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Everything posted by 95altima123

  1. I can't find the jersey did they already take it down?
  2. cool ill take a look there Thanks
  3. Does anyone know if there is a site you can go to that will have a live feed of the draft? will nfl.com have it?
  4. Thanks that really helps me plan my day.
  5. Ha! I think the cops here in atlanta would be on me pretty quick. When can the bills trade down? Does the draft have to have started? So should we know if they traded down while the 1-10 picks teams are on the clock or will we not know until the bills are on the clock? Sorry I have only watched one draft last year and don't remember. Thanks
  6. Ok thanks for the info i guess I will just wait and see what happends. I just hope i have enought time to get a pitcher in me before they pick.
  7. The bills should go on the clock around 4:50 if they don't trade down right? I get out of work around 4:30 and I want to make sure I am at the bar in time. Does anyone know if they will start right at 3 or have a something before hand?
  8. I will start by saying that i did not read this whole article. I have read many of his in the past and do not read them anymore. I really don't like his writeups, I don't find them funny or informative. I LOVE billsdaily use it everyday for info on the bills but not a fan of Tony B at all.
  9. I am from Atlanta anyone have a bar that they are going to watch the draft at and throw some back? I know there will be plenty at the backers bar in atlanta but I get off work at 3:30 and don't want to drive all that way, I am looking for a place closer like in Gwinnett. I work at gwinnett tech college. Anyone?
  10. I believe that your women should be cherished and loved at all times even during the draft! I think that her man should drop anything to service her at all times even during the draft! I also believe JP should get another chance! How is that for a first post. Wait for it Wait for it
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