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Everything posted by Numark

  1. It's like a bad car wreck, besides the part about wanting to look.
  2. Not that there is anything wrong with that
  3. You have a reading comprehension problem. Get it checked out. I actually said the opposite of what you said I claimed. None of this has to do with religion, even though I would mock an intolerant part of a religion (human rights > a quote from an book).
  4. I already said I'm not very tolerant of bigots, racists, etc. I'm okay with that.
  5. Hahaha. You mean you don't plan on having sex only a few times in your life to reproduce? You know.... lights off, clothes on, missionary, crying? Or am I all alone?
  6. No I just don't know what you are referring to. In what situation are you talking about needing to draw a line?
  7. How about humans? That's an easy line to draw. Marrying another human is the line
  8. What line
  9. Wouldn't you rather care if your son may kiss a boy one day!!!! Ewwww ick gross!!!!!!
  10. I think most non-homophobes like myself wouldn't care. Just like most non-racists wouldn't care if their son married someone of another race. Thankfully society matures and people behind the curve like yourself are becoming less common as each generation gets better and better. I'm not a tolerant person. I don't tolerate what I think is wrong, such as racist or bigots. And society doesn't either as society only tolerates what is the social norm. This often works for the worse such as when racism was common and people tolerated that. However it can often work for the better, such as now how racism is much less tolerated. Your views on homosexuals are outdated, poor, and thankfully no longer part of the norm.
  11. We know you could care less. That's obvious
  12. I'm not explaining everything but a true scientific hypothesis is something that can be tested by statistics, research, or some scientific method. A hypothesis that isn't testable isn't much of a hypothesis. You were ironic because you keep talking about true science, and how psychology often brings poor research to the table. Yet here you are talking about the same thing you complain about. That's irony. Feel free to be done with me. You are the one constantly quoting posts and responding with paragraph of borderline nonsense at times. I'm not saying you are right it wrong, and I think it's cool how into your theories you are, and how you love learning. But you need to start being more open to all research, don't discount entire fields, and for the love of god learn how to be more brief
  13. Ah the irony of you having a hypothesis that cannot be tested. The same person who questions the methodology of psychological research.
  14. ....being gay is being sexually attracted to someone of the same sex. It's not actually having sex. By your thought process virgins don't have a sexual orientation
  15. No i have a problem with this thought process you have: That statement is just not true. You can manipulate that data just as much as psychology. You can misinterpret the datasets or correlations in any field. You could fit any number/research/data to fit a biased opinion regardless of the field that research is in. I know thats true because I know I could do it. Im not saying one field doesnt have more bs research than the other, but I'm just letting oyu know both fields can have great or terrible research. To discount an entire research field like you have said over and over, is extremely ignorant. And before you said you don't do that, here is an example
  16. why cant people post psychological studies. If you know what you are talking then you should be able to look at a study/research from any discipline. Good methodology and research and statistics can be great from any field. Or it can be manipulated, biased, and false. That isn't a problem with just psychology. I wish you could understand something so simple. There is nothing inherent in the statistics or methodology in all psych research that makes it wrong. Just like there isn't something special about the numbers and research in non-psych research that makes it immune to any of those problems. As someone with a background in statistics and research, what you are saying is ridiculous. The problems you mention is with human error (accidental or on purpose), which is present in all research.
  17. They don't approve of another human being attracted to another human of the same sex for one reason or another. Apparently it's a lifestyle
  18. Any research or data can be manipulated. No discipline is immune to that. I don't see your point
  19. It truly is great! I'm at work trying to kill time and enjoy reading this
  20. Nope. You asked what constitutes being an expert. I answered. I never said anything about offering opinions. Maybe you have me confused or maybe you misread something
  21. Probably have read enough research on the subject to make an unbiased claim. Or a researcher that uses acceptable methods.
  22. Not true at all. Not even a little bit. Sorry
  23. I was reading through this and was like this is so stupid. Very nice though haha
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