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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. As the group was running they ran past a fence where there were a lot of human skeletons lying in the open on the ground
  2. my guess is lost "friends" by outsiders they did ask are you here to rob us or as a friend. "Trust"
  3. another 2 cents - on more rural roads the typical posted speed limits in FLA are either 45 or 55. IF she was going 50 she was (a) going too slow in the passing lane (b) speeding herself. IF you don't like driving on slick roads stay home.
  4. my azz is raw
  5. straight roads, cruse control and a good alignment ... makes it easy to multitask, (even with the wife - if you get my meaning) the btch about Florida is that after driving for 16 hours another 8 to 10 of straight flat road sure puts a hurting on you trying to stay awake.,
  6. Now I know shes got to be related ... look at the film again. from what I say it wasn't a congested roadway. All you see in the video is the truck behind her in the left lane, no vehicle in the right lane for what seems like 2 minutes, at which point she passes a truck. then the guy is next to her throwing the bird, she speeds up and he has to speed up to pass her again. then he does a dick move and changes lanes fast and loses control.
  7. IF she wasn't being a dick going slow in the passing lane then this specific accident may not have happened.
  8. you are defending her a lot .......... is she related to you?
  9. she should be charged with reckless endangerment and causing an accident
  10. by redneck did you also mean the woman?
  11. So many threads on the same subject. Are the Bills making $$$, I think the answer is yes. so why the move talk? If the Bills were not in a 14 year playoff drought do you think this would even be an issue? Moving the team is not going to improve their overall record.
  12. that too. another pet peeve of mine. you try to pass a slow poke on the right and they speed up to block you.
  13. I hadn't noticed, and it is her natural language. some habits are hard to break. She was able to keep her accent on Supernatural where she looks much much hotter all cleaned up. I think we need to see if he truly does. I think he's just adapting to the rules of that group to survive.He'll back (up) Rick and the others the second he sees them.
  14. Apologies if I offended your state. Its an easy drive, with lots of scenery. I chose those 2 because those are the cities I have to travel to for work.I was relating an east to west drive and not east west north and south through back-roads and around numerous mountain ranges. Did you stop into Bozeman? Nice place, plenty of eateries and the meal cost is reasonable being a college town. the roads you drive make all the difference. hours of seeming endless flat land makes a short ride seem long.
  15. its the Gulag for them Poly O is may favorite. all the others aren't as tasty or are too tough to chew
  16. just a few comments what was the woman doing videoing someone while SHE was driving? that is just as bad. what was the woman doing driving SLOW in the left lane? - How I hate people going slower than the SL in the left lane. ------------ who bitches about driving on a slick road but a BAD driver - IF you are afraid of a slick road STAY HOME!!! I have to disagree and call BS as I saw it, the video clearly showed that she had time to move over before she passed the other truck.
  17. more time has passed that what Britt has said he would need. walk the walk Britt
  18. its big but not that big. Driving from Billings to Butte 3 1/4 hours is a pittance compared to many other states. Driving from Billings to Kalispell well I'll give you that one Jacksonville to Miami is 5 1/2 hours add 3 + to Key West Buffalo to Albany is 5 hours, to NYC is 7 hours, outer Long Island ....
  19. please don't take this wrong but enough already with the Bills leaving!!!!!
  20. Again I'll state that the Bills should not be the team to move. http://espn.go.com/n...Pct/order/false Average lowest attendance % 2013 # 1 Oak # 2 Miami # 3 Wash # 6 Jax # 9 Buffalo Average lowest attendance % 2012 # 1 Miami # 4 Oak # 6 Wash # 7 Buffalo # 10 Cincy # 16 Jax Average lowest attendance % 2011 # 1 Cincy # 2 Miami # 3 Wash # 4 Oak # 7 Buffalo # 9 Jax
  21. sometimes the blackout thing is ludicrous throwing out some figures Sold out at the Ralph is 74,000, Jax is 73,000 Miami 76,000 average attendance Ralph 66,300 89% of capacity Jacks 59,900 82% of capacity Miami 64,300 84.6% of capacity Which team has the worst attendance - % wise it's not Buffalo
  22. damn my secret is out. I kind of work for the big brother of truckers. I have to replace a laser trigger at a weigh station so we can take pictures of the truck's DOT #.
  23. was his name Rob Ford? or one of his drinking buddies?
  24. Nope. I might be there next week for a day doing a field replacement.
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