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Everything posted by bigskyfan

  1. RW promised a complete shakeup of the team from top to bottom. So far he has promoted two inside men Nix and Brandon, rewarding them (for what?) While I applaud the hiring of Nix, if Modrak and Guy are retained, the perception of the bills fans will be the same old grist fed up with a different twist, and that RW is too cheap to hire a winning organization. This leads me to believe that Nix may already have new personel in mind for the Bills front office......which has been the source of the bills problems all along.
  2. Has Buddy Nix ever served in an front office capacity besides as a scout?
  3. this thread reminds me,,i am old enough to remember watching terry bradshaw's first game as a pro,,,,,he looked horrible, he didn't have a clue and threw a few interceptions and pittsburgh lost big....a few years later, bradshaw was beat out by "Jefferson Street" Joe Gilliam, who unfortunately threw his career away on drugs. Bradshaw got his job back and the rest is history.
  4. dumerville walked around him and stripped mcnabb clean.......peters looked like demitrius bell trying to block him
  5. i saw the oakland game, broncos pass rush was incredible, they knocked out frye and were nailing russell, on the one play jp was in they blitzed up the middle and about all he could do was throw it away. russell came back in on the next play. then denver went into the "prevent" defense and the rest is history
  6. I live in the denver area and have seen almost every one of their games the past five years......Shanahan's record for his final three years is only slightly better than juerons and shanahan had more talent to work with. Shanahan's draft and personal moves were highly questioned and even his game day decisions were criticized.....since he moved on, Denver's record has improved and they are contending for a divisional title or more probably a wild card. i am not sure shanahan is that much better than perry when all is said and done.
  7. i have been getting sunday ticket for seven years solely to be able to watch the bills play and as I live in Montana, it is the only way to see them,,,,,but with the price escalating to several hundred dollars, I will not renew next year,,,,,gonna switch from DTV to a different sattelite provider
  8. I remember at one point in that season, the bills started rookies at qb, running backs and both wide recievers,,,,,it was one long year
  9. in one year under Russ, the offensive line has been decimated, the linebacker corps. has not been shored up, we signed a wr star to sell tickets that has not helped the offense whatsoever, and the offense shows no signs of life. The team has less talent now that a year ago.
  10. Russ Brandon has proved to be no match against the likes of Bill Polian, Bill Belichek and Bill Parcells et al when it comes to building teams. Do you really think Jaws can go up against the likes of these guys to bild a competitive team?
  11. welker/moss = 24 receptions evans/owens = 5 receptions nuff said
  12. “We know that there will be some opportunities out there and we’ll try to get those if the look is right,” said Evans. “We’ll just have to wait and see how they try to play us. I’m sure they’ll have a different game plan for us than they did for Dallas. We’ll just have to wait and see what they want to do.” this is what is wrong with the bills not getting the ball to the wide receivers,,,, bills need to adapt an attitude that says, hey we got great receivers and a good quarterback,,,we're gonna throw to them and just try and stop us!!!! being passive in football does not work
  13. this team was horrible against 3-4 defenses last year, yet it sounds like they haven't even practiced against it in training camp despite knowing they will face it most of their games this year.
  14. "A few players after practice Monday did say that Saturday’s game was a bit of a wake up call for those that have not seen as much of the 3-4 defensive front as many of the veterans that have been through the AFC East battles. This week with the starters expected to see their most extensive action, they may also get a few more scout team looks during the week for what Pittsburgh might have in store this weekend with a similar defensive front." from chris brown Does anyone besides me wonder why going into the fifth week of training camp, and knowing the team will be facing a 3-4 most of their games, they have not already been practicing against it?
  15. I have a feeling Chris Brown will be on top of this one,,,,he'll let us know as soon as news develops,
  16. to those of us who were around then, Jack Kemp was a hero much like Jim Kelly is thought of today...... This team was dominant, much like the superbowl run teams, in fact probably better in comparison to their competition, their front seven were awesome, and kemp was a all pro quarterback in the AFL
  17. I had a great experience last week spending three days with former NFL Quarterback Jeff Kemp. He was in Montana speaking at community prayer breakfasts in Great Falls and Billings. I drove to Great Falls, had dinner with him and four other guys, attending his speech at Great Falls in front of 400 people, drove back with him to Billings the next day, where he had dinner with our group and spoke the next morning to 500 attending the breakfast. After speaking to a smaller group, he had lunch with me, my son and two other guys before going to the airport. His speech was wonderfully recieved. Jeff Kemp was gracious and approachable, and had a great testimony as a Christian. On the drive we talked about sports, politics, family, God and several other topics. He is very well read and intelligent. Jeff is very humble and took the time to email me a couple of times this week as a followup to his visit. He also took the time to speak to a lot of people individually in both Billings and Great Falls. All in all it was a great experience. Jeff had a positive influence on everyone he met in Montana. Class guy and neat to see. Please keep Jack Kemp in your thoughts and prayers as he is struggling with his cancer.
  18. another guy who in the future will be described as "we really like these guys in the locker room" by dick jeuron. a cheap alternative to a real starting linebacker
  19. have been wondering about this myself,,,,,buffalo front office has been quiet on this,,,,wonder if chris brown knows anything
  20. I would like to see this happen too,,,,,could be good deal for both sides and bills linebacking corps would be Poz, Mitchell and Crowell, with DiGeorgio, Ellison and Bowen,,,,,,,strong group
  21. If we're picking between the three of them, I give a slight edge to crowell, assuming he is healthy.
  22. link to site: http://blogs.nfl.com/
  23. according to the NFL.com blog angelo crowell is scheduled to meet with the bills on Monday if he hasn't already signed with the bucs over the weekend. I think this makes a lot of sense and would love to have him stay in buffalo.
  24. I would love to see TO calling out Jason Peters for his lack of effort during a game......is exactly what we need,,,,since Takeo left, we have no fiery leader who puts the team on his back and calls people out when they need it...... a guy with passion would be fun for a change.
  25. me too, he's a big target, and would move josh reed back to the slot where he belongs,,,,and he will get the job done until hardy or johnson emerge
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