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Everything posted by Numark

  1. playcalling has been very good, with the exception of when we had our most important set of downs at the goaline. Those were rough
  2. Playcalling looks great with an identity. Why does hackett wait until our QB gets hurt to do this? Is he really protecting EJ that much...
  3. that was an amazing catch. Wow
  4. haha oh man. Wasn't that during our 0-8 start season?
  5. way to positive. I think we only score 49
  6. I’ve been on this forum a pretty long time, and I lurked for years before that. But I have barely been on this past year and it has to deal with a lot of these issues that have been brought up in this thread. The internet has kinda changed these past few years and a lot of people want to be miserable and make other people miserable. Whether its about being unrealistically negative or by bashing other forum members with personal attacks. And some forums have taken measures to fight against that and create a positive and friendly atmosphere, and some have done just about nothing. Unfortunately, this forum falls in the second category. This topic is a start (a very small one), but these topics have been made before and nothing has changed. This blame falls on everyone though. The negative posters who just want to be negative and make others negative. The forum members who can't take the negative posters and use personal attacks against them. The positive members like me who have given up and are no longer active. And mostly on the moderators and the people behind this forum. Because you all haven't taken any preemptive measures to give everyone what they need. Forums are dying website type due to a lot of reasons, and this place will not be any different unless something is done. If you take nothing else from this rant, listen to this first suggestion. If people want to be negative and make others negative, that is fine. If they want to wallow around in misery and want company, then that is fine. But for the love of god give them somewhere to do it at. They have no where to specifically complain and be miserable, so they make a billion threads whenever a negative thought pops in their head. Make a complain/negative nancy thread. When someone creates a negative/bashing/personal thought thread then you all need to close it or merge it with the complaint thread. I think people have lost their forum right to create these overly negative and complain threads because that is what dominates this forum. That is now what defines the atmosphere here, and its nothing I want a part of. So create a negative nancy complaint thread, and do your best to keep it in that thread. That way they can be negative all they want, but it is isolated in one thread that the majority of forum members can avoid. I have a lot more to say, but I'm just going to end it here. I think everyone needs to play a bigger part in this. Everyone needs to use the report button more. Positive forum members who have given up should try and come back and make an example. Personal attacks need to stop. Mods need to actually be proactive and make some changes (create some official threads to keep discussion to those threads. An injury thread and a complaint thread are starters). And those negative trolls can't do anything because they are trolls, but if you force them to troll and be negative in a certain area, then it is containing a problem. I'll certainly try and do my part because I miss this place
  7. Weird.......I didn't think there was nearly enough Bianca Bashing going on
  8. holy crap.....this thread....
  9. edit: not worth it haha
  10. I enjoy the forums a lot but it's a little annoying to read comments like that.
  11. so why was the gilmore thread locked?
  12. This is the only thing I care about that happened today. I take little note of them sucking, but losing our best CB would be terrible
  13. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/08/07/brandon-moore-agrees-to-deal-with-cowboys/ Thought some of you want to know
  14. I don't want anyone getting cursed either. I vote for a new banner of legends. NO CURRENT PLAYERS
  15. What!?!?!? I love me some cam newton. Best young qb in the game
  16. The only thing I don't like about that John Wawrow character is that he always signs his posts on a forum. Get out of here with that you goof!
  17. I sent you both PMs
  18. Me and my sister are in the league as well as some people from the rotoworld forums. What we are doing is a roster size of 20 and we might be moving the team size to 14 as some people are requesting that. It is also a standard draft, if you all are interested I can send invites. Also if you any questions/requests for settings and rules let me know.
  19. Never like seeing this. Hope they all rebound next season
  20. Hey everyone I will be creating a paid (20 dollar entry fee using leaguesafe) dynasty fantasy football league this year using ESPN. I am still working out all the rules and settings, but wanted to know if any of you all would be interested before I go out and get complete strangers haha. Rules & Settings are up for discussion. For those of you who aren't too familiar with dynasty fantasy football, it is a variant where the rosters are much larger and you keep a large amount of your roster each year. This means that younger players have a much higher value than older players. EDIT: Okay so I just sent some PMs and invites and the league is currently full (minus two spots open for Bluefire & wife). But knowing these things a spot or two can open up so I'll let you all know if that happens.
  21. TWO MEN ENTER! ONE MAN LEAVES (To be executed by fans at a later date) BILLY THE BUFFALO VERSES BEERBALL
  22. I'm going to go ahead and agree with this notion.
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