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Major Mud

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Everything posted by Major Mud

  1. I really don't think we should push ol Roi for too much info. He is obviously connected somehow, and I fear he will get the " zip it " order if he reveals too much. I for one am happy trying to figure out his riddles. He was spot on about Rex, and Roman. Even before the second interview. If he can just give us a tidbit here and there, and keep us guessing that would be great. Long live King LeRoi!
  2. It's been said that Wilson was not a fan of Buffalo hosting primetime games. Perhaps the Pegulas feel differently? I'm sure they want to convey Buffalo as a major sports market given their interests.The media covers the Hell out of those events. I for one love when the Bills are in primetime, that frees up my Sundays.
  3. Fred Jackson for head coach!...how can you be a Bills fan and not love this guy?
  4. Perhaps Marrone didn't like this trade either? Maybe it was another of the problems between him and Whaley. I can see this as a plausible answer to the riddle. Whaley trades for the guy that basically quit on Marrone in college. Marrone doesn't like the acquisition so he gives Whaley the big finger by deactivating Williams? It seems like one of dozens of possible reasons, but one I didn't see mentioned.
  5. It seems like Hogan took his job. Plain and simple. I wouldn't be looking for a Hasek/Nolan conspiracy angle. With the way Hogan has played who would you rather see in there? I'm sure the coaches know best, they know the locker room, they see the practices, they see who is working, and who isn't. I would think having depth at the WR position is a good thing, no?
  6. Exactly! Is the NFL considering what's best for the Bills, Buffalo, or the fans? Or what's best for the NFL?
  7. You would think special circumstances would come into play. A natural disaster is just that. Didn't the Saints play in San Antonio post Katrina? That was a non NFL venue. Its just a bad situation all around, I know there's no solution that will please everyone.
  8. That I wouldn't know, other then work or Bills games I avoid Miami at all costs.
  9. Heading out at 4pm, hope to get a little tailgating in before the game. I really hope the Bills don't make me have to drink after the game too!
  10. They change the damn name of that place so often, I can't keep up, nor do I care to.
  11. From my seat in Dolphins Stadium, it's the only reason I would even travel to Miami. Four hours worth of driving, I hope I don't need too many adult beverages for the game tonight, but the Bills make me wanna....drink,err shout!
  12. Stats like that don't matter. It was a different team, it's always a different team. It's time for this team to write it's own history.
  13. It looks like the weather will be perfect for the game!
  14. Living near Miami, I still enjoy the rivalry. I fly my Bills flag proud both weeks of the games. I like being able to attend the games in Miami each year as well. I think it would be cool for some realignment, but only if you still play the old division foes on a rotating yearly home at home basis. Like college does. That way I could still go to Miami for the game, just every other year. I also have to wonder, who would have controlled our division had Indianapolis never left, could you imagine the hype of a Brady vs Manning game twice a year? I doubt the patriots win the division as many times as they had under that scenario.
  15. "Come on pretty boy get up, get in there"........"But I don't want to, they hit too hard. I can't be bruised when me and Gisele go to Carnival!"
  16. It's a two hour drive for me, each way. Should be a late night getting home, but I took Friday off. I'm hoping we continue our dominance of the Fins. That will make the whole night worth it!
  17. Just wondering how many TBD'ers are planning on attending the game in Miami? I purchased my hometown hero Sammy Watkins jersey for the game. I will be going to a game with both my wife and daughter for the first time. I love the fact that it is a night game, sitting in the south Florida sun for an afternoon game can be brutal sometimes. I always look forward to seeing all my fellow Bills fans representing in Miami, let's take over the stadium!
  18. At this point a wise investment would be in the secondary.
  19. The Saints basically let Sproles, and Jenkins walk to sign Byrd, I know one was trade, but Sproles was getting released anyway. In hindsight, how much have those moves hurt the Saints?
  20. Good find!..... He threw a lot of dump off passes, short stuff. The recievers were getting a lot of YAC, very accurate for the most part with the shorter passes. His deeper passes look awkward, a couple of bad throws and yet he did hit a couple of nice ones. He does a good job of moving in the pocket and getting rid of the ball, however the offensive line was giving him time. I think his biggest asset will be his experience in reading defenses, making line adjustments, and his overall veteran presence. He is not going to be the second coming of Kurt Warner, ala Arizona, but he does not need to be. Physically I think EJ has the advantage, but the QB position is a cerebral position. EJ processes the info on the field slower, giving Orton the advantage right now. My favorite part of the video was hearing Al Michaels saying the "Cowboys just got screwed in that situation"....never heard an announcer use that term before, especially Al Michaels!
  21. I wonder how "washed up" Brady will look playing the Bills? We always seem to be an elixir for what is ailing Tommy boy. I really hope this time we give him some bad medicine! That is looming to be a huge game in the division, if it's really our time, we will know after that game!
  22. And it's a beautiful thing to see. The look of dejection on his face is priceless.
  23. Brady looked bad in the KC game. But for the most part it's been bad offensive line protection, receivers dropping passes, and lack of a running game.......sound familiar?
  24. We start in 1960 with quarterback John Green. Green played for the Bills for two seasons and finished his career with the New York Titans for two seasons. Kay Stephenson is the next player to wear the number 18 for the Bills. Stephenson was a quarterback for the Bills during the 1968 season. He also served as the Buffalo Bills quarterbacks coach from 1983-85 Those were the only two QBs listed as wearing #18
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