well y'all are harping on about the "crossing the line" comment.
What do you seriously want him to do?
A) sit back and do nothing?
B) Send in forces on the ground?
C) Use drones and smart bombs?
All of which will garner negative remarks by the Conservatives.
its a wheel from the Mars Rover.
this subject is 3 years old,
I'll go out on a limb and say NO
people see what they want to see. (actually they see what their brain tells them they see).
Puffer fish markings
not guilty of murder but guilty of attempted murder.
well at least he didn't get off to threaten others with his guns .....
he claimed their loud music hurt his ear.......
what about the LOUD BANGS from his own gun?
and that pot smoking is legal there
light em up!!!
so how does Bigamy fit into this story ?
you gotta love posting in one thread (TBD) and seeing it appear on another (OTW)
by morning I assume you mean after sleeping a few hours.
many many many years ago when camping, first thing in the AM. Crawl out of the tent and crack one open.
currently ...... late afternoon on a weekend.