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Posts posted by DrPJax

  1. Just now, Warcodered said:

    Mike McDaniels is full of *****.

    I actually like this guy.  I think he is being honest. He is kind of nerdy , and I don’t see him being malicious enough to pit Tua in if Drs told him to keep him out.   Fins are in good hands , unfortunately.   But I at least like the guy compared to a creep like Belicheck


  2. 34 minutes ago, JakeFrommStateFarm said:

    I think McDaniel has done a nice job bringing in an offense more suited to Tua and surrounding him with weapons like Hill and Waddell. 


    No disrespect intended to our WRs but could you imagine Josh having Hill and Waddell to throw to ?

    That speed is hard to deny , or duplicate.  We really could use someone like Waddell.   We beat teams with routes and scheme, so some great speed would be a plus. Maybe they need to give cook some reps out as a receiver ? Drafted the guy , use him. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 20 hours ago, Adamb412 said:

    I was sitting behind the bills bench and my wife and I were both feeling effects of the heat, so much so that I started feeling sick. We spent the entire third quarter on the concourse where they have giant fans. We went back at the start of the fourth and by the end of the game I nearly passed out and went down to a knee. I must of drank 5 bottles of water just to survive. I can't imagine how athletes doing cardio in direct sunlight feel with 30 pounds of equipment. And don't say they are athletes they are used to it. The human body can't and shouldn't be in that. They need to start moving dolphins September games to either night or after 430pm starts. You could of had a dead football player yesterday. This isn't the same as playing in the winter in buffalo. The winter in buffalo you're heating up your body by playing football in a cold environment and can bundle up with warm clothes. You can't do anything in Miami.  The NFL seriously needs to look into this....

    Exactly , I made. Post about this issue in another thread.  Heat illness can and has caused football player deaths numerous times over the years. They are so concerned over Tua and the concussion protocol, yet lives were placed at risk in those conditions yesterday.  The product on the field was impacted negatively and I think we will see some with lingering effects. Theee is no excuse for not changing no time of that game until later knowing on field+temps were researching 120 degrees reportedly.   This is a bad look for the NFL , and as they set trends and are watched by high schools etc, playing that game as if players just have to suck it up and play as some sign of toughness is outdated and wrong. 

     Glad to hear you are recovering ! Best wishes ! 

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Eyeroll 1
  4. 5 hours ago, RocCityRoller said:

    Hey Dwight, the soft tissue injuries through three weeks around the league this season seem pretty bad.


    A lot of teams are very banged up, not just our Bills, though we seem to be the poster child of injuries this year. The Chargers and Titans have been very injury prone too. We don't talk about the Titan injuries much, but they were in rough shape by game end with Buffalo. By the end of the Titans game Bills fans were thrilled and pointed out a big win, while Titan fans were noting their large amount of injuries. A week later Dolphin fans are thrilled with a win over Buffalo, while Bills fans point out the injuries.


    I think the NFLPA felt they got a 'win' for their constituents by reducing training camp and pre-season games/ contact. I'm not sure that was such a victory.


    The short week to prepare for an extreme heat/humidity situation in Miami did not help. We can look at trainers etc, but they had a short week to prepare. The product on the field yesterday was not a good look for the NFL. I don't say that as a Bills homer. Clearly Buffalo suffered worse from the elements coming from a cooler climate and off of a short week, but plenty of Dolphin players were struggling by game end too. The game got sloppy and attritional.


    I think this last game is a statistical anomaly, we are seeing bad injuries around the league, but every year there are teams that suffer badly. We saw this last year with the Ravens and Giants too.


    Anyone who follows statistics and large data sets is aware of the mean (average) and regression to the mean. In short, over enough data inputs for a relatively closed system, the results will almost always trend back to the average. Buffalo has been very lucky with injuries the past few years. The Bills are 'catching up' to the average injuries, but are doing it all at once, and in two or three units (DB/ OL/ WR).



    Great post and points.  I think after watching yesterday the NFL needs to think about moving games to a later time when this type of extreme heat is involved. There is no way to prevent heat illness without time over days to acclimate beforehand.  They are actually fortunate no one was hospitalized or worse. Every year we lecture about heat illness / exhaustion/ stroke etc and still you see reports o young athletes dying from situations like this ; thankfully it’s much less common as staffs are more aware of early warning signs and treatments.  

    The NFL is better than what happened yesterday , and while the NFLPA is so worried about Tua and the concussion protocol, they exposed two rosters to severe heat and injury risk for no reason. When temps are above 100 degrees on the field, why not rotate to a 4 pm start time?   It makes no sense to play that game at the worst time / hottest part of the day and the product was affected while also sending a message that disregards all known health science regarding prevention of heat illness and it’s risks of severe consequences.  Plus it will continue to have lingering effects as it is hard to recover from and increases risk on subsequent exposure. Just a bad look and the evidence is all the injuries and players still having issues.  

    it’s not the old days where players are just expected to suck it up and just play. We know the risks , and that was a dangerous playing condition yesterday.  They delay for lightning which is a much lower risk than heat illness is given those conditions, so a delay is a simple solution.   Let’s see if the NFLPA /NFL  look at this for future games.  No one benefits watching a product like yesterdays game. Jmo. 😊

    • Agree 2
  5. Usually you have great write ups and I appreciate them.  This one seems a Little  angry given the situation.😀.  The Bills have been injury free for years , it’s finally averaging out this year.    . We will really miss hyde but at least we should hopefully get most guys back when you want to peak late in the season. 

    Just wanted to address the medical stuff a little since you addressed safety.   
    Tua could certainly clear a standardized , computer based  concussion protocol.  It has to be administered and cleared by an INDEPENDENT neurologist for him to return. That’s the rule , so team docs can’t clear him.  Florio also explains this tonight on NBC.   IT USED TO be just the team doc asking questions of orientation and memory and they asked the same questions all the time so players got around the test by memorizing the answers. That’s not the case now. I suppose the fins could have cheated and bypassed an independent doc clearing him , but that’s not supposed to happen.  So I have no issue medically if protocol was followed and he passed.  He looked great on third and 22!  If they bypassed the protocol that’s on the fins and not the NFL. 

    I don’t think you appreciate the extreme heat and heat associated illness we were seeing today.  We ran 90 offensive plays. While in a way that’s good , it also was inefficient in that heat.  John Fina has said a ten play drive is an absolute killer and that why he,advises playing in the preseason so guys get a taste of that exhaustion.   We had many longer drives than that so the heat was taking a heavy toll.  That’s why so many lineman got sick and were replaced.  Its why Diggs could never recover.  I don’t care how much you hydrate before the game , there is no way to prevent heat associated illness in this situation. The only prevention for heat illness is hydration , cooling , and acclimating over several  DAYS to that type of heat.  Our bodies can not adapt that quickly and just showing up a day before won’t work. That’s why the fins had fewer issues as they have been acclimating physiologically over weeks and they still struggled despite limited possessions. Once you start having symptoms like cramping , you are way behind and it just progresses and it showed on the field.  

    That’s why the line was getting no push as you mentioned. They were battling heat illness symptoms like lethargy , nausea , mental slowness in processing , cramps and then it can get  worse if not treated correctly.   Bates’ looked very Ill to me. The only effective treatment is cooling , fluids and you have to get out of the heat. Wicking material is a huge help but I didn’t see guys changing jerseys and I would think the NFL uses the best materials but I haven’t researched that.   This is just as a bad or worse than playing In the blizzard conditions.  So running 90 plays actually worked against us and long drives in this heat were  counter productive.  It’s obvious as we still lost with the fins running only 39 plays , but they were more efficient and effective. 

    Josh did make some unusual errors, as did many offensive players. He had no time and Morse being out was huge.  They are relying too much on Josh and the lack of a running game can’t keep being ignored.  It’s killing us in short yardage and red zone in close games ,  but obviously not an issue in blowout wins.  Josh touches the ball on every play , so 90 plays in that heat was bound to cause some issues later in the game. You start to lose concentration or have motor issues and you aren’t aware of it as others may notice your performance dropping before you do , it can be subtle and  is insidious. . Guys were looking very sluggish on those last two drives and Diggs was having to sit and Gabe looked fatigued with no separation and had an unusual drop.  It’s even possible Josh was showing effects with that missed mckenzie pass as his throwing mechanics were off and that’s not like him the past year.  He has been very accurate so either the pressure or physiology affected him. 

    All I would say is you have to temper expectations in this type of climate coupled  with all the prior and game time injuries ( Bedford , Kumerow and more ).     It’s hard to be too upset with a two point loss while playing with so many guys who never get many reps.  This was really an extreme situation similar to the New England first game last year.  I can understand making mistakes normally not seen.  This may carry over to the Ravens   game as heat illness is slow to recover from and happens more easily on subsequent exposure. Going to be a tough stretch. 

    I agree it’s hard to accept  Bass missing a gimme.  He certainly had no heat issues or excuses. The mistakes snowballed.  . I thought crowder was good , made no errors , and made good decisions.  They got lucky with a fantastic punt after the butt punt !  At least we had no blocking in the back etc penalties.  My issues are the persistent running game failures; playing a soft d on 3 rd and 22 ( other teams dcs pressure the qb so long routes can’t develop yet Frazier choses to rush 3); rotating the backs so much that none really ever gets in any groove and you end up with 3 mediocre guys and finally quit doing shotgun snaps inside the 5 !  This is a throw away type result as no other game today was played in anything close to these conditions and it had a definite impact  on performance and outcome.  

    Just some thoughts as i feel your pain and my main concern is the injury issue is uncontrollable.   We can’t expect great results playing backups to backups in the defensive backfield.  Our RT situation also looks concerning.   Hope you have a better week, and hope we get some healthy guys back. 

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Einstein said:

    Haha!  Seems a little mild in comparison. Wouldn’t exactly call that a tantrum, he is not the Karen type !  I really like mcds personality as the face of the Bills. Temperament is always professional yet caring, and he gets it’s not just about football. . The players know tho if you make mistakes , you sit , and he’s been consistent.   Levy will always be my favorite Bills coach, but I hope Mcd has a future and tenure like Tomlin has had. He is a perfect fit for the Bills and the community.  

  7. 3 hours ago, syhuang said:

    Divisional rivalry or not, hate to see any injury like this. Seems like a late hit and should be a roughing the passer penalty.


    That is a brutal looking injury.  May be a simple fibula fracture but with that pain, I would bet he fractured both tib / fibula.as that defensive player had all his weight on bending macs lower leg as his foot remained planted. Terrible to see.   He is from Jacksonville, so my prayers go out to him. It’s always possible it looks worse than the actual diagnosis , but that level of pain is unlikely to be fracture free.  Would expect to see it reported he is done for this year but hope for better news. 



    • Shocked 1
  8. 38 minutes ago, Success said:

    Singletary is just so consistently good.  100% effort on every play - big runs, and nice catches that he turns into good gains.


    Moss was being pretty maligned - but he had a GREAT run in the 2nd half, and then a pretty big 3rd down conversion.


    Cook looked great, both running & catching passes.  Today was the guy I expected when we drafted him.


    It would be good if we could get more of a running game actually going, consistently.  I think we have the talent to do it.  A lot will come down to the blocking schemes, but I thought all 3 guys gave a great effort today and showed some skills.


    Good points , but you are cherry picking a little. Motor avg under 2 yards a carry.  He was good in catching passes but his yac is not very good.  Moss had two good plays over three games basically. Cook has potential , as a receiver, and his run game is yet to be determined. I don’t blame the backs.  It’s three years now without an effective run game you can DEPEND ON in the red zone and short yardage situations. It results in all the pressure being on Josh and in the red zone the passing windows tighten and in critical , one posession games , other than the KC game, it has resulted in game losing mistakes. 

    Until the Bills stop the rb by committee thing with guys getting less than 10 touches a game , I think we will keep seeing losses in one possession games.  Even analysts like Jason Garrett said today the Bills are relying too much on Josh ; 90 offensive plays and losing is unheard of.  When will this staff learn they need to do more to help these backs succeed?  I agree with you that they prob have enough raw talent to be ok , but right now there is no possible way you can honestly say you can depend on this run game in critical situations. That also affects the passing game as it hurts play action.  If you have to depend on blowouts to win , it’s unlikely you will win a Lombardi because most games in the NFL are not blowouts. .

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 1 hour ago, SoMAn said:

    I know he’s competitive, but have opportunities for head coaching gigs bypassed him because of concerns over his mental health?

    I mean, that tantrum was something I’d expect from a 3-year-old who can’t get their way-not an adult in a high profile profession.  
    That was truly bizarre. 
    Almost as curious was the complete lack of surprise or acknowledgement from the 2 guys next him. They didn’t even glance his direction during the tirade- as if it wasn’t the first time they’d witnessed it. 

    I actually loved it. For once you see how much a guys job means to him and his passion for it.  Would you rather see this genuine display or keep seeing pressers by Belicheck or even Mcd , that are the same bottled non informative crap every week ? 😀. It’s an emotional sport and it’s great to see a new young talent developing on our staff right before our eyes. I’m sure he will be fined and won’t do it again , but it was genuine today and he called 90 , yep 90 offensive plays ( compared to 39 for the fish )  and if they were executed as they should have been , we probably blow that game wide open.  😀. Looks great for our future.  

    • Like (+1) 3
  10. 3 hours ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Yes it deserves its own thread. You have a few inches to go and you are in SHOTGUN? Of course the result of the play is a loss of 2 close to 3 and they need to throw at that point. Discuss

    Yep , reminiscent of Daboll.  Bills have a short  yardage problem and that goes  hand in hand with being unable to run the ball with the running back by committee situation.  The frustrating part is we have seen this over 2-3 years now and you would think they might have some solutions by now.  Always losing one possession games is a disturbing fact.  Josh is a true super star , yet with the game on the line in a final drive situation , other than the KC game he has shown a tendency to make a critical mistake and so far that’s the only area his vast improvement seems lagging. ( Tenn game slips, Houston playoff game crazy lateral and failed 4 th down conversion, todays pass into the ground missing  mckenzie ) Too much is being placed on Josh in the red zone. 


    I do realize all the flubs by the o before , two botched fg situations , dropped td pass, dropped pick 6 etc.    The bottom line tho is you needed a final successful td drive to win and despite dominating TOP , yardage , etc, we failed in the red zone once again. These games can cost you playoff home field advantage and it feels like we gave one away today. 

    I really believe the issue is they keep ignoring the failed run game. If you could run with any success , all that pressure on Josh in the red zone is alleviated. Widows are too tight inside the 10, 5 yard lines to keep relying on passing rather than some power runs.  Fix that run game and I bet we start winning those close games. 


       Hey without his heroics all game , we had no chance.  I just wonder why he / the team struggles so much in short yardage and keep making execution errors at the most critical point in one possession games.  Brady , nowhere near the athlete Josh is , was great with the  qb sneak , and great on that game winning drive situation.   Hopefully they figure this last little piece of the puzzle out as that’s the last step to a title.  Maybe it’s just they need more focus in practice for that situation or maybe dorsey needs to get a little further away from the prior Daboll playbook.  Try searching out a run game guru to bring in as a consultant because it’s years of having no run game outside of Josh.  He can’t keep that up without risk of injury.   Hope they learn , but we keep saying this.   Love the team tho, great effort today.   

  11. 4 hours ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    He obviously needs a very specific procedure.

    There might be some very good news as the physical therapist (;banged up bills YouTube, cover 1 guy) posted he may only have a cervical herniated disc.  He reported however it occurred when Hyde hit woods in the first game.  Yet hyde didn’t go to the hospital until after the Titans game , so I’m not sure how you could be certain he sustained the injury in Rams game without having a mri done at that time. Something  with the timeline or info coming out is a little weird.  But this could really be a much better prognosis than I was thinking when they said he was def out until “ next year”..  


    when a disc herniates it can go forward ( toward the cord ) , to the side where nerves supply the arm exit the cord ( less dangerous or severe) or a combination of both ways. It can fragment as opposed to bulging so that has less of a chance to resolve without intervention. Still, if the cord isn’t being compressed, you usually have time if not in unbearable pain to wait and see what happens when the swelling from the initial herniation goes down. Going to surgery quickly is obviously a more aggressive treatment option., but if it’s just one disc , it might speed up things in the short term.  Hyde may have wanted to go that route rather than the more conservative waiting period. 

    I was concerned they were being so aggressive about surgery because they might have seen something more serious on the mri , like narrowing of the spinal canal or spinal stenosis, which is more urgent and progressive, and you have little choice about surgery. If the canal is not narrowed , Hyde actually has a much better chance to return , maybe even this year.  That’s good news and first time I saw any definitive diagnosis stated ( not  sure how the therapist got the mri info tho?).  So if true  and it’s just a single herniation , that’s really good for Hyde! The neurosurgeons I have talked too tell me they do that particular surgery so often it’s a simple  , routine deal for them ( amazing professionals yet honestly they do make their living doing surgery and not by observing , just being open about it 😊).

      I’m not a pro athlete , so If it was me as a professional scalpel fearing chicken, I would have opted to wait it out some as there is no risk free surgery, but these athletes are fearless and driven to return to play. IF TRUE, this is the best case scenario for Hyde to possibly even get back sooner than next year, but more importantly, this could  be great prognostic news for Hyde long term and my thoughts/ prayers go out to him for an uncomplicated recovery!  Icing on the cake would be a Bills win today!  Go Bills! 😀

  12. On 9/23/2022 at 5:18 PM, Billzgobowlin said:

    I would definitely feel better about sunday if we could see Poyer on the field.  He has been lights out this year.  Starting LBs and DEs will be there and assuming Settle can play two of our four DT rotation.  In all honesty though the Dolphins will have to keep up with our offense (which is fully intact minus maybe Gabe and Morse which I think both will play) so the defense will be ok even if the allow more than they have the past 2 weeks.

    I actually think the Bill's defense has been waiting for the finger wagging Hill (similar to Allen with Jalen Ramsey)

    Just got a flash from espn on my iPad that Poyer is also def out for tomorrow.   What a bad time to be missing both starting safeties.  Fins will be testing the inexperience def backfield for sure.   I think the fins will have lots of confidence now and imo this will prob be a closer, higher  scoring situation.   Josh needs a mistake free game So pressure will be amped up.

     I think it’s a big ask to have your entire def backfield , plus our two best DT rushers gone for the game.  Phillips may be gone a lot longer than they are admitting as it looked like his hammy could  have torn watching him collapse.  Will see , but worse case scenario playing  a team in division, just gaining confidence , and playing down there with proven speed who has torched even our starters before.  Injuries are piling up and to think you won’t notice half your starting d out is unrealistic.  Still think we can win because of Josh , but if we have turnovers, it’s certainly possible to drop one here.  Big emotional test for Mcd and team as well missing so many guys.  This is a very unusual amount of injuries if you also consider Gabe not being 100%; I don’t recall a similar situation for us recently or maybe ever.

  13. 1 hour ago, SCBills said:

    Why is he always so annoying?  I find highly improbable that Mark Gaughan reported on the significance of the injury mid-week, but the Bills were caught off guard.  

    The guy replacing him has been in the system for years.  

    Not sure why “this would hit Bills harder than most”. 


      I think it hits harder because he is a proven leader who makes impact plays all over the field   You can’t replace his game experience and he is a poster for the process and culture    He is a classy leader who brings lots of intangibles and it’s a shame he won’t be there for the best chance I can think of since the 90’s to actually win  a Super Bowl   Plus it hits harder because IF he has what I think he has as a diagnosis , spinal stenosis, it  could mean the end of his career as a Bill and perhaps in football as well  as surgery doesn’t promise he can return to play   The surgery hopefully fixes the problem but that could just mean he can lead a normal life afterwards  I think it’s the POSSIBILITY of permanently being gone that makes this hit a little harder, certainly from an emotional standpoint.  

    I get your point tho that we should have a capable replacement and hopefully that will be enough on the field to keep the d playing at a great level   This game and the KC game will really test the secondary    😊😉


  14. 2 minutes ago, Einstein said:


    Summary for those who read a long post: Its probably Spinal Stenosis, and DrPJax posts on the forum without the use of his arms or hands.

    Lol. I said I have no feeling in my arms or hands , still have motor function and still walking thx to the surgery, but the surgery didn’t relieve my presenting symptoms and ended my career seeing patients. But hey , I’m 65, so it could be worse.  I just added my own experience to show it’s possible Hyde might be done with football.  Sorry it was long, had read lots of speculation on here and just thought I could add some insight having been thru a possible similar diagnosis, and unfortunately it’s not as simple as just have surgery and returning to play. 😊

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 2 hours ago, JohnNord said:

    Im pretty sure this is legit.  It’s terrible news - he must have a herniated disc in his neck that will require surgery

    While disc herniation is possibly  involved , by way of chronic degeneration , the history and this incident doesn’t  fit with that as the main issue.  Usually an acute herniated disc is very painful and would have probably been causing issues even before the last game.  There are no reports of this type of symptoms.  Plus with an acute herniation , there are things you can do to help alleviate symptoms such as time , steroids , blocks , that could have perhaps not ended his whole season. 

    The most likely situation ( and I am speaking about this both as a doc having seen patients with this and unfortunately  experienced it myself which failed to improve after surgery and subsequently forced my retirement as I am left with no feeling in either arm or hands) is SPINAL STENOSIS in his neck ( cervical cord impingement).  This is why an otherwise common or minor hit caused unusual NEURO symptoms for him prompting his hospital visit after the game.  The cord sits in a Canal , surrounded by vertebral bodies with discs in between those vertebrae.   With time ( and also things like chronic trauma such as football impacts , and genetic predisposition) the discs deteriorate and this triggers the body to lay down bone spurs around the area.  Eventually the canal the cord sits in gets so narrow that the cord is impinged on and certain positions or movements ( Like hyperextending the neck on a tackle ) press on the cord and it places you in danger of permanent cord damage or even severing the cord.   Depending on the level or how high the entrapment is , you become at increasing risk of motor loss , sensory loss, and of course , even paralysis like para or quadriplegia.  The big key is YOU GET NO WARNING MOST OF THE TIME , AND THE NARROWING FINALLY REACHES A CRITICAL LEVEL  , you start getting ongoing symptoms and you can experience neuro deficits with even mild movements  that further pinch the cervical cord.  Any hit could put  him at risk of permanent paralysis or worse. It is diagnosed on MRI , and I would bet he was told the stenosis was severe enough that they told him he was at risk  of paralysis if he was hit and his cord could be permanently damaged. So , it suddenly becomes a life and death , life quality issue , without much if any history of prior warning symptoms.  Eric Wood retired because of this risk. 

    The only solution is surgery , most commonly called an ACDF ( anterior cervical decompression and fixation), as the stenosis only worsens with time ( as opposed to a herniated disc which improves over time as swelling goes down ).  The surgery involves going in from the front of the neck , removing bone spurs and deteriorated discs , placing cages to replace the discs which are usually filled with cadaver bone that  grows and fuses in place over months to stabilize the space around the cord and limit neck movement , and they also place some stabilizing plates with screws as well.    ( I had 4 levels done with 5 herniated discs , had no warning except two weeks before being diagnosed my arms went numb and I was in denial thinking I might be having carpal tunnel  , no trauma , just chronic disc deterioration).  It is a fairly uncomfortable surgery , requires quite a bit of time to heal as the bone grafts have to fuse, and there is no way you could play any contact sports until the neurosurgeon approves and they are certain there is adequate space around the cervical spinal cord.  Even with surgery , there is no promise you could return to sports ( depends on how severe the condition, narrowing is and surgery result ) as it’s mostly about being sure you don’t become a quad or paraplegic in the future as you continue to age. If he’s lucky and it’s just 1 or 2 levels , he might have a chance to play next year, but that’s if things go perfectly.  Time will tell of course. 

    This is just for educational purposes about this condition as I have not seen his mri or heard results posted yet.  But his sudden symptoms, what I saw during the game, his need  for the hospital visit , desire  to get second opinions, all probably stems from being told he has stenosis on mri placing his cord at risk,  and he shouldn’t play without surgery and indeed, it could be life or career threatening if he doesn’t undergo corrective procedures.  I suspected this would happen when he was a dnp at practice and he was seeking second opinions.  It just fits with all we have seen , and the history and prognosis involving spinal stenosis.   I really feel for him , as he was playing at a high level , but if the canal is so narrowed that a light hit caused symptoms, he was at risk of paralysis with a bad hit or even just worsening over time.  It is a mechanical problem.  It’s like pinching a garden hose cutting the flow of water, except here if the cord is pinched it can’t send signals below the level of stenosis and results in weakness, numbness or paralysis.  

    I wish him nothing but the best as he is one of my favorite Bills on this team.   I suspect he will undergo surgery sometime soon and we will probably hear about that.  It’s not emergent surgery unless he suddenly deteriorated, but it’s the only mechanical fix ( there are a few procedures to chose from however).  Please don’t attack me for just posting my OPINION  based on observing his situation and also in knowing the history of this condition.  It’s an educated guess without the mri , but it fits , and it explains why he needs to be on IR ( as opposed to a simple acute herniated disc).  It’s a big blow for the team but his future is at risk.  I hope he returns, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if he ends up retiring ( hard to accept that being thrown at you out of nowhere ).  He is a class act and will be missed this year.   You can’t replace his experience! 😊

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 7
  16. 2 hours ago, TFBillsfan said:

    You should be out. Your initial post was embarrassing and whatever your personal opinions are about Edmunds are uncalled for IMO.

    Why should he “:be out” and what does that mean?  Isn’t this an opinion board or are only the things you say or deem to be facts?  Let’s just silence everyone with a diff opinion , why ever listen or try to learn or see a diff point of view, you are too smart for that right!?  😀. I love people who can say whatever they want but another’s opinion was “ embarrassing “.   Closed mindedness is embarrassing and education usually can help.  
    The only real judgement comes when edmunds is resigned or not; so far they have found new contracts for  true stars like Josh and Milano and Von.  Edmunds got the 5 th year offer so that tells me the real decision makers , Beane and Mcd , needed to see more.  Pretty amazing for the big star LB you must think he is.  It’s his 5 th year , about time he shows something.  Give me the LB of the Cowboys from penn state as an example of a true impact LB , or look no further than Milano. Still , this is a message , opinion based forum , open up your mind a little as words on a screen can’t hurt you.  Lol. 🍸

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Eyeroll 1
    • Agree 1
  17. 1 hour ago, GunnerBill said:


    Dallas might decide that the season is dead and Jerry has only ever fired one coach in season. 


    I suspect the Cardinals might decide the season is still salvagable and therefore at some point conclude they might benefit from the "bump" you sometimes get from a coaching change. 


    So if I was having a bet? Kliff.

    Kliff won’t be going. They said on the broadcast they just extended his contract for a few years ( I forget the exact number but the gyms contract was also extended to add continuity). This went along with the new contract for Murray as well, so they have a core group. Again m just repeating what broadcasters said during the chiefs thrashing them.   ( btw KC’s offense looked amazing, better than ours w no turnovers and they had two new receivers replacing Hill andnew tight ends and at least two prominently used backs. 5 td pas / 360 yds passing ,44 points, seriously they looked more varied and unpredictable than with Hill. Kelce also had over 100 yds!  They are dangerous )  
    Jerry was pretty upset about the o producing 3 points and they looked horrible on offense. They lack experienced, productive receivers. Without Dax they are toast , so firing their coach now makes little sense. Who would take that job with no NFL starting caliber QB ; I would expect them to let it play out coaching wise ( can’t really fire a gm can they , as they, the Johnson clan, approved this roster going in ) but they have to try.to bring in a QB I would think at a minimum for emergency backup , unless some prominent name is out there I don’t remember right now. After the 49 ers loss to the bears and Lances terrible performance, I doubt they trade Jimmy right now..  JMHO, but that’s what I heard discussed yesterday. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  18. 6 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Most of plays were supposed to go to the rookie  but he got put in time out. Godspeed, Jimmy Cook. 

    Great point Yolo , wonder which season we will see cook again!?     Lol!  You would have thought someone like his position coach or his brother would have clued him in , sent him a registered letter or whatever ( candy gram?) that if you put the ball on the ground there is a doghouse with chains you may never escape!  Devin seemed to be doing ok so why switch those touches to moss seems to be a reach. Dorsey called a pretty flawless game in his first real action!, but those numbers on moss are a little concerning.   What are your thoughts on the inactive players, any reason to change things as crowder / McKenzie look competent, yet I don’t get having Lawson inactive and I’m not sure he will remain happy with that as an ongoing role?  I think cook will be worked with during this time before Tennessee, but I coikd see Lawson asking for a trade with many more inactive situations    What do you think ? 

  19. 9 hours ago, Greg S said:

    Those first 7 games though are tough. 3 of the first 4 on the road. If they come out of this 5-2 or better we will be in great shape. 4-3 would be OK anything less is not acceptable. Still think the Bills floor/ceiling is between 11-13 wins.


    at LA, TEN, at MIA, at BAL, PIT, at KC, GB. 

    This schedule on paper is Brutal. 5-2 would be very acceptable, 4-3 will remind me of last year as people remember Kc , but we almost didn’t get there. Not likely to blow these teams out so thise one possession games will be critical; can’t go 0-6 like last year. This is going to be fun but stressful at the same time.  In the end tho , it’s. Entertainment and at least in my county in fl. , a certain plague is at the lowest levels since beginning so real life is even looking fresh. Feels weird starting on a Thursday night tho, surreal after such a long offseason after ending by coin flip.  Have fun watching tonight ! 

     ( side note, so weird / sad seeing Great Britain mourning tonight with all the craziness of worshipping a mortal who was born by chance into her position. I mention this because my own mom is 96 , born the same year and has witnessed all this history. My mom, knock on wood, still drives and lives alone when not staying with me in Florida.   My aunt is 100 and still does her own yard work!  I didn’t inherit those genes, but it’s amazing having family that experienced wars, landing on the moon, color tv, and now the internet with computers and YouTube!  Love my mom, wields the authority like a queen , and I’m blessed she is still here after losing my father to lymphoma in 2002.  With all the pc in the world and cancel culture it’s amazing watching all going on today in England. . The jags never draw like that so the monarchs still outdraw the shield!  ) 😊

    • Like (+1) 1
  20. On 9/6/2022 at 8:47 PM, marck said:

    What an inspiring and hear felt message.  I am so moved and touched by the words he said and how he understands the past, respects the attempts and appreciates the path his teammates have laid out.


    Thank you Von Miller, you touched the deepest layer of my soul as I 56 yr Bills fan.


    May you receive all you have asked for and enjoy your third ring

    We have had so many free agents, so many promises ( I am 65,  just forced to retire from 40 + years in medicine after 5 discs collapsed in.my neck while at work, trapped my spinal cord and then surgery failed to return feeling and fine motor use in my hands/ arms, so this has been a tough period as my health rapidly changed to a point that for the first time, I am not sure how many seasons are left to be a Bills fan ) , so many guys that were enticed with money to come to B Lo , and they all fell short in one way or another.  They certainly all failed to deliver a championship. None of those big names really felt like a genuine part of the same mentality of the 4 SB team fraternity or part of the finest time in Bills history. Plus they were surrounded by less overall team talent as the Cap came in to effect and Black Monday  happened with Thurman, Bruce, , Andre all gone and Jimbo had also hung up his cleats. That same championship feeling and product left for close to 30 years , as 94 was the last SB appearance. 

    Then a 2 x SB champion gets 120 mil to come here and at first  glance , it looked like just another guy cashing out before he retired to polish his rings earned in two other cities and franchises. But something unusual happened even he didn’t expect. He embraced the community, he embraced the past along with its near misses , he embraced the new team  led by the new superstar and process driven coach. He got the money but this time it felt that meant  less than being that final piece  to the championship puzzle that would bring together Bills mafia from different generations and from many places around the world. That video looks like he gets it ; wide right , Music city miracle, and finally , 13 seconds that lasted an entire off season. Truly the most painful moments being a Bill or Bills fan!   I know it sounds cliche, and even a little corny, yet this team has shown staying power ,  It has a core group reminiscent of those 90’s teams and Von looks like he feels at home and Understands the bigger picture and that cane thru in this video! 

    it starts tonight and will be a long , hopefully memorable ride , and selfishly I hope they finally put all those other endings in a chest , lock it , and throw away the key so Bills fans can stop looking back and have great memories ahead to begin creating. That is a cool video and this feels like the superstars really do fit in with the community and are a part of the mafia. I hope it ends with a win this time and hope we are all around to enjoy every moment because this really might be the first time we remember with joy, “ I was ( insert location) when we had the confetti falling in Buffalo! Thx for posting the video, prayers to all those fighting health issues or those like Dawson still grieving the loss of someone close ,,,,,,,enjoy these moments and Go Bills! 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  21. On 9/6/2022 at 10:08 PM, Kellyhero68 said:

    After being a fan for over 45 years, going thru the Superbowl losses, Wide right, the Music City Miracle, "13 seconds", the 17-playoff year drought, endless jokes, I want more. The Bills Mafia deserve a historic season, most points scored in a season in NFL history, 15 or 16 regular wins, and blow wins in the playoffs and most points scored in the Superbowl. WE DESERVE IT.

    Go Bills !!



    Been there w you since ‘63, was live at SB 27/28 , and remember where I was for all of the above. We know what it’s like to love them , experience the penultimate highs, and the ultimate lows  ( wide right, MSM, 13 sec are my most painful) and this team looks like the most talented with the exception of Bruce.  I just need to see them win the Lombardi , so I can pass my last years remembering where I was when we won it all, erasing all those other memories ( like watching beebe at the goalline knocking the ball from Letts hands as my seats were along that goalline and walking out to the bus to the hotel after giving up 52 points), and live in peace!   Lol!  I hope this is the year , and it starts tonight.  Have to admit I’m a little nervous , mostly for Mcd and Frazier to not be outcoached ( which has been all too common in close games) and those cbs who are sticking out as targets!   Let’s hope it’s not like last year. Good luck , will be thinking of you , knowing what the years have been like. Just once we need the year to end well and we walk away happy fir days, not thinking over and over what could have been. Enjoy the night and each moment because the seasons go so fast. Knock on wood, fingers crossed , let’s start things out right !  Best wishes , RpMD 👍🍸

  22. 15 hours ago, LabattBlue said:

    1st step towards Poyer and Edmunds becoming UFA’s next season.  

    Next step…Ed Oliver extension. 

    I think you’re right on target.  I hate the idea of ignoring Pouer this year ; he has actually earned at least a 2 year extension, moreso with green sidelined and they need great safety play with those cbs. Edmunds tho has to realize he is pro playin to earn his bag from a different team next year.  He can play hard for the ring , but with each signing , he has to see the reality that they signed Milano, and added two ne LBs to the squad this year.  

     I think he has to play above prior years production if they expect to bring home the Lombardi. So many apologists keep calling people haters if they critique edmunds at all, but with that standard , Beane and Mcd must Be haters then as after 4 seasons they still haven’t seen enough to commit to more, and so they ( fan boys) can throw out names and say we are not real fans or we don’t understand the nuances edmunds brings and is asked to do!  They will,talk aboit all the passes not thrown in his area.  Yet  in the end , did he make enough splash plays to finally live up to his supposed pro bowl status , did he finally have ints / PBU’s , / TFL’s , and sacks ?  Or is it more soft and missed tackles after 5-8 yard gains, did he force fumbles with hard hits or slow up prior to makimg contact, did the d get off the field on third and long or,did we see 10-12 play time consuming drives ?  


    This is a huge hyped year unlike any I remember ( and I was around for the 4 SB run and live at the last two ) and those teams were never hyped like this. I think this is their best shot ( despite the murderers row opening schedule. ), and the D under Frazier has to finally get sacks and be disruptive against Stafford, Tannehill, maholmes, Rodgers to make a few. Then the final say is Beanes, and the question will be definitively answered. I hope they run this team back because they want to be remembered like the boys winning back to back after a great year, and I hope edmunds deserves that chance.  Early signs tho look like he will be depositing his bag in another city, and there’s no hate driving that. 

  23. On 9/4/2022 at 12:33 PM, RochesterLifer said:

    I absolutely love this year's Bills captains, every one of them. This is a Super Bowl caliber group.

    I also enjoy how is serves as a reality check to some posters on this board. For Edmunds haters and those who don't believe Taiwan Jones belongs, the players have spoken. Listen up.

    You going to be the person telling the 6’5”: guy  he can’t be a captain!?  Lol ! What’s his responsibility as a captain, doesn’t Josh call the coin flips ? 1/3 of the starting D are captains while Tre is on pup and the rest are either new team members or rookies, so being a C on the D is a surprise if you are skipped for your position group!  😀

     JK , yet he is the passive type compared to the other captains, except for his position group ( Milano is quiet/ humble , Bernard a rookie ) and the only reality check is he still hasn’t gotten any commitment or new contract assuring this isn’t his last year as a Bill. The players can speak all they want , but I bet he would rather have Beanes endorsement over just wearing a “ C”.  That’s not being a hater ( every Tre supporter does that as opposed to just discussing his stats, easier to name call than just be fact based) as I think he seems to be a great person.  Would love to see the “c” equate to PBU’s , a coupe of ints, and him actually running thru tackles ( rather than slowing down before he hits someone ;;sorry but the rookie from Clemson plays more violently on contact; watch the series Tre played against the Broncos ,,,,maybe he didn’t want to get hurt in a preseason game ?). 

    He has lots of supporters, even the cover1 guys are predicting he will have a huge year with the revamped line in front of him , so it’s not “ hate” expecting him to make more splash plays like tfl’s and to create some hits that cause fumbles as opposed to how all we hear is how he affects passing lanes ( btw,  how many W’s does wearing a C get you?) He needs to be better than he has been if they want the Lombardi and he wants to be back imho, and I hope that happens. Meanwhile , Bennett, Talley, Conlan, Spikes , Speilman, paup, bailey , and even Ray Bennett ( who wrote Darby the Dinosaur) and Mike Stratton  ( hit heard round the world) have all contributed more to the Bills legacy than Edmunds in his first 4 years!   Being a “C” is a popularity Check”; while having the C and being a super star like Allen and Miller is the reality check resulting in TEAM  wins that I will “ listen up “ to !   The “ players speaking “ also results in the popularity of being elected to the pro bowl , and we all know how many of us listen to that charade as players have been elected to it while only playing partial years being injured. I will ultimately listen to Beane!   Lol!    This is a team sport with the Lombardi bring the goal, so other than shaking hands at midfield and calling the coin flip , who really cares who is a Captain; I would love to hear How important that is to Josh!  Pretty sure he would say it’s a nice gesture but he is the first to talk about team accomplishments!  Don’t insult people by calling them haters and telling them to “ listen up” , it’s stuff you  might hear in high school. 😉🤣

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