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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. WTF? name the 1 or 2 people that said the guy wasn't a dick himself? IF you can find any. he was stupid and she was just as irresponsible focusing on filming him. period, end of discussion I don't think its legal, were each of the vehicles in the hammer lane? could he have been a volunteer fireman?
  2. not to sound cold hearted, but I'm sick of Boston Strong stuff. #KellyStrong and or #RalphStrong
  3. that's part of the discussion
  4. it was in relation to driving in a very unsafe manner wrt the comment speeding is breaking the law. to expound - Most people break the law when they drive every day in some form or another.One of them being Slower Traffic Keep Right Driving 60 in a 55 is much safer than most of the other illegal actions that I posted. What's lacking in America on the roads is common courtesy. Be polite and drive in the right lane. You have to know then people speed all the time. (if you don't... who's the stupid one?) If some (let's say) "idiot" is driving fast behind you, move aside and let them pass. Karma will catch up to them eventually. 17 wrongs - Again I have said this more than once in this thread - 2 wrongs don't make it right. I worked with a guy who built a XBand transmitter to emulate a radar gun. When he encountered excessive speeders wile driving on the Thruway he blasted them with a burst in stead of physically using his vehicle to hinder traffic in any way. These people in turn would hit their breaks, wait a half mile and take off again. (rinse and repeat) After 5 miles of this they turned their detectors off. 15 miles down the road we'd see them pulled over by the cops. Karma will catch up to them eventually. Do you like movies about ballerina's?
  5. yes I did. He says the R's need to get their heads out of the sand and put blame where it belongs., ON THEMSELVES!! how many years have the R's been fighting the Affordable Health Care Act and FAILING time and time again?
  6. is this worse? Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel Improved housing for military personnel Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals oh and read the words of a Republican - http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2013/10/21/why-obamacare-is-fantastic-success/ The GOP needs to stop calling ObamaCare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT. uh OK Tom
  7. recovering from the WORST economic downturn in in recent history is worse that putting us there?ending the war in Iraq (that should never have been started) is worse that putting us there? [the R's did not want to remove combat troops] and by the end of 2014 Obama wants to have all combat troops out of Afghanistan. I suppose that is worse than not solving it before he got elected?
  8. years ago ('85) I was flying out of Frankfurt Germany, when you boarded you had to identify your luggage on the tarmac before you got on the plane. All unclaimed luggage was blown up. don't know if they still do that,
  9. this may be too political for this thread.
  10. more like Walder Frey a crotchety old bugger
  11. in many states so is texting, using a cell phone, and eating a sandwich while driving. yet millions do it daily. ever drive with a headlight or brake light out? do you actually drive 25 mph on all curves when it's posted? On a rural road at an intersection obscured by foliage do you come to a compete stop? Do you ever roll through a stop? Do you ever drink and drive? Do you ever tailgate? (less than 2 full car lengths)
  12. the prankster needs some karma to come his way. http://news.yahoo.com/man-charged-hoax-near-marathon-finish-line-033304806.html this may not be the latest as the 2nd back was un identified he was being charged with possession of a hoax device, police said.
  13. and I am posting there Tom I'd say relax but we all know what that will do.
  14. THE UNCLE ESCAPED oops to where I don't remember. the wife and baby remained in Riverrun as far as I recall. the littlefinger comes in to "save" Sansa after the drunk knight gets offed rescuing her.
  15. I didn't say I was done with CJ. I intended to say that he's either on his game or hes not. We need him to produce well in over 80% of his games season after season.
  16. I guess I didn't know that or remember it before he left for his own show. and I usually fall asleep during the Daily Show so I don't see that much of Colbert anymore to have been reminded of that.
  17. honestly I'd prefer the dwarf girl scenario than that of a Shae - Tyrion twist. another twist to happen. what of little finger and Sansa? Maybe Shae ends up with Sansa?
  18. oh we noticed. we're just not !@#$ing know it alls who give a ratrzazz
  19. Siggi wasn't all that thrilled to be doinking the kings son
  20. a 4th or 5th rounder? no way. IF someone wants CJ make em pay
  21. I can see it now dropped pass - YOU"RE FIRED lost fumble - YOU"RE FIRED missed FG - YOU"RE FIRED
  22. someone on Twitter needs to get those burger pics re-tweeted Long Live Kiko!!!! LOOK: Rob Gronkowski is a meat stick, true American treasure Rob Gronkowski posted pictures of himself eating gigantic steaks on Twitter. Long live the Gronk.
  23. an hour on the internet is a millennium. 500 + retweets its on the Wire website
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