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Everything posted by Numark

  1. No....2 year 35 million dollar deal
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi_Jones I have nothing against you skooby, and you have been great here for the past few months I have been around. But this is nonetheless funny.
  3. I think jenkins will surely be cut. McCargo there is always a chance if he just does not do good at camps. A corner or two may be cut as well. The only big name that has an outside chance of being cut is Kelsay.
  4. funny because are 2 of the few players I agree on. Add heines ward to that list as well.
  5. If we make the playoffs this year I see us offering him a 2 year deal.
  6. he was a good man. RIP and can you 2 stop, not the place.
  7. playoffs or sadness
  8. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-8-2/T...in-emerges.html
  9. http://www.pastapadre.com/8238/full-player...dden-10-rookies that link has a link to all rookie ratings. Overall bills rookies are rated pretty low. And those are the only pics ture, they only did the 1st round.
  10. Alvin Bowen? Keith Ellison? Nic Harris?
  11. no, JURON is the worst coach in modern history ever and he makes the wrong decision every decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....he'll be fine.
  12. I said this in another topic
  13. I mean that is the million dollar question. I was one of the people who also thought he was coming along great. I really had high hopes for him, but you never know about injuries period, especially with young players. Let's hope though. I know ellison isn't great by any means, and is slightly below average. But he is not as bad as you all think and has not been a top reason why our defense hasn't been very good. He is a bit of a scapegoat, and to be honest, he is a very hardplaying player with good work ethic, which isn't something you can say about everyone.
  14. This just in, we may get boldin along with all their draft picks for the next 7 years UPDATE 2: Russ & Jauron have decided to decline that offer, and instead will take their 3rd round pick in the 2012 draft for our entire roster besides Bell. They are high on him.
  15. No because if a rookie doesn't contribute a lot, he is a bust. Him and Hardy suck and will never see the playing field ever again.
  16. because people on here A) Don't know what they are talking about B) Like to whine C) Are 10 years old Honestly, if you don't think this was a good draft, then just stop watching football.
  17. I laughed
  18. So what are your thoughts on the trade now that it is all said and done. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-7-155...-to-Peters.html
  19. I thought we did great in Free Agency and the Draft. Until we drafted 2 cornerbacks...no wait......4 CORNERBACKS (because Nic Harris and Byrd are surely CBs) Bills suck now and forever. Way to ruin the offseason DICK JURON. We should have drafted for needs in the last 2 rounds of the draft because teams always fill needs there. I mean, there were some great players that would have made the team for sure. We should have at least drafted a QB in the last round to replace our Glove Wearing pansy of a QB who will get hurt in week 1. PS: S*** !!!!!!!!!!! We didn't even grab a FB. Nevermind, we always grab someone who wasn't drafted, then we all love him, and then the stupid bills front office cuts him despite the fact we know more than them and we have a great eye for FBs.
  20. Yea, and the other 20 7th rounders we picked that are nobodies??? Hmm, seems to me it is a crapshoot since is is the SIXTH and SEVENTH round. You only take the players you think can make the team or contribute in some shape or form. You do NOT use the last roudns to fill needs ever. If the bills thought these cornerbacks can contribute, then so be it. I have never heard of a group of people complaining about the 6th and 7th rounds before. Ever. You people amaze me.
  21. Yea, on any given play there are 4-5 defensive backs and you guys are upset we used our 6th and 7th round draft picks on CBs. Get real. This isn't madden or your fantasy mock drafts where you recognize freeman or jean-francois and they are great. Come back in 2-3 years and let's see who is more important in the league, one of our CBs or freeman and francois.....
  22. you guys don't no football or the nfl in specific. I am going to remember everyone who bitches about the CBs, just to know to never read anything you type here.
  23. People like to forget that you can pick up great cornerbacks late in the draft, and we tend to pick cornerbacks very well. Therefore, the bills felt they can get the best value with their 6th and 7th round picks with cornerbacks.
  24. Because our defense was already a lot better than our offense, and we went with defense with our first 2 picks. So it is only natural to start picking offense. We simply can't ignore our horrid offense.
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