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Everything posted by BillsFan-4-Ever

  1. They took a huge detour with the defecting black crows at Crasters capturing Bran, and the Whitewalker "king" and the babies is totally new ... the "nicer" Jamie and Oath keeper were close to the books as I recall.
  2. thats cold man yet he's got boobs a he she
  3. This might be how the statues on Easter Island got to where they ended up that's pretty cool. the last one OUCH
  4. WTF!?!?!?! Another left turn. A new scene not even in the books yet? WOW. As I recall Bran was not captured at Crasters in the books or was he?
  5. other daughters Gillys son is with her on Moles town use the readers thread ... I'm thinking Left Turn in a BIG way. all of crasters sons were left in the woods for the Whitewalkers / Gods
  6. smoke 1 for me @4:20
  7. wow nothing like being needy its only been 24 hours
  8. how else are you going to earn $$$ the guys can look but not touch as owner you get the benefits
  9. http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/george-rr-martin-red-wedding-hard-to-write-fans-swore-off-books-2014244 As etched in the minds of heartbroken readers and viewers forever, the wedding in question saw the surprise slaughter of two beloved protagonists, Catelyn Stark and her son Robb Stark, King of the North, during an already-tense wedding As Martin, points out, the HBO version, from 2013's season 3, "turned it up by 11" by adding one more victim to the body count: Talisa, Robb's pregnant wife. "The TV Red Wedding is even worse than the book," Martin said, "We get a pregnant woman stabbed repeatedly in the belly." http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Jeyne_Westerling I may be thinking that the "enemies" are worried that she is pregnant.
  10. the man's been sucking off the land for free for over what is it 20 years? Some would call that a form of welfare ... sucking off the Federal government for free. And whats with putting the women on the "front line" ? Human shields or fodder?
  11. I drive past 2 Wegman's on my way home in Sterling and Leesburg. I can imagine the prices in the Alexandria store
  12. whn I took that route I landed in Hawaii Friday at 11PM, left just past midnight (Sat) and arrived in Aukland Sunday morning 8 hours after leaving Hawaii
  13. i was wondering if the title was getting to that. seen those on either the Discovery or History channel
  14. not enough time to read all 12 pages so if this was already asked my bad (yes even sarcastically) What is the NFL trying to achieve having the Bills play the Putrids in week 17 ???? 2014, 2013, 2011 Are they attempting to help the Bills with the hopes that Putz are resting people or trying to make it harder for the Bills to win out in December?
  15. and did you volunteer for the position?
  16. glad it's them this season and not the Bills like last season The Bills face 1 team coming off the BYE and that's the JETS if my quick check this morning was accurate
  17. injuries, arrests, birth(s) and death(s) so no, not the norm that I know of
  18. liked the interview hated the cap
  19. not me. all the fuss over a schedule? there must not be more important events going on ..... or the NFL just rules all sports We could all guess the # of teams coming off a BYE the Bills will face. you can pick an Over / Under = 4 or you can be definitive Bonus points awarded for picking the teams (the Putz not included)
  20. that reminds me of an old Oprah Winfrey joke where she was pulled over for a traffic violation and then arrested for having 20 pounds of crack between her legs ba-dum-bum to the OP was it encased in a Magnum condom?
  21. Apparently the town got its name from a "passing observer who saw many lizards sunning and licking themselves on a rail fence many lizards would gather near a still to catch flies that were attracted to the mash used to make the whiskey. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lizard_Lick,_North_Carolina
  22. some are thinking he went into some sort of "hibernation" where the cold slowed his metabolism just enough to keep him alive.
  23. nope. animals and lick are right but everything else .... . it has something to do with a "man and his cane" the funny thing is I don't recall seeing many lizards in NC except as indoor pets. not like when I lived in Florida
  24. True, but more often than not I'm driving solo and when I do its either to or from with my kids @ college
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