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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. WRT other women sports reporters ... Lyndsey Czarniak is pretty good at sports reporting. She jumped for NBC 4 in DC to the big names and is still doing a good job. We will. I hear Mz Palin was a sports reporter once. Look where that got her. Has SDS invited her here yet? well maybe not this thread.....
  2. is that too complex for you to understand? this 1 woman was partly to blame for what caused the accident in question. MULTIPLY that to accommodate a daily commute and you will see why people get upset at slow drivers and why we are not making her out to be the saint you think she is. Also, you are the one taking it to extremes. I NEVER said the "redneck" (as you put it) was innocent. I run into a dozen idiot drivers each commute. Rarely do I get stressed out and throw them the bird. you assumed I did? Admit she was partly in the wrong and you will feel better. If you were referring to me then I will reply thusly. I was not flaunting anything. I was stating a fact. When I drive I tend to a go a standard 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit, which often times keeps me following the pack and traffic flowing, - meaning 5 or more vehicles driving uninterrupted on a highway and nary a brake light shining.
  3. those who can, do those who can't, teach
  4. YUP oops I thought this was the would ya thread
  5. my sarcasm is self evident Jeb promised W would win and coincidentally Chad helped by hanging on. And since you all don't recall (that anti liberal chip you wear). Jeb said that he would not run for POTUS and I believe him. AS far as I'm concerned ... He's a much better candidate than his brother ever was.
  6. she was too busy collecting rats for the walkers
  7. Please read what I just posted WRT the speed limit. I have driven 75 in a 65 many a times on the highway and have passed many a police officer and nothing has happened. If I were to speed and drive erratically (while take pictures with my phone) when I was driving by a law officer I would EXPECT to be pulled over. actions speak louder than words. IF she would have pulled to the right and not aggravated the situation more with her actions the country bumpkin would not have crashed going around her, You've heard these and most likely used these many times pick your favorite It takes two to tango Two wrongs don't make it right. Both were in the wrong .
  8. spoken like someone who drives too slow in the fast lane, and or who talks and texts while driving. fellow redneck? complexities of a speed limit.? I didn't know only rednecks threw people the finger. > did you see the sign that CLEARLY stated Slower Traffic Keep Right? ... or is that too complex for you Yes, there are posted speed limits, YET police often allow people to drive 10 MPH over the speed limit w/o enforcing it. If your driving habits cause dozens of other drivers to go out of their norm to get past you ..... YOU are at fault. - I do hope that this was not too complex for you to grasp. I commute over 40 miles to work. My commute can be less than an hour and much less stressful IF all the slow drivers STAYED in the right lane.
  9. He's too political a figure. He'd be railing against the Democratic majority in NYS daily. ding ding that'd be a good one
  10. NOOOoooooooooo Not the Donald!!!!! walk away for an hour or two and BAM this shows up 4 pages deep
  11. they had that planned before Herschel got "cut". The producers/writers told him not to cut his hair at the end of the mid season filming.
  12. for Washington (per early reports)
  13. the people in the courtyard did look a bit sluggish to me. I had guessed that the food was drugged.
  14. again assuming the speed limit was 55 suffice to say - to me 5 miles under is too slow (well under) for the fast lane. He passed her but not by using excessive speed. You see him dropping back for a second before he regains his speed. the road was damp. if you lived in Florida you'd know that it's damp practically every day after the 3PM daily showers. From the video we can see that it wasn't a torrential downpour. Think of the accidents caused by idiots driving slow in the fast lane, forcing people to pass them on the right, yes doing the posted speed limit. Can I ask ... do you drive slow in the fast lane? from the link you posted - the rules she broke Keep Your Eyes on the Road Use Common Sense DO...Reserve phone usage for emergencies or important calls.
  15. and their first pick in the draft will be Olaf Flub
  16. Not a comic fan at all so I can't say much. from what I hear, they've deviated from the comics so all bets are off. Rick may have only known something was up after seeing the pancho, the riot gear and then acted on the pocket watch. How else would he jump to a conclusion on just a chain. and IIRC the screaming from the train cars wasn't until they were running and looking for an escape.
  17. grown up or dried up? I expounded a bit to better explain my reasoning. being a grown up, I'd have called the police saying a woman was driving while taking videos of some yahoo in a truck
  18. I'll have to go and see what I first wrote. I may have said he was driving like a douche when he spun out. He could have just thrown her the bird w/o the lear he gave and the fast lane change was (may have been) unneseccary. Me, I'd have passed on the right, if she puropsley drove to block me in, I'd have beeped my horn and thrown her the finger. (hell, I do it often when d bags drive slow in the left lane then speed up when I try to pass) . UNLESS its a hard pouring rain, I'm going to be (assume the speed limit was 55) doing anywhere from 55 to 65 mph using my turn indicator and changing lanes to avoid the slow pokes.
  19. the latter part first (#1) I don't care if Teenage girls can masturbate while texting. This woman shouldn't be playing with her phone while driving!! Especially if shes worried about slick roads (#2) here is a sign in Florida (many of them can be found in the link) SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT http://conchscooter....ys-sake_22.html
  20. For a good portion the image was mirrored, meaning it looked like she was driving on the left hand side of the car. then the image flipped to normal as she pointed the camera out her passenger window and then the subsequent crash. easy enough to do on a smart phone .... if you take your eyes off the road long enough. had she been the passenger I'd have no issue in what she'd done. had she crashed ..... I believe we all (95%) would agree that she deserved it too.
  21. let me paraphrase a bit from the article . http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24508977/ralph-wilson-once-questioned-horrible-officiating-subsequent-50k-fine Wilson was also known for his "grit, determination and resolve," In 1998, Wilson's remarks led to a $50,000 fine from then-NFL commissioner Paul Tagliabue. After two controversial calls -- including a suspect pass-interference penalty as time expired -- led to the Bills losing a close game to the Patriots I've been watching football for six decades. Pass interference? What was that? We got robbed. It's awful. Before the last play, I turned and told my daughter, Linda, 'Look, Bledsoe is going to throw a Hail Mary and we're going to get called for pass interference.' And that's what happened! I wish I could call the stock market like that! It's awful.''
  22. yeah, that didn't make much sense .... other that to show the viewers who they really were. Open a hatch in the top of the train or pry up some loose floor boards.
  23. IIRC Jeb promised that W would win Floridawith that ... Do you remember Chad? He was ":hanging" around when W "won" the second election. Like the People Republic of China Like Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic or the ever confused Democratic People's Republic of Korea? its SARCASM people
  24. its a national media story. just what many were asking for
  25. could be. http://media.comicbook.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/terminus-cannibals.png looks like skeletons to me I'm guessing that Carol and Tyreese were watching from the woods when the shooting began and that they come to the rescue. not sure who watches Judith though (unless they find Beth first)
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