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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. that's not guaranteed. just this pas t season 2013 opened with the SB champs Baltimore at Denver - Denver got the win IIRC way back SB champs Dallas opened at Buffalo - Buffalo got the win
  2. True, but as I mentioned somewhere here - from the mouth of Chris Cooley on DC radio - The NFL tests once a year and always at the same time. Stop smoking for a month prior to that time and you are good to go for the remainder of the season. Only the dumb dumbs get caught
  3. Yeah, I was being sarcastic. Sherman's rant was a bit over the top. He had close to 10 minutes before the "interview" and he was still that "jacked" up? -- Any jamoke that says the CCG is a SB is full of it. Wilson was HORRID on 3rd down conversions in the 5 or 6 games prior to the SB, then POOF. On any given Sunday! In the SF game he was running for his life and got away with some IG non calls.
  4. Gillette is infamous for the visiting teams comms units going down
  5. Is Putin selling it off to pay for Sochi? was an intern with the Patriots at the time Where can I get an easy intern gig to score a > $6K ring? did they black list him for being caught up in Spygate?
  6. darn youz spellin police heaven forbid people make a typo
  7. does that mean "patriot" has lost its luster?
  8. Aren't we all frauds? Obama's gunna take away my guns is the #1 lie You LOVE to tell liberals how to live and by what laws they should cow tow to, but when then the tide is truned HOW DARE those low life liberals tell me how to live. So I say yo you stop pretending (aka being a fraud) and it is the internet for F sake. who doesn't pretend to be something else?
  9. you just said it he's got mom and dads cash and can go snowboarding
  10. your slipping Doc, you forgot to say $10 wouldn't pay for his dime bag of crack
  11. 60ft long by 7 ft wide --- $10 wont cut it. To him your not a Grumpy Old Man, your as cheap bastard 2 car lengths at 7 ft wide is at least a $20
  12. about which part? about him being a dumbass? The SB being a NFC conference game? Why not the AFC conference game of Denver vs NE? the SB is the SB, the conference game is just that a conference game. At least I didn't delve into the conspiracy theories like Seattle using HGH or similar banned drugs.
  13. OK, I could agree with that. Often people read a bad headline and run with it w/o any fact checking.
  14. dodge deny deflect What gives YOU the right to tell others how to live? The gay people are not causing you any harm, why keep fighting against it? Oh and I forgot to post one Pro Choice people have their legal right to choose. Again, it comes down tho which faction of the Tea Party we are talking about. http://www.albuquerqueteaparty.com/6/post/2013/12/slippery-slope-first-same-sex-marriage-now-polygamy.html Slippery Slope: First Same-Sex Marriage, Now Polygamy? the pot thing was mostly sarcastic because many feel pot smokers are useless lazy stoners here they say here that pot smoking is worse than booze. http://www.teapartytribune.com/2013/01/17/a-thoughtful-look-at-the-marijuana-legalization-trend/ obviously written by a non smoker
  15. when did I defend any other "news" channel? I didn't The topic here was Bill O'Reilly and his interview with Obama. The dolt Stewart as you call him is a comedian, but the bits that the Daily Show air's are REAL portions of the the FAUX "news" crew.
  16. In which form? Political party definitions change over time. Hell, within the last 6 months I've even seen republicans turn against Regan!!!!
  17. When you can prove FAUX news doesn't fabricate its "news" maybe people I would take them serious. the FOX motto, if Obama is for it we rally against it. (even if we supported it last week). watch last nights Daily show. you might see what I mean.
  18. did you truly think about this before you posted it? What gives the Conservatives & Tea Party people the right to impose their (unpopular) views on the rest of us? Isn't it - WE THE PEOPLE. and not We the fill in the blank political party? You say Live / let live, So then the Tea party should let the gays live their lifestyle and get married. (No matter what you do, they won't go away) You say Live / let live, then legalize pot and let the stoners be happy. You say Live / let live, then let the polygamists marry multiple wives and be happy.
  19. put justin bieber in as the guest judge (who gets knocked out by "accident") and I might watch
  20. So how does Putin save face? or is that too political for this forum?
  21. poor guy. I hear the shacks I mean hotel rooms are not completely finished and your cell phones either don't work or get hacked
  22. wasn't there a SB commercial thread with a half dozens of pages already? McFly!!!!!!!!!!!!! they stole that from a Doritos commercial last year where the guy dropped them on his pants as well, prior the girl licked the crumbs off of his face
  23. well actually keeping the wins and keeping other criteria similar Jimbo did get hurt in 1 and Frank stepped in. so Frank would get the save and the Victory
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