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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. I was waiting for Shrek and Donkey to enter
  2. If its a "friendly / open" company do it F2F before he gets to know you. no paper trail that way.
  3. For the time being - I do. lets see how he fares this year and next No need to rush to judgement after 1 season.
  4. not until it's on broadcast TV
  5. no Ralph, no issue with MNF in Buffalo. but for competitiveness .... why not pick a better matchup and not one that could explode? (assuming AR and GB are out of that 2013 funk)
  6. they are going too organic for me (in VA), they still carry the lowest priced milk but what's with $4.00 for a loaf of bread? I remember getting (10 years ago) sub's from Weggies on a huge loaf of bread for $7.00 that easily fed me, my wife and 2 young kids, now the loaf is half the size and lucky to feed just me. say what? They made it to Bethlehem PA, have 4 or more in norther Virginia but not Albany? did they sign a no competition agreement with some Southern marketplace?
  7. actors ... what do they know?
  8. True he isn't a Heidi Klum but if the picture I say was her, she's not fugly.
  9. for some reason I think that the torture of Reek was not in the books - at least not in the detail / order of events they portrayed on the show. immediately the old actor is / was filming for Transporter 4 the prequel. Sorry but IMO he doesn't look like a young Jason Statham SPOILER ALERT IIRC the young queen was left at Riverrun because of her condition
  10. all this hubub over a FAKE sporting event. fans leaving in droves because of this I say its about freaking time .
  11. Houston was a good team before they let Mario Williams go to Buffalo and then they did a nose dive with a NFL caliber starting QB and they dumped him. I'm never sold on Cincy being that high, I'd replace them with Balto or Pitt. also IMO I say the Putrids should be at least 4th or 5th. I'd prefer them 25th.
  12. why would you destroy THE ONLY LIVE Chupacabra? you wouldn't
  13. they differ, so its OK to read the books and then see what;s different, better or worse. the HBO red wedding changed a key item, IIRC
  14. shes hot. he's not she blames autocorrect
  15. 7 pages is.... here is what I read A vote could take place as early as their annual October session The source said a more likely timetable to vote on the Bills’ sale would occur later than this autumn – perhaps at the annual labor meeting in December or the annual owners meeting in March – but October is possible. too many things to do in 6 months to get a group / person to set financing and get all legal papers in order and get 75% of the owners to approve.
  16. no way the Buffalo are gets a SB. At least not w/o a domed stadium. (and or built next to an airport if it can remain open in a blizard)
  17. or keep his kids from paying taxes
  18. OMG http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2014/story/_/id/10722746/johnny-manziel-file-new-trademark Johnny Manziel continues to set himself up to cash in on his future. In line to eventually secure a "Johnny Football" trademark, Manziel's team filed for more trademarks recently, including "The House That Johnny Built." ummmmm would that be a Flop House ?
  19. no it just shows that the R's have a long way to go to show a united front. I will agree that wasteful Gov't spending needs to be cut and not increased. To do that you need END the wars today and bring out kids home. If you want to cut medicare and offer pay per plan medicare you are dooming the elderly, this would be essentially force the elderly to go w/o insurance. it's one thing to SLASH everything its another to realize what damage it would do. If the Ryan budget goes - Red States beware - ALL aid for Hurricanes, tornado's, floods and drought will be gone!!! No crops due to drought? too F'ing bad, starve . Cows dying due to drought? too F'ing bad, starve .
  20. ditto :blush: I only scanned the first few paragraphs
  21. if its profitable do you really think Trump would dump both of them? or transfer the profit to his kids?
  22. actually, your problem is that you take anything "a perceived liberal" posts as an attack. ergo it wasn't funny to you. Jeb is an intelligent man; that can actually speak and articulate. W was (is) a clown plain and simple. BTW I lived in Florida at that time when Jeb was in office and the hanging chads so I can speak about it. it was one of many conspiracy theories people discussed. I never said it was true.
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