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Everything posted by Numark

  1. I heard Donald jones is available
  2. Haha I almost put journalist in quotes but I was like no one will say anything. Interchanging "journalist" and "paid professional sports blogger" doesn't change the point I was getting at
  3. I don't mean to be rude and I very rarely say bad things about a specific journalist. But walker is an absolute clown who doesn't fully understand the division he "covers." I have no respect for people that do their job poorly (And i'm not saying that just because how he writes about the bills, he doesn't understand the other three teams either)
  4. What car does skooby drive?
  5. This...........belongs...........anywhere
  6. We got em boys!
  7. Didn't anyone else get really emotional and teary eyed over this life changing comment?
  8. I skimmed the first post...it seemed normal. Then i saw everyone posting sarcastically and calling the OP crazy. Re-read the original post, and I don't know what to think. Or wait do i? C-MAN??????? OR SHOULD I SAY CRAYONZ YOU OLD RAT BASTARD
  9. I think It has to have Wilson, Bruce, and Kelly on it. Then there a ton worthy of belonging, I guess it would be OJ for me. Ralph Bruce Kelly OJ
  10. I went to make some jokes about this, but I see each of my ideas has already been said..... on my way
  11. 1 Quarter Viking 4 Quarters ALL MAN
  13. Wait, is spiller not an elite playmaker? No? Okay.
  14. drafting a QB will have very little impact on 2013.... a WR on the other hand
  15. No one has been able to show it does. Which is interesting because it would be easy to do statistically ...since it is a test and is measurable. However anyone saying that for certain positions (ex: QB) it matters and for some it doesn't, they have no proof or evidence. Anyone saying it matters, they haven't shown any proof or evidence etc. Opinions are fine for the most part, but since we are talking about something that is measurable, opinions are sorta silly. Either this does or doesn't matter, and there is no proof. Someone making the claim that this test is similar to another test (the only way to make such a claim is with very specific test) is speaking on an uninformed opinion. And someone making the claim this matters at all is speaking on an uninformed opinion. Sorry this test bothers me because people make such a big deal out of it when there is nothing of substance that means anything about it. ALL these scores tell is how good the individual is at taking the wonderlic test. Sorry, fact. if anyone could provide raw wonderlic scores and we as a community came up with what we wanted to see with them, I'd be glad to run some stats on them and see if this test means anything at all
  16. i mean it is an amazing draft, just not very realistic. Honey badger wont last that long nor will smith
  17. I do not think that word means what you think it means good sir
  18. I still think it's a very funny tweet. Me and my dad laughed about it yesterday. But then again Im a very rational person who doesn't post nonsense like a lot of you in this thread. Find better things to do, stop judging others, especially those of you with skewed views
  19. at #8 it has to be an OG
  20. Rapaport says "please ask again later"
  21. are you guys talking about the avatar of sanchez?
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