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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. While in New Delhi India I dabbed the tip of a fork in a bowl of sauce and tasted it It burned for an hour even after drinking beer and eating my meal.
  2. some but not all? No matter what no one will be 100% satisfied Needs to fill Run Stopper on those HUGE plays that killed the Bills not a player exactly but a concept consistency on the offense to keep the TE play and contribute each and every game
  3. Agree Open with Miami @ home and make sure the local TV airs (IIRC) The Crying Man at the Fish's hotel.
  4. are you upset about a movie? The Browns have GM has what to brag about? Like any movie or show. you need to IGNORE the obvious mistakes and try to enjoy the show. Or identify every mistake and enjoy the show. Like in Iron Man 3 IIRC theres a guy standing in front tof Tony Stark with a flip phone in his hand, 3 seconds later it's a smart phone.
  5. Wendy's was mentioned a few times but I didn't see because the paying customers & fans ask year in and out where's the beef?
  6. thanks for proving my point LABillzFan. It's not may fault the Republicans are being such an easy target to pick on. Dems screw up a lot too, but my goodness, they are in no where close to the political F ups the GOP parades out monthly (only to be replaced by the next victim in line) as the face of the party.
  7. 2013 opener Putrids closer Putrids 2012 opener NYETS closer NYETS I'll go out on a limb here and say 2014 opener MIAMI closer MIAMI http://www.pro-footb...e_schedules.htm 2014 W/L % for opponents is .500.
  8. What's INCONCEIVABLE is that the Republican party on a whole doesn't know what it wants to be. (see below) BTW I don't have a "vessel" as I don't kowtow to either party. And YES there are plenty of cracks that need filling on both sides of the isle. 1) No matter what the "left leaning" people here say, more often than not the Conservatives always find a way to diminish it and then call them idiots. 2) It was a rhetorical post. Did you forget that I accused these people of being pretenders in support of the TEA party. -------- There is no clear definition of TEA Party because there are so many wannabees! Divide and Conqueror - the R's did it to themselves and have no one to blame when they lose power.
  9. which one? IIRC it was Seattle who dumped him in the first place.
  10. my question iswould you actually consider what he says or just continue to consider him as a BHL and ignore what he says regardless? http://www.teaparty911.com/info/candidates.htm Where are the Romneys, Palins, Pauls, Cruz's? or is this the real TEA Party? http://www.teapartypatriots.org/?gclid=CK3vrNSdprwCFaQfwwod3kQArg or this one? http://www.teaparty.org/ or this one? http://www.theteaparty.net/
  11. IIRC Kiko was tied with 3 others with 4INT's. A Williams, J Byrd and Jim Leonard. Another thought I stick to is that As the season goes on QB's try to avoid defenders with high INT's. Maybe that's just the optimist in me.
  12. huh? 50's the Mike and that would be Kiko why would that change?
  13. This Justin http://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/petition-puts-justin-bieber-obama-39-basket-173904761.html Petition puts Justin Bieber into Obama's in-basket a petition to the White House calling for the deportation of the Canadian-born teen idol had garnered 103,000 names -- easily surpassing the threshold of 100,000 signatures required for presidential consideration.
  14. the student, selected by the school for the "leadership position, Quite so
  15. I'd make b bet that they exceed 3-13 just not the 13-3 bet.
  16. last seen smoking a Blunt
  17. must you drone on about this? . . . . . . . just punning around
  18. Google - Banned Skittles SB commercials. one was so bad I dare not post it.
  19. How many snow plow trucks does Atlanta operate? 1, 2, 5? hope those kids stuck in schools and bus's get home
  20. She should sell a castle or two. I hear the Tower of London is drafty. Sell it as a fixer upper. Maybe she should auction off few pieces of jewelry.
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