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Everything posted by Numark

  1. why does he start a new paragraph after every 3 or 4 words. it is as if he is a 5 year old and really wants cutler or possibly that is losman and wants to see Edwards wronged in some way
  2. dear god that was incredible. Get it done russ
  3. I am no USC fan, but that was a great football moment. And one rule, no highlights that hurt bill's fans hearts. Meaning music city miracle, TE concussion, wide right.
  4. Alright, instead of having 25 cutler threads, 20 Scheffler threads, 17 Peters threads, and 11 TO threads. Let's just do what we are suppose to do in the offseason, and think of great football moments non-bill related and bill-related. ^^^great last 20 seconds
  5. the last mock draft i looked at had us taking him at 11
  6. I would rather us play Houston, Cleveland, New Orleans, or Tampa Bay. Reason being is I don't want to play in division games in toronto first and foremost. I would really rather not play the colts in a dome as opposed to RWS, and that leaves those 4 teams. However, saints just palyed an over-seas game last year, Tamba bay and Cleveland may be too bring of games, and not many people care about the texans. So I guess bring on the colts, it should be the most exciting game of all 8 choices, plus we don't play a division game.
  7. On account 2 are special teamers, it isn't a big deal at all. If they do have to get rid of one, then rest assure, it is jenkins.
  8. i am sure no one is making an issue about this besides you guys
  9. I like how people think hardy, johnson, or parrish are the odd man out when we have a 28 year old special teamer by the name of justin jenkins.... just saying, you won't see hardy or johnson or parrish cut. Unless we get good trade value for one of them which I doubt anyone is looking into truly, then they will all be here
  10. I haven't seen it since I watched the forward pass 1000 times.
  11. I just think this is silly how this has turned into a debate on how good peters is. The man is a top 5 LT easily in this league which is great for his age. Guess, what he did give up the most sacks in the league after missing the whole offseason. but you know what the espn stat page doesn't tell you? What he did on the other 500 plays where he didn't give up a sack. You all have no idea if he was bad or good those plays..... and guess what? he was good.
  12. Who is also very old. It's just WRs hold there age better than CBs by a lot
  13. not just a league, the united football league. On that note, what does United Footballs even mean.
  14. Good, I would rather them pursue june or Keiaho
  15. but he is the lowest rated player in madden
  16. Who needs em. Having a team full of offensive playmakers would be fun to watch. We may lose a lot, but hell, it would be fun to watch. What would you rather have, another average season of nothing with some ugly wins, ugly losses. Boring. A a team where we put up points, have fun, but lose. Or we could get some people to fill holes and become superbowl winners........19-0 baby
  17. I think Bowen will contribute this year in some shape or form. Not sure on ellis, but way to soon to count either of them out
  18. Done and keep up the great work.
  19. Things are starting to look better and better.
  20. Does anyone else feel like there are 2-3 TEs you wouldn't mind having, and pettigrew is not one of them. I hope we don't take him in the 1st.
  21. I am putting my money on us signing him. It just makes too much sense. And while he is not as big as a name as June, from what I have been researching the past 3-4 days on him, I like him just as much.
  22. And I think the key to filing those positions is signing freddy keiaho (linebacker from colts, I like him over June and I bet we get him before June) and then try to either sign Kendall Simmons or trade for waters. Then we are a TE from having a complete offense, and a DE + SS away from having a complete defense. And the SS part is unknown as Scott may fill the role perfectly. Folks, we a lot closer than you all think (and don't say I am saying this because we got TO. I have been saying this for the past few months. I am very optimistic for next season and have been.)
  23. First off, we need to still hit a few more Free agent signings to give us a clear and solid direction in the draft. And in my opinion, 2 of the following 3 positions must be addressed outside of the draft either by trade or free agency: LB, LG, SS
  24. To be honest, i thought there was a better chance me and you become best friends tonight, meet up and both bang jessica alba. And we don't even know each other. I am shocked. This is just so un-buffalo. I didn't want him, but you know what, i am excited
  25. yea, he is buffalo
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