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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. the new trend is to be named after GOT characters Varys
  2. As noted - Zack and the boys did an episode there. the wind blows the tall grass.. they get goose bumps and hear whispers in the night.
  3. Who wants to guess if it's a one of a kind? and how soon it will be on e-bay?
  4. I'd swap the NE* locations @ Buff first
  5. from the story he "thought" he was a safe distance away and from the video it looked only to be 1 locomotive (engine) car. playing near train tracks is never a good idea.
  6. whatever the intention, the act of kicking him could have caused his death or a dismemberment - resulting in a charge of Involuntary Manslaughter. the question remains - Get involved or let nature run its course? even deaf people can feel the rumble of the train.
  7. i think we covered this in another thread a 2 story jump OMG Planning to cut off your penis and jump to your death?
  8. rude and crude. how desperate are you guys?
  9. international pork pulling my how threads get degraded Don't like vinegar based bbq. nor do I prefer sloppy sauces. straight off the bone on the cooker.
  10. I don't believe I said it contradicted anything. my point was, and I believe I clearly stated it. he did not do a lot to prevent it from getting worse. he promoted the ideal of buying a home at low or no $ down - paid for by the taxpayer.
  11. my winter heating prices were lower in comparison to past years. Northern VA in the last 2 or 3 winters (Nov 2010 - Mar 2013) I had multiple electricity bills per season in the +$300 range. this winter I have had 1 month just above $300. if you want gas (like my neighbors) you have to have put in a propane tank when building and that's been expensive
  12. Yet W did NOTHING to stop them. In fact, HE prompted them! Its never been a better time to buy a home!!!! watch for yourself - https://video.search...fp-t-203-s&tt=b funded with taxpayers money
  13. If you don't like Colbert then watch the guy he emulates. Funny how in a few years things change http://www.foxnews.c...s-no-spin-zone/ "The Colbert Report" on Comedy Central is a very successful program that owes everything to me.... Each night host Stephen Colbert tries to convince Americans that he is me --------- https://tv.yahoo.com...-213500740.html The Fox News opinion host clearly doesn't appreciate the schtick, and doesn't think “40 percent of Americans who describe themselves as conservative,” do either. Even though Colbert has made it clear he will not be hosting “The Late Show” in character, O'Reilly thinks it will still be tough for the comedian to connect with CBS’ audience.
  14. from the second level of the building ?? "You can't fix Stupid" (Ron White)
  15. good questionthe kid standing dangerously close to a track or the person kicking him to where the kid could have fallen down and gotten run over WRT to the "redneck" driver and the lady, for me it is. I won't beat that dead horse any longer.
  16. ones written on Buffalo Chips of course
  17. I recall the Bills losing to Dallas in the SB and then on opening week in Buffalo beating them sans Emmit Smith in Dallas http://www.pro-footb...ms/buf/1993.htm I stand corrected, the 2nd week of '93 please explain how they played them 3 times in 1 calendar year when in '93 they lost on January 31 and won on Sept 12? Jan 1 to Dec 31 is a calendar year.
  18. until their backs hurt. more than a mouthful is a waste.
  19. or to show how American they are they have to be a "Patriot". Fort Hood Strong, Sandy Hook Strong, Denver movie theater Strong, Jewish Community Center Strong.... Boston isn't that special
  20. A to DD I can see as an option but she had to increase to at least a 36DD by the looks of it
  21. sorry, I don't need any other sports channels
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