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Everything posted by Numark

  1. I'm willing to drop this. There's no evidence against the kid, there are pictures of him throwing up gang signs. I can find plenty of that for a number of athletes and celebrities. There's nothing to be an expert of, sorry. I'm sure you know a ton more about gangsters than any of us. But this isn't a question of who knows gangsters more, it's about not rushing to conclusions. Just wait for more evidence, he could definitely be a gangster, or maybe not. And I'll also say, desean Jackson is just a proven version of Goodwin wig will cost way to much and has character issues
  2. There's a job that shows you pictures of people throwing up gang signs with ZERO criminal history and zero evidence against them, and then someone decides which ones are gangsters based on video clips of how they carry themselves during a football game. Really, I want that job because that's what I described Let me ask more, why haven't they looked at pictures of desean Jackson or drake?
  3. Because the job I described doesn't exist. Wait, do people you look at photos have zero criminal history? And also you guys better not google image players like James harden or Paul pierce. They be gangsters
  4. Throwing up gang signs doesn't mean someone is in a gang. And I would like to see evidence of him doing gang activity, crime, anything other than what you see a number of athletes and rappers do (flash gang symbols) I hope you all skip jury duty lol
  5. You should make a thread about this tommorow...
  6. Can you stop calling yourself an expert when there is no evidence to interpret....your job isn't to look at people throwing up gang signs and saying which ones are gangsters or not based on how they carry themselves. So no you aren't an expert on this. And How he conducts himself? Like a selfish me first spoiled player. Doesn't make him a gangster. All I'm saying is wait until facts come out besides a media story with pictures of hand gang signs.
  7. So how are you more familiar with desean Jackson than drake to the point where you can claim one is more likely to be in a gang than the other? All you have is pictures of them throwing up gang signs and knowing alleged gang members (none of is know how close he is with these associates). Geez
  8. I am fully agreeing with you, but let's wait until we call the guy a gangster with zero evidence besides mrag calling anyone who throws a sign a gangster and a police officer's opinion. It's not evidence guys :/ I hate seeing people rushing to conclusions and not waiting for the facts or the other side to explain. It's an ignorant logic process
  9. I think he has character issues and don't want him on this team because he's over-rated. I take issue with everyone calling him a gangster without deal evidence. Portraying yourself negatively doesn't equal being a gangster
  10. Is drake a gangster? http://ionetheurbandaily.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/drakewayne.jpg?w=450&h=359 http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cwMVrFAKebM/TjWVg2nbQCI/AAAAAAAAAU4/DGzvloQgWJ0/s320/drake+blood.jpg Ps: I'm asking for your educated opinion?
  11. http://whitechicksgangsigns.tumblr.com Throwing up gang signs doesn't equal being in a gang. Especially when it comes to a young rich athlete. Any evidence he is in a gang other than he was questioned about a friend and the opinion if one cop? Im not a Jackson fan and I think he is over-rated, but there isn't any evidence he in a gang or has done any gang related crimes. Throwing up signs and getting questioned isn't evidence. At least wait a bit until calling someone a gangster until facts (not opinions) come out. I don't know if he is in a gang or not, I don't see anything that says he is a gangster to me
  12. So does anyone have photos of him throwing up gang signs or ANY evidence he is in a gang?
  13. Well that's the funny thing about young cores, it takes time. But people here want to already try a new QB after one year, that's laughable.
  14. I bet Pryor could create better threads tho!
  15. You would be wrong on that one.
  16. I like this guy (plus your opinion was positive) so I'm rolling with him as the truth!
  17. It would be helpful that whenever you all interpret the legal document, can you post your legal qualifications so I know who to listen too? Seems like a lot of opinions with people confirming done of them as true and correct.
  18. I like this one: From 2010 to 2013, bills draft spiller, dareus, Williams, Gilmore Glenn, woods, Alonso, Goodwin, Manuel and sign Mario Williams, Lawson, spikes, graham to go along with vets Stevie, woods, Fred Jackson, mckelvin, and Kyle Williams. That's a pretty good core if you ask me! Go bills!!!
  19. I'm not saying the websites right but it's not a random blogger. It's John kryk who is a 23 year journalist for the Toronto sun and he names his source.
  20. Man this image is great:
  21. RIP, I really think this franchise has been put back on the right track. I really wish he could see the bills be good again. RIP again. Hopefully a lot of fans can recognize how lucky we were to have him, and how the hate was ignorant.
  22. I thought the exact same thing. Loved that. Also the chiefs one isn't terrible I guess
  23. What the hell does that mean? Your blaming the nfl for letting a gay player play? What's the matter with you. Not only is your topic ignorant and ridiculous, It has no logic (there are some people that do bad things or even go bankrupt, blame the commissioner). And you had to go throw in a gay player as an example. Bravo, you just made the worst thread iv ever seen here.
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