office needed to drink just to take the edge off, I would get them help and test them for other substances. It can be a path to self destructive behavior and usually by the time someone is using on a job( most people will let all go , family , relationships , etc BEFORE they jeopardize their work), they are already having issues elsewhere in their life. 

    I am not trying to say any drinking is bad. Hey I like tequila, but while I am home, off, not driving, etc.   I just think this is arrogance at its highest level as these guys I bet would be extremely judgmental about a player taking drugs while playing or if their dentist , dr , etc felt it was ok to just have a little tequila while working.   It’s just that holier than thou behavior that irks me so much about celebrities like this. Their damn job is not life and death as they suggest , so why do you feel so much stress about it that you have to numb those feelings?  IT IS A FUN JOB, so justifying drinking to MAKE IT FUN is evidence of impaired judgment ,  and it’s arrogant of them to just think we can say this stuff because we are so popular , so irreplaceable, no one will challenge us on what is usually seen as unacceptable behavior in every other aspect of society.  

     SORRY FOR THE RANT.   Just don’t like people who are judgmental towards others performance as their job, think they are above scrutiny and that this is just normal and ok. It’s none of that. In an age where people are losing jobs just for political beliefs ( cancel culture like the chick from Disney), have we gotten our morality so screwed up that we will ruin a career for a belief but allow possible DANGEROUS BEHAVIOR to become a norm?  Not a big fan of these guys before , and will be less of one in the future.   Doubt McD or Beane drink much while working on the Bills,,,,,,,except if they keep dipping into that Carolina well!  😀

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  10. 7 hours ago, Ethan in Portland said:

    Bills don't need DTs. They need edge rushers.  Hard pass.  He is 32.  They need to get younger, bigger, and faster on the edge.  

    I Agree   Hopefully this is not a cost saving move just to fill a gap as we release others for cap space. Cover 1 one did short review on him and he has been oft injured , unavailable.   He is 32. Might be ok along with star. But cover 1 guys really felt he was on last legs of career with possible year or two of rotation play left. They were not very high on him. Doubt if this Carolina cast off system we keep going to should be an answer for us. Why keep doing this with guys from an organization less successful now and it’s like we don’t trust our own pro Personel department to evaluate talent. Given lack of impressive guys from panthers lately hopefully we quit going to this well. Just wonder if beane is cutting guys to get under cap and then this guy is low tier replacement. Only saying this since he was good once , but now two year removed from impactful playing. I respect cover 1 with film e v a l and if they weren’t greatly impressed, I trust them as their analysis was spot on much of last year. They are currently doing a really nice evaluation of the o line draft prospects that could be good for the bills. Going on their YouTube channel,right now live at 825 pm Tuesday evening. Good watch of possible o line in draft for us to consider with technique breakdown of actual film from college this year. Nice stuff imho. 

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  11. On 1/26/2021 at 9:23 PM, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Play breakdowns start about 30 minutes in.



    What I got from this in part is we ran a defensive scheme where our LB tend to read and react to the QB's eyes, against a QB who excels at manipulating defenders with his eyes.

    It’s that point that is a head scratcher, will our staff be able to be more flexible and creative   The last two games including the Super Bowl really give me the feeling we are much further behind those two teams than our 15-4 record would suggest  We don’t have premiere players along the d line , our lb crew is in flux and I am not convinced Edmunds is being used correctly, and I think that Buc offense and defense would have dominated us even more than they did KC  The two very poor games against kc this year reminds me of how the Pats dominated us until Brady left this year   Like Mcd as a person, developer of men, but not convinced  he will make the needed coaching changes ( line coaches) or strategy changes necessary to win a Super Bowl    Next year is a big tell tale year for him  Needs to show he can beat Kc, develop a run game, adjust his soft zone standard d to at least get back to the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME while the afc East window is in our favor  


  12. 4 hours ago, Generic_Bills_Fan said:

    Am I crazy? Haha I watched the game last night and saw the exact same 'soft defense' that we played... the bucs just butchered them with a 4 man rush because the chiefs have no oline depth.  I think seeing how much pressure the bucs were getting is skewing peoples perception.  they hardly blitzed at all and they gave kelce a ton of underneath stuff...the guy was wide open the entire first half.  They knew that if the chiefs had to work for each first down eventually they were gonna get home for a huge sack.  We trusted our guys to do the same and just got outplayed...need to add a piece or two to the dline 

    It just proves how poor of a strategy it was for US. They had beaten us the first game as we did that , and we all knew/ know our d line never caused pressure alone in any game last year.  The games we blitzed a lot in , we got pressure ( like Denver), so using no blitzes against kc was literally doing the same thing again but expecting different results. Made zero sense. Our d line and lbs are no where close to the bucs so we have huge work ahead.   Also they pressed and played physical with kc while just rushing 4. We let crossing routes, backs, and Kelce come off the line without ever contesting them. White is twice the lb right now that Edmunds is!  He was all over the field.  He got a pick against Kelce near the end zone in a superbowl , edmunds has 3 total in three years!  

     So while on the surface the strategy seemed similar , it was a total fail by Frazier who knew his d line had not gotten pressure all year without sending more people.  Colossal fail twice against KC by our coaching staff.  With the cap issues , poor results from our free agents on the d line, we need a lot of work. Also with the likely departure of Milano , our Lb depth needs work.  Tb has everybody coming back I believe , and Kc has a run game, mahomes, and a better d line. It’s not like they are going to be standing still while just the Bills address issues. Great season, but wasted by poor coaching along both lines in the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Also , mahomes gets better protection if his regular tackles played last night.  Allen is our one ace, but he needs a run gsme just like Manning, Elway, Brady, and Mahomes all have had to win the Super Bowl. 

    • Vomit 1
    • Agree 2
  13. 2 hours ago, JohnNord said:

    I think the difference was Tampa’s defensive line and linebackers, but I do think that the running game and the screen game helped open things up for sure

    Spot on!  Hab been saying for weeks to watch the lbs, esp white.  He is aggressive, fast, plays pass and run well.  Hey, he can even make big plays like an int he took away from Kelce in the endzone. Compare his play to edmunds , who is at least one year aged of white experience wise in the NFL, and you see how disappointing Edmunds really is. White makes plays all over the field and hits hard; Edmunds usually makes plays all over the field, but it’s usually in our defensive backfield or.after a 20-30 yard play given up on third and 15 as the opposition gets a first down. Can’t shake the multiple Images of him getting blown out of plays as he is so upright , hitting wrong gaps, standing in the end zone after getting driven back on run plays inside our 5 , and.he is such a “ pretty boy” adjusting his uniform ( brusshing himself off , adjusting a towel, guy never looks dirty cuz he never drives anyone to the ground, he places them down gently😂)diving to grab an ARM tackle that most backs break ( Man, you know all this is true and you can usually see all of that in just one game,,maybe even one drive on a good day!😂😈!), and then looks to slap 5 with a near buddy who also didn’t make the tackle until they had given up the fist down on a third and long play!   

    Your point is spot on too about getting to mahomes with just 4 down lineman, as he was running for his life all night ! Spinning and turning his back to the LOS , running 20-30 yards backwards as kc was trapping him.  ( he is a little better than josh at not ticking a sack tho and had some amazing off balance throws last night to avoid losses). He was missing two starting tackles I believe , but our d line looked so slow at times this year, who thinks we pressure mahomes like TB DID?  NO TDS VS US GIVING UP A TD ON ALL BUT ONE POSSESSION !    I will say this, I am even more impressed now. after seeing a truly good TB defense, that somehow Mcd managed 15 WINS given the lack of impact players, good edge rushers on this roster!  

    So the blueprint to defeat KC, who had been unstoppable, is not trying to out score them or lessen the damage with soft drop back zones while mahomes sits back with no pressure picking you apart!  Who knew!?   It’s the old get pressure in his face, make him uncomfortable, hitting Kelce and hill and the others with physical db, safety , LB play , AND  have a BALANCED O with good, timely runs that set up your play action ( which Josh just so happens is amazing at) !  This drove home how we were so OUT COACHED in the AFC CHAMPIONSHIP game; we did NONE OF THOSE THINGS ( relied on soft d, went the entire season with Daboll NEVER consistently developing a run game), and it proved the SAME game plan employed in SB 25 by Parcels, worked again against the best O in football 30  years later in the same city !  Thank God we lost 2 weeks prior , or we would have been humiliated once again by BRADY en route to a 5 th SB LOSS!   Love Mcd as a human, great, genuine man, but we have a huge talent gap in our front D 7 , that needs addressed before we can be SERIOUS SB  contenders.   TB did it with BA in 2 years; next year is year 5 ( time speeding by!) with Mcd , so I hope he and his staff went to school last night! 

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  14. 51 minutes ago, biggerdaddynj said:

    Beane failed with his d-line moves this past off season (and he had a lot to invest—thankfully he was smart and can get us out of most of the bad deals).  I appreciate what he’s done but he’s gotta own the bad along with the good.  

    It all starts up front with the d-line  and has a domino effect—that pressure was always how you beat Brady—ask the Giants’ teams.  

    Hope Beane can make something happen but with the Covid cap issue and not having a surplus of picks, it’s going to be hard.  That’s why I agree—a couple more years.  

    We did great this year and are on the right track looking back (I personally think ahead) so let’s not all get negative.  Having arrived sooner than expected puts pressure on us too, this offseason will be very important.  

    Not sure about this arriving sooner than expected. Too many teams , like TB , have shown with the right moves you can turn things around in a season. I mean the browns , fins , both made great progress this season. The browns look better on D and they have a better running game than we do.  We have josh,  diggs who bailed us out. Beane has been a master on the O with finding our QB, good receivers in FA & the draft.  However , he has also missed on tight end , our rbs appear avg at best , our interior o line was a mess except for Morse who was still solid.


    Beane has missed significantly on the d  ( Murphy, Addison, really all the FA on d.  Norman ?  Wallace as our second corner.  Epenesa is marginal, esp given rushing the qb is supposedly an easy thing for rookies to pick up ,   Our lbs looked best when Klein got hot , but then he was benched and never used appropriately after Milano got back. ). and look how we got beaten by KC and how TB beat them; pressure on the qb and stopping the run while also pressing the tight ends and receivers from KC.  We play 7-8 yards off receivers all year except against Denver and Pittsburgh I believe. TB managed with pressure and also playing physical to neutralize Kelce and hill and mahomes had his worst game as a pro.  Beane and Mcd better learn from this blueprint.  Need to run more next year , just like TB did to keep the d s honest. Get out of zones dropping corners so far off and dropping the lbs ( esp edmunds who almost always drops 7-9 yards off the Los on any passing down ) so we quit giving up unimpeded routes to tight ends and crossing Wes and backs.    The d scheme tonight for TB was amazing.  Tb didn’t panic when they didn’t score right away either. Stuck to mixing in the run. It wasn’t even a gsme tomignt just like the afc championship game. We can turn this around tho with good draft , better coaching along the lines , and fixing the run game while we begin rebuilding our d front 7. 

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  15. With our current D and philosophy, no way we beat Tampa.  Brady has always had the Bills number and hE would have known this d scheme inside and out. Plus they are big on the o line , ran the ball really well , and would have killed us running the ball. We have no rush to get to Brady so the exact same thing would have happened to us as what did to KC.  We may have scored a little more only because we had our starting tackles. But even that is iffy as we were so one dimensional.  
    TB woukd have been blitzing josh all night and we have no consistent backs or tight ends to use as outlets for josh.   We are not close to these teams yet and our only hope next year is to fix the o with a running gsme and get a productive tight end. The d fix will be a two year process.  Need edge rushers, better backers and second corner.  We will have a tough year if our O doesn’t continue to improve because Mcd tends to stick with this soft zone stuff, and you see how kc manhandled us on both LOS, but especially their O line as they scored on almost every possession.  

  16. On 2/4/2021 at 7:47 PM, JGMcD2 said:

    I vote we get rid of Edmunds and replace him with a linebacker from the 1980s. We will then be able to stop all the elite running offenses in the league like the Ravens, Colts, Patriots and Rams. 

    Our 1980s LB won’t be able to defend against the pass, but that’s ok. 

    Cornelius Bennett, Darryl Talley, Chris Spielman, Spikes were all just as fast , covered backs and TEs pretty well , but they also made impact plays that were memorable. How many of those memories do we have from Edmunds?   Mine are mostly seeing him being pushed ten yards downfield by a tight end, hitting wrong gaps, rarely hitting a back for a loss or causing a fumble hitting a back just a he gets a hand off, watching  O lineman get their hands on him and he never disengages until after the whistle , dropping back in third and long coverage deeper than the first down marker and then having guys catch routes in front of him and he tackles them after they get the yardage needed for the first down.  I could go on.  He has had  a few Pbus, 3 ints so far , 5 sacks in three years for a 6 ‘ 5” supposed athletic freak. I would take any of those guys I mentioned over this “ potential”.  ( Hey Chase Young is just out of college , not quite as big , yet he plays with aggression and was the defensive rookie of the year, so maybe we are waiting to long for this potential?

      This coverage  LB is adequate at that but that doesn’t make up for deficiencies in run stopping and I don’t see him elevating the other players like Talley , Bennett, Spielman all did.  I think he needs to be moved to OLB , maybe take some of the defensive alignment calls off his back and see if he plays up,to his potential if he is allowed to play free, get the QB, and not have to think so much. But if you can’t separate him from this d, this scheme , then he is what he is and that’s not enough to get us to be the team we want to be , a team that can beat KC. Watch TB linebackers today. I would love white over edmunds any day. 

    As a quick tag as I am watching the pre game Super Bowl stuff, I have to say I am so over the NFL shoving race down my throat all day. I have turned the Channel several times and when I come back , it’s still more “ woke advice “ that has be being preached all year by social justice warriors. I have seen the  worst of race being used as a qualification. Med schools I applied too ( late 70’S, early 80’s) had certain quotoas forced on them for funding; I literally saw students given places in Med school that , GOD AS MY WITNESS, could not write complete sentences in their shared note taking responsibilities.  They got  held back but not dismissed as money had been “ invested “ in them being there. Worse they took the place of More qualified people just to artificially try to solve a more complicated issues. I watched today as the yearly Goodell interview was done and he “ promised” the NFL would do better, not  just with coaches but with GMs and owners!  Really ?  What chance do I have or ever had to be an owner of an NFL franchise or get paid millions of dollars to coach a game?  70% o the nfl are minority players who are paid millions and are among some of the most “privileged” people in our country.  That’s ok cuz it’s about talent , they earned their way on the field. I doubt any player was given his position just because of his skin color , not in this time , not now in this country.   Nfl, quit lying to me, quit telling me life should be fair or made more fair based on skin color. That just creates victims, victimhood, and takes away from those who earned their success.  Today, and this season, this focus has not been a good look. Hey how many coal miners or sons of coal miners or steel workers will be getting their NFL franchise Roger?🤔😉😇

    ( normally i would not say anything political on here but this was football related , and all day “ experts “ on addiction have been posting on here related to the tragedy involving the reid family and the family whose car was hurt) 

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  17. 3 hours ago, 4merper4mer said:

    Prayers for the five year old and family.  Without commenting specifically on Reid, I’ll just share my opinion that driving after having even one adult beverage is astoundingly selfish.

    Without commenting specifically, some might opine its    “:selfish”  to post / make judgements unless that opinion comes from a perfect person; one who has never made any mistake , made an error, etc. For example, it could be opined that driving while sleepy is selfish, or driving after taking medicine, or driving immediately after a vaccine or injection , or driving while angry or upset, or going threw  a yellow light, not fulling stopping at a stop sign , texting while driving , being distracted in conversation or talking On a phone while driving, interacting with children or a pet , all of theses might be selfish. They probably are!  

    Hmm, maybe it’s more compassionate or empathetic to try to understand the human condition and that we have probably all been imperfect. I know you weren’t commenting on Reid because that’s what you said and why would anyone feel the need to comment on such low hanging fruit? Yes ,,,,many things impair driving , many much more so than “ one” drink.  That’s just based on pharmacokinetics. I’m glad you have never done anything selfish and can comment from elevated ground.  It IS tragic if something happens related to alcohol.   In fact ANY ACCIDENT is tragic! It’s also tragic when a person ( not commenting on anyone specifically) has no self awareness that they, too, are human and most likely, imperfect. 😇🤔

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  18. 19 minutes ago, Victory Formation said:

    Pat McAfee, who played with Andrew Luck. Believe he was the punter there while Luck was QB.

    He was there with manning predominantly I think , maybe some with luck as well, but he retired prior to his contract being up to do his YouTube career path. Funny , crazy, manic guy !  . He was the punter , vinateri was fg kicker. 

  19. 2 minutes ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:


    Agree completely the breakdown is excellent.  I've been working my way back through games to verify that they aren't cherry picking the awful, and so far, they aren't. 😱


    I'm not sure we need to be so drastic as fire the OL and RB coach.  I've said elsewhere that with limited offseason and a new star WR (as well as a rookie) to work into the offense, the team's offensive priority was ensuring that the pass game had every chance for success.  I don't think it was just Daboll; I think it went through McDermott and Beane as well. 


    It makes sense, right?  With a decent pass blocking OL, a true #1 WR and 2+ quality guys behind him,THE most important offensive priority for the season was to be able to make a clear call on Allen, is he your guy?  I think that was the focus of the team's offseason and the focus of most of their practice snaps during the week.  And then it makes sense that when we focused on the run, prior to the 1st Patriots game and after the bye, we were able to execute the run but as soon as the focus of attention shifted back to pass blocking (and receiving, for Knox) there went the run.


    But even so, we have got to upgrade especially at guard.

    Great points.  After watching the issues they pointed out , it just seemed like so. Much of that was related mistakes that proper coaching should have corrected. They did do well in a couple of games , yet there are times when guys aren’t even making full efforts and were just whiffing or standing after whiffing and not looking for someone to hit. If it was all talent based , you would think the effort would consistently be there. But when basic footwork is bad, the effort is bad, they had to go away from trap plays completely as the players looked like they were lost , it seems that comes down to consistent coaching. In medicine, once you learn a procedure and do it once or so, it’s not like suddenly you then forget how to do it later. These guys are at the pinnacle of talent supposedly , yet they could not execute basic run schemes. To me that means they are not being taught proper technique, not being held accountable , or they might not belong on the line in the first place.


    I just thought it might come down to $ and be easier to see if you can get more with different or a better o line coach , especially since it was a drop off from 2019 with the same talent.   Regarding  rbs, I can see where moss has issues due to inexperience. Harder to explain Devins regression , and as the film showed , it wasn’t all on the o line. Several times he had open holes and misread the blocking angles and cut into being tackled.  Doesn’t that come down to being accountable and coaching ?  He actually was better last year so o Line issues were an issue, but when you see him reading angles poorly that in my eye should be corrected by coaching and why would he lose those skills just cuz they focus one week more on the passing gsme?  It’s a chicken/ egg thing I guess! 😀.  Great breakdown by those guys tho ! 

    • Agree 1
  20. 1 hour ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    until the last 3 games

    Yep, it’s like the pressure of not winning prior playoff games made him clutch it a little tighter !  That attitude finally caught up with him and showed in the tight play of the team and Josh in the KC GAME.   Doing things , making choices they had not done while winning getting to that point. It’s obvious a learning issue and makes it appear you need to lose a few playoff games before you are ready to make the final step. That s why we have seasoned coaches on bing sides this year , and why mahomes was able to do so well even at Auchincloss a young age; Reid had been there and lost the SB before so he was a calming experience. Hopefully Mcd does learn from this , as I believe he will , and has the courage to make some needed coaching staff changes. Our line play on bing sides was terrible most of the time , and Mcd needs a better stsfff there to make the final super bowl step. Hopefully he doesn’t have to lose his first one after getting there to finally bring one home ! 

  21. 5 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    I'm making my way through the cover1 video on the Bills 2020 run game

    The Society for Decent Blocking at Bills TE Position says 😱

    This breakdown is excellent and the I just recommended it to Gunnerbill.  Very eye opening.  We need a new o line coach, perhaps new RB coach , and we need one back with power and speed enough to hit the holes when they are there for the taking.  Huge amount of line issues exposed tho and guard play, Williams , Knox were abysmal at run blocking in the zone scheme.  Morse who is great at gap blocking still had a good year but was misused in this zone scheme. At one point they mention they quit breaking down simple trap plays cuz the line was so lost trying to do them. Not like the days of Kelly, Thurman , Hull, House Ballard etc.   So not sure if these guys were just “ dim” or the o line coaching was that atrocious!  Great watch tho. 

  22. 15 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    If you have a link would love to watch this. 


    But I have been saying all year it is a mix of poor run blocking AND running backs who are slow to accelerate and hit the hole. That combination has been the problem. 


    It isn't just the running backs, but it isn't just the line either. 


    My conclusion is I'd rather not mess too much with a line that Kansas City games apart had a really nice year in pass pro. I don't want to sacrifice pass game production for run game production and so while I totally agree that the reasons for the struggle are shared the more palatable solution in my mind is more speed at running back so that those holes are being hit more quickly. Equally though I don't want to spend big resources on it. The Bills should be looking for a diamond in the rough speed back IMO. 

    Gunner , sorry I couldn’t do a link for some reason ( using an iPad and sometimes things just don’t work like with windows) , but the video by  Cover1  is : THE FILM ROOM : THE BILLS GLARING RUN GAME ISSUES. [Edit: here's the link -Hap]  It was just done by Eric turner  and another great young guy. They broke down line play, snap counts, different personnel through the year ( like having quinton Spain as a starter etc) , they used extensive diagramming of all 22 film and broke down expected assignments and shows how terrible those basic assignments were missed. Some times as a long time but casual fan I am not sure aboit dual or combo blocks , how footwork should be done etc  and these guys break it down with actual plays from games and it was so informative and really eye opening!  I can’t recommend it enough. It’s on their YouTube cover 1 channel so just search you tube for that title and it will come up. Man , after watching that I am convinced we have a huge line coaching issue  because of the drop off from the prior year. Morse get so much criticism on year yet when you see how good he is when used properly , we need to hold onto him. The guards tho were terrible and even Dawkins had issues with run blocking. Williams was flat ou terrible win run blocking Andy his effort at times, or lack of it was surprising. Honestly, after seeing that , it’s not all a coaching issue ( largely tho!) and so if he moves on it won’t be a huge loss. We have to have so,e vis one run game or our passing gsme will eventually not work.   

    We really need to get this fixed. I am concerned about Mcd and his loyalty to a fault. He probably needs to get a new o line and even new RB COACH ( see the stats on these backs , Devin declined , and it seems it’s not all on the backs yet at times they make inexplainable terrible reads on blocking and how to follow their blocks ), question is will Mcd have the balls to make the changes. This is a great watch to really show why we had no run gsme and imho , we were lucky to get as far as we did in the playoffs. It  was a great example of how far we are behind KC!   Worth your time , about an hour, but it’s never boring and I learned a ton from it.  Hope you enjoy it! Let me know your thoughts. We can prob fix a lot of issues without spending huge $ , by getting competent coaching on the lines, but it is obvious we need a speedy powerful back to hit holes that are gone quickly. However at times the o line opened massive lanes and the rbs just blew the reads , fumbled , etc.    Really eye opening and you will feel you have actual answers and solitons after watching their detailed breakdown.  Beat wishes, Randy. 

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  23. 22 hours ago, Allen2Moulds said:

    I'm just a regular fan and far from an expert, but here are my 2 cents, judging by what Brandon Beane said on WGR the other day, along with another guest analyst earlier today.


    They both mentioned that the running game woes werd more oline and scheme related, than RB related. Which means, don't expect pick 30 to be a RB, prob not until day 3 if any are even added. Our main focus will be 2 find a way to take the next step with the oline. Improve our run blocking without sacrificing too much in pass pro. Beane also mentioned that we practically got nothing out of our TE position. Also expect us to do all we can to improve our TE room.


    Until the AFC Championship game, our oline had a phenomenal year protecting Josh Allen.  But.......we have a finesse line that couldn't create running lanes even against light boxes. That likely will be a major focus this off-season.  Expect us to roll out a more physical group up the middle. This doesn't mean that we will suddenly become a running team, we just have to be able to keep teams honest and make them pay when they don't. Teams dared us too run in the playoffs and we failed miserably.

    This doesn't bode well for Morse, who not only doesn't fit the bill, but also has a large contract and is a concusion risk. I think they will resign Feliciano with the intention to move him to Center permanently.

    Love him or hate him, Cody Ford is likely still part of the plan at one of the guard spots. He still has a lot of refining to do, and will likely cost us a few pass pro reps, but the hope is that he gives us more of a boost in the running game, and he's cheap. I also think they resign Daryl Williams.  He's relatively young and had an outstanding year at RT. That still leaves 1 of the guard spots up for grabs.


    Projected starting 5


    Dion/Boetger or Rook/Feliciano/Ford/Williams


    As for TE, expect them to make 1 big splash via FA or trade to bring in a playmaking TE. TE's rarely make impacts as rookies, and I think we're ready to compete now.

    I was wondering since you used the term “ light boxes”if you had seen the season review of our running game done on COVER 1 , as they used that term extensively. If you haven’t seen it , please take the time as it’s well worth watching them break down the run gsme with film over the entire year. 
    After seeing it , it is amazing to think we won so many games while being abysmal ( esp compared to previous  year) in the run game. It was a total switch in scheme from gap based to zone based running and we had to g there because of the horrid blocking along the line. In particular, our guards were terrible, Williams was also astonishing bad and whiffed outright so many times it was laughable. Even Dawkins technically had a mediocre year.   Aftery watching the run blocking you will most likely come to another conclusion aboit the resigning Williams! Our interior line , mostly the guards were horrible. Morse , who is better at gap blocking actually had a great year but because of the other players issues requiring a shift in scheme ( actually a coaching or intelligence issue as these guys could not run simple trap plays, they were lost) was being misused  running the zone scheme. 

    To top things off both backs contributed to poor running as well. They were both terrible in light boxes ( 6 or less in the box, which we face often with Josh in shotgun and being a spread offense)and missed huge opportunities when the line did manage to hit their targets. They were both bad at breaking tackles.  Also they are both slow ( spending Time behind the line before hitting a hole) with Devin ranking 52 / 55 qualifying backs with 2.96 sec avg time behind the line. Moss was also poor at 2.76 seconds, placing him in th 40 range compared to other backs.  When you see them miss holes , break the wrong way in reference to how a blocker  had turned or had leverage over his target, it  becomes obvious why we got handled in the playoffs from a running game point. 

    So it comes down to three things; 1 ) terrible o line coaching and also most likely bad RB coaching , resulting in terrible results compared o to 2019  2) Our backs are inexperienced, slow , are not good at breaking tackles , did not hit holes when the scheme did work. 3) our interior lineman , mostly the guards had a terrible year and their effort at times was hard to believe. They missed assignments, then would stand in the way rather than looking for someone to hit! Williams technically was also terrible in the run game.   Take the time to check the review of the all 22 and you will see we have work to do on the interior line!  We probably need a new o line coach , and we need a back who can hit the holes quickly with power. Will influence how you view our draft , coaching after you see a years worth of film evaluated.  I am not affiliated with cover 1 at all; be open minded and give it a look. Your own eyes won’t lie to you and the run game issues are multi factorial.  We have to solve the issue tho as 70% of runs came from the shotgun formation,  something Josh thrives in, so our offensive success depends on fixing these issues ! (Addendum ; sorry for typos as this was done late night on an iPad which for some reason puts in its own creative words and punctuation at times!!)

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  24. On 2/1/2021 at 11:42 AM, H2o said:

    Pete Werner would look good in a Bills uni, don't you think Yolo? :thumbsup:

    From Ohio originally , big Ohio state fan. Watch all the games.  Werner is ok but why get another smallish Lb who will be pushed around by NFL size OL’ s and TE’s    ?  He seems more like a finesse player to me. After watching the Bills weaknesses exposed in their few losses, even with. Some of their wins, it’s clear they need someone with size and speed.  Just speed alone as a lb won’t cut it in the nfl.  Edmunds has speed, but he is not an aggressive hitter. People keep saying he is so yoing and will develop but some guys play nasty and like contact and some are more finesse. Edmunds is finesse and I wish they would allow him outside more, rushing the QB.  How many picks does he have as he is supposedly great in coverage,,,,,oh that’s right , 3 for his entire career.  5.5 sacks. For a high pic , such size , supposedly leading the defense , those are very pedestrian numbers.  

    Werner will be good in the right scheme , but I am not sure I trust this defensive staff to figure out how to make him great as imho, they have had their lb use/ misuse exposed by tight ends and the running game all year.  I wish they would use someone who produces TFL. Watch Tampa’s lb play with white. I bet kc / Kelce don’t have near the production against. Tampa as they did against us.   The one Ohio state player I really wish they would get is sermon the RB ,as they missed on getting dobbins last year and during the draft I hoped that mistake wouldn’t  haunt them.  He has more talent than Our rbs, tho watching film analysis / breakdown of the OL run blocking , I am not sure any RB will do well with tight ends whiffing , and interior lineman getting blown by. They did well in PASS pro most of the year , so still have hope. That rb has power and break away speed and can catch.  Would take him over Werner.  Would also stay away from buckeye cbs this year. Indiana and Alabama torched all of them. 😉

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