not to repeat what I just posted
The Sports Xchange reports: 'Pro Football Focus graded Williams as the worst starter on the Rams' offensive line last season.'
The Sports Xchange reports: 'Pro Football Focus graded Williams as the worst starter on the Rams' offensive line last season.'
OMG !!!! is this the same Williams?
IIRC shes supposed to be 16 when they first encountered her in season 2, now 18 in season 4.
in the Zombietopia the rules don't apply.
besides, how old were you when you had your first drink?
If it hasn't been posted already (showing my age)
Bye by Byrdie
Bye Bye Byrdie
I'm gonna miss you so;
Bye Bye Byrdie,
Why'd ya have to go?
Well one consolation is I root for the Saints too.
Paul Ryan is out there twisting stories into lies again.
A boy on a lunch program wanted to bring a bag lunch to school. HE wanted to have parents who cared about him. SAY what?
The boy who wanted the lunch wanted it in a brown paper bag so he wouldn't get picked on. He (the kid) also wrote the book to which Mr Ryan lied about.,0,2957092.story
No one said 100% of Latino's will vote Dem. you are assuming too much.
this is just one state, you have many more in the same boat.
among a few vulnerable Republican members in line to be targeted by immigrant rights advocates if the House doesn't pass an immigration bill before the November election that would offer legal status to millions of people who entered the U.S. illegally or overstayed their visas
Declaring Policy and voting on a solution and getting it passed are 2 different things.
They can talk the talk, but they have to walk the walk.
Protecting the borders ??? Last I heard - the Illegal / undocumented immigration rates have been dropping.;_ylt=A0LEVz_eLB9TD2YATn5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEzcWgxM3BnBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkA1ZJUDM3NF8x
glad I'm not the only one to notice.
she's too young for Daryl to copulate with. of course in a Zombietopia the rules do change.
I noticed he's put on weight since his last acting performance.
"chubby" people where you have to scavenge for food daily.
I heard something similar on the radio this AM about biting, where 2 women argued over a parking spot. One woman bit off the finger tip of the other
along with a brawl at Empire Lanes on Sunday night. A strike to the head with a bowling ball.
As long as your beating a dead horse
Sodumb has WMD, Al quieda is in Iraq, not enough body armor for our soldiers, vehicles proven unsafe against IED's, and the most premature boast of all
Mission Accomplished.
I'm sorry. I thought I asked for a link to the reform plan that is supported 100 % by the Republicans.
You know damn well that the aforementioned "Latino vote" was in reference to them wanting a better path to citizenship for the illegals, some of which may be their family members.
Its too strange those two.
I keep waiting for Beth to want to "get closer" to Daryl and they teased it again yesterday (up to that point)
and whats with Bob?