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Posts posted by DrPJax

  1. 56 minutes ago, BobbyC81 said:

    I was watching the NFL Network highlights show, Gameday Final and they had Zack Wilson talking to the NY press about facing the New England defense and the last question they had was a reporter asking “So, you weren’t like seeing ghosts out there?”


    Did Jerry Sullivan move to NY?


    While it was funny, I think it was stupid and juvenile to be asking this kid.

    Look, he could be digging ditches somewhere, being a coal miner or steel worker , or an orderly in a hospital facing covid exposure daily. If he can’t handle getting asked a question by a reporter with zero impact on his real life , he needs to grow up and be an adult.  Adults face real danger and risks daily and work very hard for very little return compared to these NFL guys who many times have been pampered because of their athletic talents.

    .  I’m sorry , but I know too many other people in life dealing with bigger life issues than facing a sarcastic reporter. If that really bothers you , maybe you need to look in a little deeper and appreciate real issues in life. Sorry to be blunt , no offense intended , but really is Wilson’s emotional health a true concern you have?  Guy gets paid a lot of money to play, answer questions ( that can’t hurt you in real life unless you are lying under oath), and he is an entertainer, nothing more, nothing less. 

    • Agree 1
    • Dislike 2
  2. On 9/19/2021 at 4:58 PM, Beast said:

    Tremaine Edmunds is a stud. End if story.

    He might be , I have no idea as I don’t personally know him.   If he is one, it’s certainly not on a football field!  Softest 6’5” mlb I have ever watched of  years of watching the NFL. ( that might even effect the off the field stuff! LoL!) He is a finesse guy.  Thought it might change as he added muscle mass under nfl training.  I don’t see it. I still see linemen 10 yds downfield blocking on a screen and pushing him 10 more yards and flattening him!  ( against Pittsburgh) At this point he is physically what he is as it’s unlikely his body will legally add much more muscle mass.  He might be great mentally too.  But unfortunately football is just not a mental game.  Our d did not fall off last year when he was out ( may have been worse as he nurtured his shoulder) and it certainly didn’t fall off In the second half.  Klein held up well, as did the others.   Milano is the real inspiration and leader with both physical and intelligent play.  How can a guy his size make repeated hits that separate guys from the ball and I can’t remember even one really significant time Edmunds has done that.  They are so enamored with his size , they give him leeway with results.   He is not a big play guy, can’t catch the ball , and he just is not “impactful”.  We suffer if milano goes down , not when Edmunds is out. I would be looking next year to replace him if you get a shot at the right guy in the draft. Good guy, avg mlb/lb IN THIS SYSTEM AS HE IS USED.   If they turned him into an edge rusher , I think he would be a totally different and impactful player.  Maybe Buffalo is not the system for him if they can’t find ways to make a naturally gifted guy like him significant.  And I don’t want to hear the pro bowl argument, we all know it is significantly a popularity award.   

  3. On 9/13/2021 at 9:08 PM, NewEra said:

    Specifically, not committing 26 yard PI’s on what was basically a Hail Mary on 3rd down.  

    I rarely complain about calls as they tend to even out.  But I rewatched the game and focused on two pass plays. The one where trey was defending and the guy still caught the ball along the right sideline ( clay pool) .  White did not turn his head around ever, Charles Davis mentioned it, but trey had his hand in between claypools trying to pry the ball free yet the guy still made the catch as the ball was not under thrown. No flags !   Then watch Levi on that play where he draws a flag.  Great coverage , ball was slightly under thrown but not like 3-5 yards as the receiver still had a chance to catch or make contact with the ball. In slow mo you actually see Levi look straight up and over his right shoulder as that  arc of the ball coming in and he put his hands up just as the receiver reached up. Levi did not create the contact , and it was slight contact to say the least.  Levi had his hands up and did make contact with the ball. The ref who had the worst view threw the flag.     But looking at the two plays side by side , there was no difference in technique.  Trey did not look back or Locate the ball any more than Levi did.  Claypool just mad an amazing catch.   My point is that Levi actually had great coverage , but got hit with a terrible call imo and was penalized because the throw was poor but actually the receiver had the same chance to catch the ball as claypool did.  That call sealed the game as Pitt got a fg and lead was back to 10.  It’s inconsistent calls like that which influence the outcome of a game that are infuriating.    Watch those two plays together and see what you think.  Could Mcd have challenged that call , I don’t remember the time, but it was a possession changing call really?!  We really never seemed to have many calls go our way that game. Hard to feel like Pitt deserved that win outside of the blocked punt.  

  4. 3 hours ago, Thurman#1 said:



    Singletary's a very good back. Not a bell cow, but he can be a #1 back, which is why he is one and why he was one his rookie year as well.


    And you're exaggerating about his catch percentage. His two seasons he's never averaged below 70%. Totalled around 72.9, and improved last year to 76%. Daying he will probably catch 60 - 75% is misleading. It's true, but actually he will probably catch 70 - 75%, which isn't awful, though it's not great either.


    If he wasn't a threat he wouldn't have killed them on those two runs late, and he wouldn't have averaged 6.5 YPC, and he wouldn't be averaging 4.8 YPC for his career.




    I really appreciate your points.  I was just gut guessing on his catch percentage  , I was off a few points but he has shown a propensity at clutch times( nit counting preseason) , like the KC game , to drop balls at critical times and he has also had ball security issues.  Two fumbles that likely went out of bounds is not indicative of a 1 back.  Coukd he improve, yes, but time is ticking on him. If either of those fumbles is lost he would be benched. We can tolerate jish fumbling cuz he is your franchise about, but like I saidrb is not valued much now inthe NFL in the sense that many teams move on quickly and motor was only a 3 rd round draft pick. Also runs are situational.  His ypa were up because of the runs in essentially garbage time.  Pitt was in a soft zone and willing to give up yardage for time off the clock. It’s like a receiver padding stats when the team is down 3 scores in the 4 th.   Look at his stats in the first half, he had around 5 carries and I don’t remember any 10-15 yard runs then. I will say the o line played terribly and he was hit in the backfield. Still doesn’t excuse his fumble propensity and what about his lack of situational awareness when he failed to step out of bounds and the clock kept running.  Again, 1 backs don’t make poor decisions like that. It’s not just one thing, but several things that are beginning to add up. You usually also can use your 1 back for short  and goal line situations.   If the Bills are scratching healthy backs, your “1” is going to have to be more consistent and keep josh from having to pick up yards.  You signed him as your franchise QB now , lots of $ involved , so that commitment needs protection. RB 1 has to produce or it’s time to go to moss , which was happening before he got hurt. 

    I’m not saying  motor is bad or not NFL caliber  , I am saying he lacks consistency AT THIS POINT, And just pulling out a single stat like ypc can be misleading. Wade has a good ypc avg based on his few carries, that doesn’t make him a”1”  back! Lol !    He is a better runner , average pass catcher, who needs to take away that fear of him putting the ball on the ground.  He could do all those , but I think he needs some very productive games soon or he may be behind Moss and gone next year. He can have some great flashes, I just wish that felt confident and not anxious when he gets reps.  He really needs better o line play which is out of his control. 

    • Agree 1
  5. On 9/13/2021 at 12:49 PM, TheFunPolice said:

    I might be crazy, but I really like Singletary.


    I think he's noticeably faster this year and he was great his rookie season.


    Do we run screens? Draws? KC runs quite a bit for a team that seems all about Mahomes. I would like to see a bit more balance and some creativity. 

    I’m sorry , I like motor as s second or third back.  He does not beak enough tackles in the NFL.  Motor still has a ball security issue. He was lucky he fumbled twice OOB. If not he would have been benched and not seen the field with Moss returning except sparingly.  Do you really need to ask aboit screens?   They don’t and can’t trust him to reliably, consistently catch the ball.    He will probably catch 60-75% which is not good coming out of the backfield as a possible hot route or drop off option.  He has a bad habit of Looking to run before securing the catch.   I was hoping Beane hit on a sleeper, but motor is on a very short leash imho.   He flashes at times, but we can’t depend on him in short yardage and goal line situations.  There are too many rbs out there ( see the ravens who lost their top 3 backs and still had rushing TDs this week!) and I think If he continues ball security issues and so-so hands , I think his career may be NFL!   Hopefully it was just because of Dabolls bad o scheme or ability to adjust after Pitt had answers to the passing attack.  But after watching The Bills since ‘65 and he just does not look like a special back to me at this point.  We need s reliable weapon out of the backfield imho to beat teams like KC , the Bucs and to advance to the SB.  Why they had him out on the sideline as a wr is a mystery to me unless it’s just to draw a lb out of the box, but Motor is not a threat out there at this point.   Maybe he needs work or reps.   😉

    • Agree 1
  6. On 9/13/2021 at 11:14 AM, Bangarang said:

    We didn’t win 13 games and have one of the league’s best offenses last year by giving our RBs 25 carries. 

    True!  But we lost both KC games, Tennessee , and squeaked by in those playoff games.   We easily could have lost the colts game.  Big thing is looking at beating the KC, the Bucs ran and Cleveland , who almost beat KC on the road, are strong competitors and they almost won by running and keeping Mahomes off the field.  We need to do that against the Bucs, Saints, and Kc just n the regular season , and things go up a notch in the post season.  When you throw so much you are prone to quick 3& outs if Allen is off at all and that’s all Mahomes and Brady need is an extra possession or two additionally.  Running is a way to run clock and keep those two guys we have not beaten recently off the field.  If we do another 51 pass vs 11 carries by our RBS in thise gabs again, I am pretty sure we will see the same results.  It’s about enforcing your will , esp by the o line and not getting your ass handed to you.  We have struggle for years against Brady, Mahomes has owned us so far , doing the same O will be defended just like the Steelers did.  Heck, the Bucs figured out how to slow down Mahomes with their D , in addition to the Bucs running game having good success. So they will stop our pass happy o  as they have a dominant d line similar to Pittsburgh.  We need some legit balance to make pass action need to be respected. We need to protect our franchise qb as well. 

  7. 4 hours ago, FilthyBeast said:


    On the road against Brees and the Saints......Tom Brady's first start with the Bucs.


    I really wish people stop making this type of comparison when WE LOST AT HOME, gave up 23 unanswered points and didn't have a chance to win late because we were down 2 scores. Yes Pittsburgh might still be a good to great team but you have to win this game at home if you also fancy yourself the same type of team.


    Meanwhile the Chiefs and Bucs showed why they were in the SB last year and came back to win big games at home after trailing at one point in the 2nd half.


    Sure this team might rebound in a big way this week and play great the next few weeks given the upcoming schedule but until we play a real team with a real QB again (i.e. KC) it's hard to know who the 2021 Bills really are at this point.

     Great points.  It’s ok to be concerned even if it’s the first game because this is part of Bills play that is showing a disturbing trend .  Trends can certainly change but they can also be a harbinger of things to come , especially if those trends are in areas that can’t easily be changed at this point as the season has begun.   It’s less concerning if you are still in preseason with time to make scheme or personnel changes. 

    Comcerning trends that have carried over from last year ( remember , it’s not like we blew out teams during the playoffs before KC beat us the SECOND time last year and we really were not in those games as Reid was the better coach in both games 😞


    1) our offensive game plan was ineffective as Pitt had it figured out.  Only 10 teams scored 16 points or less yesterday, only 6 scored less than 16.  ZERO OF THOSE TEAMS WON!  There is a blueprint out there on how to slow this offense and for some reason oil OC either refused or could not counter that defensive scheme being used.  That’s a legit concern. Mcd said as much today.  
    2) we still either can’t or won’t try to make our running game a legitimate threat or concern.  51 pass attempts when your franchise QB is under duress on almost every drop back is a legit concern. We seem to be the only SB contender that runs so ineffectively. We got some garbage time yards with Pitt in prevent and a two score lead, but before that Devin looked like he did last year.  Not much yardage after contact , shaky ball security, and do you feel confident when he is thrown too?  I don’t.  Is he part of the reason we ran zero screen passes yesterday to try to slow the rush ,,,,,or is this just another thing our OC doesn’t use or perhaps our O line is just not adequate.   We don’t have to be a 50/50  run/ pass team , but when defenses are rushing just 3 dl’s ( and getting to our qb) that’s a legit concern, first game or last game , and we are becoming easier to prepare for and defend against when they don’t have to bring up lbs, safeties, etc with no run threat.  It’s closing passing lanes and that’s a concerning trend over more than just yesterday’s game. 
    3) It’s a legit concern.regarding our interior OL.  WHY are we still rotating players at the guard position ?   What other SB contender does this on a routine basis ?  We got manhandled yesterday as Mcd admitted across the o line.   Our LT was very bad yesterday and I don’t care what spin is pit on it , he still is not in football shape after his time away for whatever reason.  Our guards were pushed back into Josh all day and again,  we have no running lanes being opened ( oitsode of that last drive with Pitt in prevent ). We have no faith in just powering for short yardage or goal line situations.   I watched a lot of games this week , and most teams still don’t give up. Running the ball from the ten or five in.  We run it in with Josh , but that’s risky for him for injury and he still has a fumble issue, even if not as bad as it was. These are legit concerns , first game or not , because these issues were there last year.   We still have no answer despite a draft, an off season, and a preseason having passed.  We had 10-11 o lineman. In camp and we still have no answer to poor guard play. We might have future back up tackles, but what’s the answer at guard; still more rotation with Cody and Ike ? Pitt is not the only team with good interior d lineman despite hearing that as an excuse frequently online , Twitter etc yesterday.  What’s a real solution, just hope those guards suddenly become talented and that the Steelers game was an abberation?  I guess that’s possible but it seems like a legit concern and it’s disturbing we chose to do nothing before now. Pretty unlikely one or two serviceable guards pop up.  Hey , I hope for the best and that they turn their play around but right now I doubt we could handle either the Bucs or Chiefs with the line play we witnesssed yesterday.   That’s not a chicken little thing, it’s a trend when we play good teams.  
    4) our special teams are not so special.  We are missing a decisive punt returner at this point and with all the line shifting around , maybe the communication error that led to a blocked punt is also a legit concern. We have had at least one punt blocked before with this staff ( perhaps the st coach was changed or fired after that one blocked punt cost us a game as well, I don’t think I’m mixing this up with the rex debacle and if so I apologize ) and there were legit questions around letting punts drop that cost us yardage and w just seemed unsure about when to kick a fg vs going for a first down.   Seems strange to be experiencing this now even with it being the first game because our staff has been here 4 years now.  Those coaching issues should not b happening to a staff that has been together this long.  These issues are legit concerns regardless what game it is now.  This is supposedly an experienced coaching staff with super bowl or bust being preached.  
    All I’m saying is it’s ok for people to say they have concerns on a board meant to express ideas amid thoughts and there are legit reasons to not belittle people just for voicing their thoughts.  Time will tell.  There are some disturbing things that happened during a loss at home for a team whose goal is to have a home AFC CHAMPIONSHIP game.  To just ignore all those things because it’s just a first game ignores how thin the margin can be to get those home playoff games. Perhaps all will be corrected and we will end up 16-1 and wouldn’t that be great ?  I don’t see any harm tho in looking at those things now and seeing what actions take place.   Talk is cheap , right !?  


  8. 4 minutes ago, IronMaidenBills said:

    Allen is without a doubt one of the best QBs in the league. Bad QB performance or not, the OC needs to recognize what is and what isn’t working with in game adjustments. Daboll rarely does. If you see Josh is under duress, call some screens or designed rollouts. It’s inexcusable on Daboll’s part and he infuriates me more than anyone during this game. I honestly hope we replace him. 

    How about with time running down , even tho he finally called some runs and motor had some success since Pitt was playing soft prevent then, Daboll decides to never call ONE PLAY WITH ANYONE IN THE ENDZONE OR ANY PASSES TO THE ENDZONE.  HE  called runs and short passes that kept the clock running.  It was either stupidity, stubbornness, or lack of awareness.  It was another classic Daboll moment.   For all his good design of the o at times , it’s hard to ignore his inability to design or use any run game and it’s hard to ignore his inability to adjust during games ( like the kc games) and it’s hard to ignore those cute moments like that 4 th down play like today that turned the momentum around.  Maybe we are seeing why he still isn’t a head coach: maybe those in the field see trends we may ignore as fans.  Hope he turns things around because this crap today was exactly how we got beaten last year by KC twice and Tennessee as well.   

  9. 33 minutes ago, Drifter said:

    Wow' I thought  our blocked punt was bad. 

    It was.  Cost us the game if my math is right.  Our  d didn’t even get a chance to try a stop.  At least cleveland could have made a stand.  I think this is the second game during the Mcd era where a blocked punt cost us a game ( wasn’t that during mcds coaching where a guy from née England came totally untouched off the side to block a punt or was it during rex’s last year? ).   Anyhow, no excuse for special team failures like that where a guy came unblocked up the middle due to miscommunication the line.  Ever wonder if all the position switching of o linemen during the preseason could be an issue?  They never settled on final starting line until last preseason game and that can result in communication issues because god lines have spent time together and those missed blocking responsibilities don’t happen with guys used to playing together.  How many dam Lineman did we have in camp at one time , 10 or 11 they kept rotating.   Just a thought.  

    Big issues tho imho is  either we can’t run or Daboll refuses to stick with it.   Yes motor got some junk time yards On that late drive when Pitts d was in prevent.   Even then how many times did motor do stupid things,,,eg, not going out of bounds with clock running and he continues to look unsure handling the ball nor is he a  reliable guy catching screens or running after catching the ball.  He fumbled one out of bounds luckily and he is never a sure thing to catch a simple screen or get many yards after a catch.  I am just not a big fan. He is a very average back and early in the game he rarely made any yards after contact or made anyone miss. He is ok thru big holes like that last drive but we can’t depend on him in short yardage and he is too small or lacks vision in the red zone goal line situations.  We should have addressed this during the draft or maybe Moss is in next week.  He is no speed guy but has better hands. Going to be interesting to see hiw he reacts to a healthy scratch.  Something seems to be going on for that to have happened today.  Maybe the staff is not happy with his work ethic or mental preparation but that’s a huge red flag after he tweeted he was totally healthy.  

    This looked like the offense that KC easily stopped last year    Wallace continues to be a weak link of our CB’s( again nit addressed)  but where was the pass rush again ?  All the DL on the squad and we had two sacks but nothing where Ben ever looked under pressure like Allen and we can’t create turnovers on this D to save our lives ( maybe someday Edmunds will.catch a ball or make a game changing play ).   It wouldnt shock me if Edmunds isn’t resigned next year.  He is  good, had another ok game , but he certainly is not irreplaceable.   He had a chance to catch a deflected ball again today and again as per usual he dropped it. He has TWO INTS in 3 plus years as a 6’5” mlb who drops into coverage more tha he rushes.  Not our biggest issue, but it is a persistent one and can’t we expect more from our main LB? 


    It’s just the first game and like Tony Dungy  said many offensive players who didn’t play much in the preseason looked out of sync and that was the case with our passing game. Will the O line improve, will Daboll ever develop a running game ( both KC and Cleveland run very well in addition to their passing attacks) , will we ever get any consistent pass rush with all our “fresh” d lineman , will we get any production from our TE’s ,( another mistake not protecting Hollister?) , can Daboll ever adjust DURING a game when the d looks to have things figured out and also quit with the “ being cute or I’m going to show how smart I am playcalling ( even dungy laughed saying how ridiculous that.4 th down call was when you habe a 6’5” Qi) ?    I know it’s the first game but how many of you expected us to lose scoring just 16 points, regardless of pitts d as we were told how great the o looked all during camp?  (What happened to touchdown Jesus today as well?).  Arizona, KC, Cleveland ,looked good and the latter too looked good on both sides of the ball and our performance today just didn’t look like we made up much ground on either of those two teams.  Time will tell tho.  It was just a very stinging loss to a team with a whole new offensive line , new OC, rookie rb, after so much talk about how this is our Super Bowl window.  It was just a coaching disappointment, and failed to show growth from last years disappointing end to the season.  We have tough games in the future and losing this winnable home game against a team with a whole new offense , especially as it resembled our losses to KC last year was hard to believe and won’t help get us an afc championship game in Buffalo.   ( plus my 95 year old mom is a life long Steelers fan ! Lol!). 


  10. On 8/26/2021 at 3:34 PM, 2020 Our Year For Sure said:

    I don't think he will.

    Haha.  Of course chicken littles will say he will as he has only had a great camp, all reports say he has has looked terrible, he looked terrible last year , better receivers with another year w daboll, a contract to motivate him, he is fresh from limited contact, coaching staff was so concerned they made him do extra tine after Games they felt compelled not to play him in, o line is stable for first game, motor looks refreshed, better tight ends, hit 15 straight at one practice frustrating defense,he has forgotten how to run/ scramble ,trubisky looked extremely rusty as the second  string qb so the starter should be worse , we obviously have a detailed game plan to execute in this all important game, he has shown a tendency to regress yearly, it’s a home game so he will be unfamiliar with wind and field conditions,he has never played competitive football before and never with Palmer working on weaknesses,the game plan will likely expose him to new ways to be blindsided.because the game is so important we must win at all costs , it all points to a rookie in the headlights performance for the #5 rated qb overall and we should expect a full game just to shake all the rust off.  Yep, this is a key indicator of what to expect game one against the Steelers cuz we will execute our full playbook today. If we lose the first quarter our season hopes are as good as over.  I am trembling as this one quarter is our SB 4 th quarter by proxy!   Doomed! We never improve as the season progresses so today Is the best we can expect of  of 2021! It’s only down hill from here so say the gurus!   Wow, rust can’t be beaten,,,,,,,I am terrified! 😂😂😂😂😂Sorry, I didn’t mean to be an ass, just sarcastic!  But really, after no preseason at all last year and a squad of vets familiar with Daboll and Frazier, should “ rusty” ever be considered as a legit excuse ever again?  Probably not unless no one can practice at all prior to a season. 

  11. 17 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    They may actually provide an opt out option this year. It’s still on the table 


    but based on beasely’s comments he wants to play. He’s fighting for looser restrictions on those who choose not to get the vaccine. He believes the line that was drawn is too hard. 

    I think he is actually correct about the restrictions being based on circumstances before we had actual data on the disease ; given our much clearer understanding in transmission and risks , the same protocols as last year no longer make sense.  All the isolation etc seems more like punishment than decisions based on actual knowledge we have after a year dealing with risks etc.   There is tremendous political power behind pushing the vaccines. I am vaccinated ( Pfizer)  but I am much older and not an elite athlete with little risk of serious disease who may not benefit from vaccination, esp if they had covid naturally. I think his extreme positions may be posturing that other players will also push prior to the season.  There is lots of time for moderation of the protocols to occur and like all negotiations you shoot for everything knowing in reality there will be give and take.

    The NFL will negotiate with proven, high profile players , and if enough of those look like they may sit out and affect the product, the NFL may reconsider its strict policies .  I wouldn’t panick yet, but see how it plays out. The fact is there are preventive alternatives to the vaccines,  but those are not profitable and we are seeing the politics of big money ( billionaires have been made out of vaccine manufacturers, that is factual and not some conspiracy theory) playing out in a billion dollar industry.  As an example , how many of the public are aware of the 230 plus cases of carditis recently  in those under age 30 after the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine ? Most likely it is dose related and can be solved by reducing the second shot , but are you hearing about it ,,,,,no, and that’s important for athletes as exercising with carditis is not recommended. We do need data on this situation. My point is I think Beasley ,and probably soon more high profile players may join him as they have issues being FORCED into very limited pathways when there are more solutions that are being ignored, and many Freedom loving people don’t like being dictated too.  I agree it seems simple to just do the vaccine but some people react negatively to having false premises relegate their behavior and many of these players are smart driven guys who are used to making their own decisions. I would just keep an open mind until he and others actually are forced to miss time and we have not reached that point yet.  I think he ( and other players) will eventually moderate that hard line as he probably really does wish to play.

    The one thing I don’t really support is his statement “:I may die of  covid, but I ‘d rather die actually living “!    Well , Cole , if you are dying , I can assure you , you will not be actually living!  It’s a nonsensical statement that hurts ones intellectual credibility just a little!  It’s the exact type of statement that a young healthy person makes who has never watched someone die as they suffocate in front of them , or ever had a disease that threatened their own health or mortality and covid is not “real”: to them. That’s when if faced with large numbers of players  refusing any REASONABLE protocols, I would have the HR dept set up a day in an ICU seeing actual patients and then these protocols or vaccines may not seem so restrictive.  Honestly tho, I respect Cole and he showed what team meant to him last year playing with a  fractured leg. I think he has earned some time and I think we should not jump all over him as he weighs his future options and negotiating strengths. I also respect any individuals right to refuse a relatively new vaccine. We should not underestimate how much his  talent is harder  to replace than we might think as he was a vital cog in the offense and had Josh’s trust. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. On 5/26/2021 at 11:25 PM, FarrellsFinest said:

    If you dont think his best football is ahead of him idk what to tell you.

    It’s certainly not behind him!  😀.  He can only improve in many ways or he may not be the best fit in this scheme.   He is a likable guy so I hope things work out for him , yet it’s time to be more impactful. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  13. 1 hour ago, JakeFrommStateFarm said:

    I did a reconnaissance mission for the board.



    Thank you,  yep , that’s her!  The way she was star struck by Stefon , or someone posing to be him ( still can’t fathom many people willing to drop 3000$ on someone VIRTUALLY ,,,I mean maybe if that was sitting on my lap, bird in hand so to speak,,,,,,😉😈. It does make you at least reasonably think it could be an athlete like an NFL player),  was impressive. Lol,,,she was all over that virtually very quickly!  If we play the Raiders in Vegas this year ( playoffs ?) or we have a game close to there, we may need a go fund me to “tip” her to stay away from Diggs the night before the game! 😂.  She doesn’t look like she would have trouble getting guys to chase her so it was pretty funny to see how quickly she was throwing herself at him. Man, why did I miss out genetically when it comes to NFL speed and catching ability!?  🤓😁

    • Like (+1) 1
  14.  Hey guys , just saw something interesting. Couldn’t sleep so I signed on to Twitch , which I think most of you know is a streaming service for gamers and various other topics. So I clicked on one stream of a good looking woman who streams from Vegas. Her streamer name is My_1st_Kill and she is a 39 year old variety streamer. So when I clicked in she was mentioning Stefon Diggs was currently in her stream. She was going on about it like a star struck chick , and I was thinking there is no way Diggs is in some random stream at 3 am. 

    So she asked the person in her chat to verify he was actually Stefon as he was under the screen name of skolfan!  He did say he was Stefon and verified he was now playing for the Bills ( this streamer is apparently a Raiders fan, but admitted on stream she didn’t know Diggs was now with the Bills and not the Vikings, so that’s why he said he now played for Buffalo).  It was hilarious as this chick immediately started hitting on Diggs, wanting to go on a date , wanting him to follow her on Instagram etc.   To his credit , he immediately said he was married and wished her luck finding someone to make her as happy as he is with his wife. It was pretty classy , and obviously a good thing to do if it was actually him. The streamer kept going on about how she would be wearing a Diggs jersey when the Bills play the Raiders , how Diggs was one of the “ Best looking players in the NFL” , and the gushing kept going on till about 330 am eastern. He finally said he was leaving the chat / stream to get back to playing as Roy Hobbs in THE SHOW on his series X Xbox. 

    Someone in chat asked what was going on concerning Diggs being there and one of the Mods explained Diggs said he was just stopping by some random streamers to help them draw some attention to their streams and hopefully draw some followers to help some small streamers. .  I was still pretty skeptical till skolfan, apparently Diggs, dropped 3000$ in donations to the streamer in the form of Bits ( the currency used on twitch to cheer or support streamers) and wished her well!  I did shout out to him in her chat, but he was not responding to anyone except the streamer.  I screen shotted him saying he played for the Bills , the Roy Hobbs story, the donations of all the money etc, just to prove I wasn’t making it up. I have no idea tho how to post that on here or if that’s possible since it’s a larger pic / file done on my iPad Pro. It’s easy to go to Twitch and check her stream.  If you are tech savvy, let me know how to post a screen shot here and I could do it.  

    Well, we all know Diggs likes playing video games per the story about he and Josh playing COD. SO, maybe he is now into the SHOW ( first time it has ever been on Xbox as it was a Sony exclusive ) and it was funny witnessing how guys like Diggs must get hit on all the time because of the celebrity status. You can go to Twitch and I would think she will have her stream as a VOD posted on her site if you are interested in that sort of thing. ( I don’t know her, just had clicked on her stream in the past. Personally I think she is a typical E girl, pretty insincere, begging for money on stream while flashing cleavage  etc all day. She  is a young  39 and recently divorced by her own admission. Yep, I admit I clicked to check the “ show “ I like , not MLB, unless that stands for major league boobs!) Her stream on there is My_1st_kill ( have no idea why it’s called that).  “Diggs” was in the chat from 3 am till about 330 am eastern my time , she lives in Vegas so time stamps may be different.    Diggs was classy, didn’t flirt , was polite chatting with her and gifted her 3K $  just in the half hour I saw the interaction!! 😊😉👌 Nice to have that kind of change lying around to just drop on a streamer you have never met before! 

    I left there thinking 1) I wish I was a lot younger and could get into the streaming action since some people are making a killing on Twitch ( esp If you are an attractive e girl / Lady streamer, so no hope for me anyhow )  2) Diggs seemed like a nice guy and is probably a great tipper! He is loyal, loves gaming including baseball now,  he must be a night person, and may be on Xbox and twitch under skolfan!  I continue to be happy Diggs is a Bill ! 3) it’s been an unusual month having had Milano’s very nice GF ask me for a pic at a Target in Jax and insomnia driving me to Twitch where the first stream I clicked on supposedly had Diggs in chat!  Man, these crazy things can only mean the Bills will be winning their first Superbowl this year! Hey, Vegas is even sending signs !  Go Bills and off I go to finally sleep! 

    • Like (+1) 4
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  15. On 5/12/2021 at 5:19 PM, Dablitzkrieg said:


    Wow, that does not look like your typical speedy type back ( thought moss was supposed to be the power guy) !  Also doesn’t look like a supple receiving back with flexibility,,,, looks more like he is going to be tested frequently for anabolic steroids ( maybe it’s more hgh with ill defined legal levels !  ).  Kind of a strange thing as he wasn’t having durability issues. He was having speed, receiving, Vision issues hitting holes.    Guess he wants to break more tackles , not go down with first contact but that’s a balance issue.   I guess the teams physical trainers are behind this ! ?   Wish I looked that good,,,,,,but I have a good personality ! 😂

    • Eyeroll 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Teddy KGB said:

    Anyone have the details  ? 

    Papers with Benjamin’s on them!  

    wishing you luck  keep those terrible towels out of there!  


    It is BLUE cross / Blue shield stadium so black & gold wearers  WILL need immunization records for COVID, influenza, tetanus, hepatitis , and a recent mini mental status exam or Montreal cognitive ( actually done in Montreal!) exam prior to admission as this is a risky environment for substance abuse ( home fans exempt related to known genetic tolerance) , depression, and post game PTSD!  ( just an FYI /psa Steelers fans, I am taking appointments now in Florida to begin the screening process, cash only as BC/BS  reimbursement rates are unacceptably low and slow! ). 😊😇


    • Haha (+1) 1
  17. 5 hours ago, stevewin said:

    Seems like a genuinely good Dude - excited and ready to go


    - Draft night

    - Was the best moment of my life.  I can't even describe it.  It was awesome.  It was such a huge blessing and I'm so excited to be here


    - Journey - Dad going to ECC and living in Buffalo watching the Bills

    - It's crazy.  It's like a dream come true for me and for him.  It's so wild that I ended up here in Buffalo.  It's cool because he knows the area, where he used to eat, where he used to go - it's been great


    - Playing Madden as kid - how did you get hooked on football

    - Really from that game - play with different teams learn different coverages different route concepts - just learning the game of football in and out,  all the positions - and I started playing football after that and it just took off.


    - Originaly WR and Safety

    - Allows you to see the game from a different perspective than the DL, so I thought it was cool that I got to play the positions in HS - sometimes you can even even use some of the moves - not exactly - like you'd use as WR at DE, like trying to shake somebody or get off a jam


    - Graduating early from HS

    - It was tough for sure.  If you want something you have to go after it so I attacked it. I took it really seriously because I knew I wanted to enroll early at U Miami.  So I enrolled in Jan - I knew I wanted to gain some weight before the season started because I was a little on the small side to play DE.  It was something I took super seriously and the decision paid off for sure


    - People talk about work ethic and relentless nature - how much from watching parents

    - All comes from that. Seeing them grind and hustle and go to work and come back late and leave early in the morning, it really motivated me to be able to help some ways. it really instilled hard work in me at a very very early age


    - Mom says when you were young folding shirts, cleaning etc

    - I'm just like a neat person, I like to have everything under control.  Really at a young age I just like to keep my room neat and the house clean.  


    - Manny Diaz convinces you DE is position for you

    - It was great when I committed to it.  I was an awesome move for me knowing the way my body was projecting and me knowing I could add the weight.  Also coach compared me to Manny Lawson [ed. note - not John McCargo] bc he coached him at NC State - told me we were similar - Manny also played receiver in HS and became a first rd pick.  IHe said I see a lot of his game in your game


    - Bruuuuuuce call

    - It was amazing.  Definitely a blessing - it was awesome.  I can't wait to meet him hopefully pretty soon and get and knowledge or tips he has for me


    - This oppty - Bills compete for SB

    - It's amazing - had a great year last year - can't wait to contribute


    - What are Bills getting

    - Someone who's going to bring it every day on and off the field in the media room, in the weight room.  Maximize my potential, learn from the older guys - trust my teammates, trust my coaches, be the best player I can be year one


    - Tough call to sit out year

    - Tough process for sure - took a lot of time to make the decision with my family.  At the end of the day I had to do what I had to do.   I'm glad to be where I'm at right now and I'm just so excited for the future

    He seems like a really nice kid.  Loved t(e cover 1 breakdown about his vision and length. Just a little thing I might talk to him about as a mentor / agent;  it’s great to enjoy getting drafted, but keep perspective in that you have ONE good year of COLLEGE ball and it’s been a long time since competition and never at this level.  Other  rookies have found out it’s a big challenge , ie Oliver,Phillips, Ford, Edmunds, Foster and some guys already no longer here.  I look at Bills related media to a point; it gets redundant after a while as the rookies get hit with basic questions and it gets to a point for me where that stuff is just fluff, lest see what happens at the start of the season. 

    I have seen almost every drafted rookie and free agents we have now on SOME media platform. Maybe it’s me, but the reality is I have seen Rousseau on some media show every day and many times more than one show, podcast , etc a day. I have NOT seen the other players more than twice, three short segments perhaps since they have become Bills.  I have followed the Bills new drafts etc every year just like I’m sure most of you have. I get Rousseau is a first rd. ( 30 th player tho) pick and may garner a little initial extra attention. I have to say tho I have seen this guy doing interviews, podcAsts, TV, Etc for multiple local and national media to a point that it just feels excessive for a guy who has done nothing yet. I have NOT SEEN LAWERENCE here in Jax , Wilson, Fields! Jones ( he is a local Jax kid from Bolles Hs ) on tv etc more than once or twice since being drafted.  Rousseau’ s appearances just feel excessive or like an outlier. 

    I really like his personality, excitement, and his potential. I have quit watching any further interviews as it just rehashing the same stuff daily. The other Bills drafted guys are pretty quiet at this point, maybe a short segment here or there. If I was a mentor , I would suggest / talk to Greg that now it’s time to get focused. He is a raw project still. He has lots to digest and learn. Perception can become reality and it might be time to level off all the interviews/ talk of potential etc and remember you only get one time to make an impression and develop s reputation. Better to over produce than keep creating media expectations you have no experience fulfilling except for ONE bug year in college. He is really a likable KID; and he is still just a kid with youthful exuberance. Kids get chewed up in the. NFL all the time. It’s a small thing, but I have learned to watch for “ red flags “ or small things that stick out. They may be nothing or sometimes they turn out to have been warnings of issues to come.

    Hopefully as team activities get rolling , he will fade in a little more, not get caught up in the big NFL spotlight , and grasp that the spotlight will be there IF you perform and maximize your effort and talent. Heck, I don’t remember Josh being so visible and in fact, he still is not over exposed given his actual stardom. I hope Greg does remind us of Bruce as the guy is freakish ( however he slid to 30 for reasons) and is very likable.  This is a mans league and I bet he will see that in camp etc and maybe it’s time to ignore hype and not draw attention until it’s for actual production in this league.  The CBS stuff has been on at least 10 other platforms. McD likes humility and is not big on promoting individuals over team. There are lots of freakish athletes in the NFL, many who found out that alone won’t grant you a career. Just observing things, and I hope Greg settles in and limits all the possible distractions as he is such a young, good, impressionable man with potential. Sure would be great if Beane hit on one of his projects more so than his past luck with Oliver, Ford, and even Edmunds to some extent.  Not trying to be mean or be flamed; just a simple opinion based on comparative rookie exposure observations; I do realize it’s a small early sample yet  the NFL margin for success is thin with lots of sidetracks ! 



  18. On 5/11/2021 at 11:15 AM, YoloinOhio said:

    I haven’t seen, met or heard any Buckeye fans who hope he fails or feel scorned. Maybe if he had gone to another big college program that would compete in recruiting or on the field with Ohio state, but not this. He’s revered in Columbus and by Buckeye fans in general. He’s opening his second restaurant here on Saturday. His son in law is the QB coach at OSU.  He’s still attached to the program. It’s his oldest daughter’s livelihood. It’s why he took one of “his guys” with him to Jax from Ohio state , he didn’t want to hurt the program. People love him for that. And naturally Buckeye fans are VERY happy with the Ryan Day era so that helps too. I can’t speak for Florida fans, I know things didn’t end well there and there was a lot of bitterness there. As you know that was not the case here and though I was never a huge urban fan myself, I respect his program building and recruiting prowess  in particular.


    regardless the insider isn’t just a Buckeye “fan” so to speak, he’s a recruiting insider by trade with a ton of connections. He tells it like he hears it and knows it. Does not sugar coat. Concisely, he said —. People in the organization don't like him.he’s also hearing that there is trouble with the GM which doesn't surprise him. The strength coach deal was a disaster. Signing Tebow is stupid. If he takes a roster spot from a real player the guys on that team won't like it. I'm not going to be surprised if he flames out. —-


     He’s extremely hard to work for but people do it because he wins. They see a path for themselves hitching to him. If that path dissolves, it’s not worth it. If they aren’t winning, his approach is just going to wear on people more. He swings a huge stick and that can work on college where he’s respected and proven. That doesn’t work where he’s unproven. The only two people he knows who actually liked working for him are Chris ash and a player who is on the insider board who also coached for him briefly... now THAT guy thinks everything urban does walks on water and he’s very close to the family so never says a negative thing. He thinks he will be great. So there you go. 



    Thx for the information. Hey I just listened to the cris collinsworth podcast and he did the whole thing with Urban!  It’s a good listen.  My impressions are this guy has a detailed vision regarding winning in the NFL. He signed Tebow to a 1 year , no guarantee  deal and frankly he may just find a position inthe organization for  him as urban said the assistant coaches were responsible for suggesting Tebow who  , apparently is in phenomenal shape ( funny enough I have watched Tebow as he played HS football at Nease HS here in my hometown of Ponte vedra Fl.; it’s a small world  and while he was not an NFL QB, he is a phenomenal athlete. Urban said he was not present at Tebows workouts so who knows? )  Urban is something like 180-12 , ( 12 -3 bowl game record) as a football coach, so while it’s his initial NFL season, it’s still football and it’s his life long passion. As an analogy , I am board certified in Family practice, a specialty now. However , medicine fields have a lot of overlap so I have done fam practice, run an inpatient eating disorder unit, run a chemical dependacy and rehab unit, worked in ER’s , been a Med director for a workmans Comp organization, and most enjoyably , was. NE Florida Med director for urgent care clinics named Solantic, owned by Senator ( prior governor of Fl ) Rick Scott.( who is an utter ass, criminal , terrible human who I witnessed  fire or not hire people based on body weight. I know lots of bad things about him, but enough people are “fans” who voted for him!).    My point is to a big degree medicine  is medicine and you can adjust to subtleties on the fly! I won’t ever be a NEURO or cardiac surgeon , but any dr can do multiple things if you have passion for it. 

    Urban has the expertise , passion, past success, and hey,,,,it is football snd not rocket science or neurosurgery.  He LOOKED RELAXED AND HAPPY during the podcast.  He stated his relationship with the OWNER is good and he is being provided with what he needs. Jax is apparently bottom 5 in the league with soft tissue injuries, so that might explain his bad judgement regarding the strength guy)  I would love to meet or know more about you as I respect your work here , know your Bills passion, know now you are a Columbus, Ohio State person , and I would guess you have had a successful career ( sorry I don’t know more).  Based on that , I would bet you know that when you are as successful As Urban, as a leader his ultimate measurement of success is not based on being liked, it’s about the ROI, how much you win, national titles etc.  It’s rare to reach his level of success without bypassing others, hurting some feelings , and driving a vision he was the architect of which will make enemies along the way! ( hey , Rick Scott hates me and vice versa as I fought against him defrauding Medicare of millions, but ultimately he smeared and stepped on me , and LoL, look who is a rich Fl senator now!). Urban has a vision of team building for success, and all I am saying is I wouldn’t bet against guys like him who have no significant history of failure wherever they coached. 

    The other side of the analogy or spectrum as we both know is a guy like REX RYAN!    Guy knew football, but I think we would agree , that was the definition of flaming out!  Fired after only 2 seasons while utilizing nepotism on his way out of the league!   I would argue as a leader it’s better to not be liked by those under you while achieving goals, in contrast to being a popular guy with the press; apparently being liked but ultimately never respected, and in the end having never won any major titles or goals.  If you have time ( 30 min) check out that podcast and afterwards see if you really believe Urban will  “ flame out” like a so called proven NFL coach Ryan actually managed.  While fans may revere Urban , it’s no surprise some working with him will say bad things at times. It’s the nature of getting to be one of only 32 people in the world at a given time with his job title. He has a vision he clearly articulates and I am just saying I bet he has more success than many prior so called NFL coaches. I would be shocked if he leaves the league before becoming a winning coach. It may be too big a task to win a SB here in Jax , but hey , we have had no better success in Buffalo YET, and I bet he ends up with a better final NFL win % than some of the bozos we have had as coaches of the Bills!  😀😊😂


    Best wishes Yolo; how great is it to open at home against the Steelers!?  Winning that opener is a big moral boost , esp for us fans. So glad we did not open on the road against Brady as I think our team will need to build up over a few games to challenge Him and his 20 years of Bills dominance! 


  19. 19 minutes ago, Giuseppe Tognarelli said:

    Bears on SNF is the ultimate buzz kill. I don't think anyone outside of Chicago wants to watch them. Do they really get higher ratings? Why not pick a more intriguing team to play @LAR? Isn't Dalton the presumed starter? Seems like a real dud of a matchup.


    Bills fans: if recent history holds, Bills will be wearing all white and the Steelers will be in black. Pretty depressing for home opener. Really wish we would go back to our traditional home colors.

    We have a home opener against an AFC rival as they sport a tough D,  fresh O with a new RB in Harris, while we need to get our O line settled, try to develop some semblance of run game, will be asking our D line to be better with new raw rookies against a vet QB who gets the ball out quickly, seeing if Star / Phillips or anyone can improve our run D ,  all at a glorious 1 pm with  actual fans safe from Covid -19 vaccines , AND the Pats or Fins will start 0-1 as will either AFC contenders Cleveland or other KC to begin out 2022 run to the SB ,,,, and you depressed because our crisp home white unis vs the evil  terrible towel waving, all black  wearing Steeler empire who travels well is not enough of a VISUAL feast for you after the last time we saw our Bills was a disappointing loss one game shy of the Super Bowl???????   Yeah,,,,that sounds like one good Josh Allen year has made you forget how many years we suffered in mediocrity being irrelevant enough by December that no one ever saw what uniforms The Bills wore by the end of the year !  

    BE HAPPY, a new era has begun, and those ALL WHITES will look great with the Bills hoisting their first ever Lombardi after we start the season off as defending AFC EAST CHAMPS  being the premiere 1 pm game on opening Sunday!  😀😂😊.  ( just kidding around,,, hope it’s a W whatever we wear!) 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  20. 4 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    One of the insiders on the Buckeye site I pay way too much money for said things are not going well so far at all for Urban in Jax. Take it for what it’s worth but this guy knows a lot about the situation down there and sees him flaming out. You seem excited so I hope he’s wrong. I personally only care about beating them this season. 

    Don’t get me wrong, I am a Bills fan above even the Buckeyes, so I hope the Bills beat them this year. I am impressed with Urbans track record, and after reading his autobiography I appreciate why he has been successful. He believes in personal accountability, not excuses or blaming others , and I suspect McD has similar traits. Football is a team sport more than any other and we are seeing te benefits of a good culture in Buffalo and Jax has been struggling for the same time period. Just as the Pegulas struggled until they hit the right combination, the Jax owner has been lost from a football standpoint. He is good at developing real estate, expanding the NFL’s reach to London etc, but he has been a dismal failure understanding NFL football team culture. (If flaming out, or difficulty  in dealing with the owner is what’s frustrating, I would get that. Yet Urban has dealt with boards, athletic directors, conference and NCAA commissioners etc before)  I live in a small suburb of Jax, Ponte vedra, but my medical practice involved all the hospitals in Jax. Jax was a real redneck area before they got a big boost from the JaGS/NFL, and now have attracted medical powerhouses like MAYO and MD ANDERSON.  So I would like to see the NFL stay and only based on what I’ve seen and read about Urban, I think the owner here may finally be willing to give more control to someone like him. 

    I’m sure he will need to adjust, but I don’t see him quitting before developing a winner like he has in his prior stops. Urban is an Ohio guy, was born at the Toledo hospital I did my residency at, and being a small town Ohio guy I can have some empathy for him as he is up against a huge challenge.  I was lucky enough to be around the initial Jacksonville ownership group ( one of the leaders was a chain smoking cardiologist good ol’ boy who cut me a great deal in his building where I built my first office at) who finally convinced Wayne Weaver to be the big money and final piece landing  the Jags here in Jax, so I’ve seen a lot with a little inside view from the beginning down here. This community will never be great supporters like in Buffalo , or Pittsburgh because most people ,like myself, grew up as fans of other teams long before the Jags existed, yet I have watched the area benefit since the NFL arrived.  If someone like Urban can’t get this thing back on track, then there may not be much hope for the Jags long term in Jax.   

    I appreciate your knowledge of all things Buckeye , yet I don’t see how someone could accurately tell you  he is struggling ( I’m sure he is a harsh self critic) at this point. He has a Franchise QB, by most accounts they did well with the draft, and haven’t lost any games yet! What exactly do people mean by saying he will “ flame out”? To me that means walking away or never having a winning season before quitting. Given his history, that seems unlikely.  It’s going to be a struggle ( see all the coaches after coughlin here in Jax), it’s the NFL  & not the Big Ten so change will take some seasons like it did in Buffalo. No re- loading year to year in the NFL like he did in college, so that will be a different struggle, or just normal NFL life. Urban seems like he has readjusted his priorities in life according to his writing, so I am just rooting for him as a fellow Ohioan, and human being. It would be a good story about second chances in life, and maybe the last shot Jax has to keep progressing as a community culturally should they lose the NFL.  It’s a human interest story for me and small facets of it have intertwined with my own 63 year story. My love of the Bills will always win out over anything the Jags do to share my attention!  Thx for the info, greatly respect your knowledge , and always glad to hear more if you feel like sharing!  I think there are a lot of haters out there, probably some scorned Gator or Buckeye alumni who are hoping he fails, plus all those jealous people from up north! 😀😂

  21. 20 hours ago, billsfan89 said:

    Track is way different type of running and a different type of training regime needed. It is an impressive feat for DK at his size with very little if any of that training was able to beat out 2 other track athletes who had been training for that event presumably for years. 

    He did great and actually had a great start but they caught him the last 15 -20 yards.  He dwarfed all the track guys ; would be interesting to see the results if they ALL  had pads on !  😀

  22. 18 hours ago, BillsMafi$ said:




    • The opener. Tampa Bay gets to open at home on Thursday, Sept. 9, with the 2020 champs beginning 2021 with basically the exact same roster. My prediction: The foe will be either Buffalo or Dallas. Why do I say that? The NFL wants to get off to a very strong start after a shaky offseason, and they want a game that will generate buzz in the weeks before the season begins and will be must-see TV to start the season. To schedule the Saints or Bears or Giants here (all Bucs home foes this year) doesn’t seem smart because any of them could be a game that’s over by halftime. Not so Buffalo or Dallas. The Bills could go to Tampa and win the opener, and the Cowboys, with Dak Prescott leading an explosive offense, would be able to go toe-to-toe with the Arians/Brady offense. We’ll see, but those are the two sexiest home foes for the Bucs, and I think one of them will open the NFL’s 102nd season.

    Boy , I hope we don’t start away playing against Brady. Will be big night for the Bucs who are loaded on D and let’s face it, Mcd has never beaten a Brady lead team yet has he?  Brady has had.Frazier’s number and our rookies on the D line will just be adjusting to the NFL so I doubt they have much impact early on. Also would be good to see if we can get a run game going and see if we can stop the run before facing the loaded SB champs. We prob won’t have our o line set either as it seems every year it takes time for McD to settle on the best 5.   It feels so much better to win that opener; how great was it to start 4-0 last year?

     I just hope we get a little easier opener than either away at TB, KC, or even a revamped NE pats team, tho I would be more optimistic about facing the Pats than starting against a QB who has owned us for 20 years or a coach ( Reid) who out-coached McD badly twice the previous year.  Good starts statistically matter in the NFL, and we never seem to get lots of breaks from the NFL so I hope we at least get the best shot we can at starting with a W!  Also , the stadiums in Fl will almost certainly be filled adding to home field advantages returning as our governor has already lifted all restrictions / bans concerning businesses in Fl. And that includes a ban against things like vaccine passports etc.   Would be nice if somehow we got lucky to start out at home despite last year and get our O back on track while doing it in a friendly environment !  Hey we are AFC East champs for once in a long time and I think that should be rewarded, esp rewarding the great fans we have!  

  23. On 4/29/2021 at 3:21 PM, billsfanmiamioh said:

    I have a feeling Urban is going to fail in spectacular fashion 

    Yeah, he has such a profound track history of falling wherever he goes!  😈. Look what culture has done for Turing 20 years of failure around finally in Buffalo. Urban is big on accountability and culture. His autobiography is a good read, good insight on why his teams win. I am always a Bills guy and nothing is close after40 years following them, but as a prior original season ticket holder for the Jags , originally from Ohio so a huge Buckeye fan, I am at least hoping Urban brings excitement back to this barely existing franchise and his past history suggests promise.

    Hell, I may even fight the sun, crazy drunks etc to go back down to support the Bills and catch Josh and the boys as they take on the Jags down here this year. I gave up my Jags tickets the year after the  music city miracle (99,jags 14-2 that year, dropped tics cuz hated how it interfered with watching my Bills and this was time before you could have great real time game info for teams like the Bills unless I wanted to sit in the Club at the stadium to watch on tv ), when if the Bills had won they would have come down to Jax the next week to beat the Jags en route to the SB ( where Tenn got beat a yard shy that year). I was at the AFC championship here when the Titans beat the Jags, and they fell apart after that as an organization, so I am hoping an Ohio guy like Urban brings some success back ( just not against the Bills) to the Jags and Jax and his history as a winner points to a good chance of that. I get he has left places after winning, but if you read his book he does go into life choices and some regrets he has that played a roll in those things. Hey, not many NFL head coaches stick anywhere for long as it’s the nature of the NFL. 


    . It’s not college, but it’s football, organization and team building , and I wouldn’t bet against a known winner like Urban making a good impact. Even our own beloved HOF coach lost 4 SB’s and eventually flamed out, so this league chews up everyone in the end, but I bet Jax won’t continue to be drafting in the top 5 every year under Urban.  so I just don’t see Urban flaming out as he never has before. I would also bet he has more success in the league than Saban had. ( Urban already starting with franchise QB, in a division where the other starting Qbs are declining or having issues)) 😉

    • Haha (+1) 1
  24. 13 hours ago, Hapless Bills Fan said:

    Milano just posted an entertaining little workout clip on Instagram





    Thx for sharing that!  Looks like he is working out like crazy just like his GF said! Hope it all translates to a great year for both of them and the Bills! Sounds like a really quality, hard working , nice guy and I can at least say I know he has a good support system and maybe the best is yet to come!  Wish him much success and happiness and I know I will be following his season even more so hoping he stays healthy seeing how much work he is putting in after getting that well deserved new contract. 

  25. 8 hours ago, thurst44 said:

    You left out the most important part!!! Did you find any good vinyl?


    (also it was a fun story)

    Picked up the latest Greta Van Fleet LP in a cool , heavy green transparent vinyl.  ( excellent album if you like rock, zeppelin sound). I’m an old dude who grew up on cassettes, then vinyl and finally to cds and downloads. So I love all the new vinyl coming out. I’m a visual type person as well so the new vinyl spinning adds to things and makes me wish this was around way back in my early rock days (70’s) when I occasionally enhanced the experience with mind altering things forced on me by peer pressure!!!  Haha!!  Vinyl still has a sound I love , and the whole experience of just hands on the  cover, etc is more satisfying than just downloading. 

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