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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. Wait! It just dawned on me, with all the 3rd stringers playing ... who has more experience with them??!!!?!?!?! Before you all over react - CALM DOWN people It was a joke
  2. I have to John Thanks Captain Obvious for 1 week (or until the next game) When the Bills can string together a 3, 4 or 5 game win streak I will start to believe again. Until that happens they are pretenders.
  3. well, you got the Vikings part dead on. Matthew Macfadyen lasted a whole 15 to 20 minutes. The show reached its end IMO. Not much more to expand on. Not an Amazonian so 4 & 5 won't be of interest to me.
  4. Creatively done episode. Nicely done. Another clue to how clueless the Alexandrian's are ... It took Morgan little time to figure Carol out. Like most TWD episodes I was waiting for the inevitable Murphy's Law event to happen. Both guesses from the Talking Dead. My guess os the Wolves. The kid can't be that stupid, can he? that crackpot is a likely candidate, but I think he's learned he's not willing to die just yet. they are part of the Wolves "community"
  5. I can't recall the number cited But I hear the announcers say the win was the first time the Bills had won two road games in a row in many many years.
  6. Is it - How many were gifted to them? Alex?
  7. Whadda you know? Like you live there or something ??
  8. So much for favoritism towards the Cheats....... or maybe ....
  9. When I say it, you can give me crap for it. Until then ......... FTR .... did I call you out as being one of the TT Super fans? overly optimistic, fooled by the early season high scoring games?
  10. it is a pick 'em game since home team usually gets a 3 point advantage we could say that Cincy has 3 points in their favor. Also I find that media people with the initials CC are usually against the Bills. Let them pick against Buffalo. I feel better for it. I would rather they be wrong picking against the Bills than wrong when picking the Bills
  11. Why am I such a homer and want to Billieve? one part says look at who they played ! -- @ Raiders (2-3), Chargers (2-2), @ Ravens (1-4), Chiefs (1-4) and Seahawks (2-3). The other part says look how ugly the Bills have played in 3 games so far.
  12. that is what I heard yesterday AM on the radio Anywhere but in the AFCE.
  13. sorry not reading 12 pages of "discussions" Tyrod saved /won the game on his legs because his STUPENDOUS passing sucked again. So much for the 123 AND 136 ratings in those 2 games. 10 of 17 for 109 yards! That's Rob Johnson numbers in Tennessee. (7:38 - 4th) T.Taylor pass deep right to C.Hogan to TEN 7 for 46 yards (D.Searcy) - Prior to that play he had 58 passing yards!!! Some one remind me again of the record pace Taylor is on for passing and such!
  14. Because there are 10 more games to go. Lessons learned year after year. You can't pass judgement in early October.
  15. I heard talk on the radio yesterday AM (Fox Sports Network Winchester VA radio station) that Sean Payton may be out in NO next season and may end up in Miami.
  16. The Cheatriots garnered on of the most flags in the league? I may be wrong but I find it hard to believe based on the just give it to them history of the favoritism.
  17. You are half right there. The Bills whooped up on Andrew Luck and the Colts (3-0 w/o Andrew) and the Giants defeated the Bills. sure why not. Cincy has a history of falling down often. I'm in the club of "I still will not be overly optimistic".
  18. Don't fall into the trap Doc. Step away from the edge, the fall will kill you. I fear an even uglier game and a azz whooping by the Bungles. (on local TV in the DC area) 2 quick comments - A) Who's fault was that? B) They proved the announcers wrong just after saying that they were wearing down.
  19. I have said this too. He's not a "pure"pocket passer and since his "legs" won him the starting job he should use them. Also noted that he was dinged up again and wondering if he'll survive the season. If not for a few poorly thrown passes his game might ave looked OK. As mentioned with the other top players on O still on the walking dead list the #1 go to guy, Clay, will get covered well. And a cheer or two for the flagless 2nd QTR for the Bills. A half step forward on the first kick / flubbed catch was a killer. I sensed gloom and doom all day.
  20. Agreed. I was this close to being a Billiever but I was pushed back on to an even keel. T Slowbile is what I saw throughout the first half. His passing yards were the same as the Giants game in the first half and rushing? Yes, Tyrod pulled out two very good rushes, but my god, this offense needs work. I have to say it. I told many people not to fall into the high scoring September numbers. Welp.... there you have it. The Koolaid was flowing and many partaking.
  21. REVERSE THE CURSE!!!!!! This is our time (cont'd from last season)
  22. karma is a B word for the bragging fans. I knew this would be a topic after the Giants WR rehash past week. ILLEGAL PLAY.
  23. I didn't know you were marred to Tanya
  24. What would make me mad would be if the mediots rehashed past games like they did the Giants ... first wide right so maybe ...... the illegal pass.
  25. What was it that I heard yesterday??? undefeated in their division in the past few years? http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/25331373/colts-look-to-extend-afc-south-winning-streak-to-16-games-vs-texans Colts look to extend AFC South winning streak to 16 games vs. Texans the last time the Colts lost to an AFC South team - Dec. 16, 2012 Yes, I was being sarcastic. RE 11-5. 6 easy wins each year sure does help them make the playoffs. Like NE versus the AFCE.
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